A Conversation for The h2g2 Language Thing - Latin Department

Language Thing - Latin Beginners' Thread

Post 181


O Magistra, I have forgotten everything!smiley - erm

Language Thing - Latin Beginners' Thread

Post 182


Omnis aberravi. I have forgotten everything.

Well, clearly not, or else I wouldn't have remembered how to say that.

Language Thing - Latin Beginners' Thread

Post 183

AFGNCAAP (or, by popular demand, Afgahn Cap")

Another person! YAY!

This makes... erm... three.

Language Thing - Latin Beginners' Thread

Post 184

Elwyn_Centauri, geAt (O+ THS)

Three makes for good company smiley - wow

Language Thing - Latin Beginners' Thread

Post 185


Vale Elwyn!

(I've done some revision)

Language Thing - Latin Beginners' Thread

Post 186

Elwyn_Centauri, geAt (O+ THS)


*smiles* I've signed up for an Elementary Latin course at school smiley - ok

Language Thing - Latin Beginners' Thread

Post 187


That's brilliantsmiley - ok
Elwyn, I believe you are the Star Pupil smiley - magic

Language Thing - Latin Beginners' Thread

Post 188


Hello. I was here quite a while ago and then sort of went...

I'm now back, with a bit more knowledge of Latin, and would like to learn more. smiley - smiley

Language Thing - Latin Beginners' Thread

Post 189


Salve, sum discipulus latinus, et habemus sex annos in schola. Optimus est tot populos volere apprendere latinam linguam! Qualis amet latinam talis amet multas linguas! Francam (Gallicam?) linguam quoque dicitis!


Hi, I'm a latin, and I have 6 years at school (of latin). It's great that so many people want to learn latin! (3 or four is plenty!). Those who like latin like many languages! You speak French?

My latin is probably not *so* great, but I think some things have stuck in my head after so many years.

Also, in response to Afgahn Cap in post 178: In the phrase "I hope that many people will write here" you actually need some rather complicated stuff. I will try and explain it here, though I may be wrong, hopefully others will correct me.

I hope, you got right, "spero," but once you get into a "that..." clause, things get more complicated. You use the accusative case for nouns and the infinitive form of verbs the "to walk, to eat, to write" form (abmulare, edere, scribere). So you would need "many people" to be accusative and plural = multas personas.

Now for the rather silly verb. The future infinitive is the future participle of the verb. (scribo, scribere, scripsi, >scriptus&ltsmiley - winkeye Scriptus is the past participle (having been written), and we add an "ur" in there, and make it scripturus, which means "about to write", and since we need an infinitive, throw "esse" on (to be).

So, unless I'm doing something silly, a sentence more grammatically similar to the english sentence would be "multas personas scripturus esse spero."

This is why reading anything in latin is really really hard.

Likewise "I think the thread is dead" probably should be "Credo threadum mortuum esse."

Please bug me to explain anything that's not clear, and I'm sorry for such a complex explanation, hopefully you'll manage to pull something out of it. smiley - tea

Language Thing - Latin Beginners' Thread

Post 190


I've clearly been taking French for far too long and have neglected Latin for far too long, but you wouldn't use a subjunctive with 'spero'?

Language Thing - Latin Beginners' Thread

Post 191


I Want to learn Latin from the basic.
Please someone teach me.
I know nothing..but i want to learn..

Language Thing - Latin Beginners' Thread

Post 192


Much like the Latin language itself, this Latin Department appears to the outside world to be dead but is in fact still alive. I am new but I am here, and am happy to teach beginners.

Just post, and make me happy. smiley - biggrin

Language Thing - Latin Beginners' Thread

Post 193


adsum. mihi nomen est Chryso.
I am here. My name is Chryso.

If I bribe people with chocolate, will they join?

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