A Conversation for The h2g2 Language Thing - Latin Department

Language Thing - Latin Beginners' Thread

Post 121

Elwyn_Centauri, geAt (O+ THS)

I'm puzzled, bear with me, but I thought it'd be ioggers iust iog? smiley - winkeye Is the J replaced with L or I? Okay now that I see it it's pretty dumb, nevermind it's l, I get it now! smiley - smiley

Language Thing - Latin Beginners' Thread

Post 122


you've totally confused me nowsmiley - laugh, and it was my joke. is my name lulius, julius, or ilulius??????!!!!smiley - ermsmiley - laugh


Language Thing - Latin Beginners' Thread

Post 123


smiley - blush Sorry! Iulia! smiley - blush

I dunno, I just liked it. I'll try to dig up something else. My tutor calls herself Claudia Tullia; feel free to adopt either of those if you wish.

Exactly right about the ablative.smiley - ok

Joggers just jog --> Ioggers iust iog. It's the 'i', not the 'l'.

Language Thing - Latin Beginners' Thread

Post 124


Now I'm very confused too, vamster. Are you male or female?

It's -a if you're female and -us if you're male, so adapt accordingly.

You can pick whether you want to be Juli- or Iuli-. Sorry for the very confusing tangent.

smiley - dragon

Language Thing - Latin Beginners' Thread

Post 125


Ok. so my name is Iuliasmiley - biggrin OKsmiley - ok

i'm very definately femalesmiley - laugh I'm glad we've got that sorted out.

Actually, are there any males in da house?smiley - huhsmiley - ermsmiley - laugh


Language Thing - Latin Beginners' Thread

Post 126


I now have 'The Cambridge Latin Course Book I'. Now I can feel a bit less sad when I play the games on the Cambridge website.

Athena exit.

Language Thing - Latin Beginners' Thread

Post 127

Elwyn_Centauri, geAt (O+ THS)

smiley - blush
I apologise for the confusion and I am glad that everything's all sorted out smiley - tongueout

Language Thing - Latin Beginners' Thread

Post 128


Great. Glad we know everyone's gender. Actually, if anyone wants to avoid confusion, they can use A3727983 The h2g2 Gender Code in their names, like I do.

smiley - dragon

Language Thing - Latin Beginners' Thread

Post 129


smiley - biggrinthank-you for that, although my starter conversation for virtual cocktail parties is now uselesssmiley - wah

I'll put my latin name on the end of my own when it's a little shorter. Right now, I happen to be doing some advertisingsmiley - biggrin

Vale from iulius,smiley - bubbly

Language Thing - Latin Beginners' Thread

Post 130


smiley - biggrinthank-you for that, although my starter conversation for virtual cocktail parties is now uselesssmiley - wah

I'll put my latin name on the end of my own when it's a little shorter. Right now, I happen to be doing some advertisingsmiley - biggrin

Vale from iulia,smiley - bubbly

Language Thing - Latin Beginners' Thread

Post 131


oopssmiley - erm

Language Thing - Latin Beginners' Thread

Post 132

Elwyn_Centauri, geAt (O+ THS)

*smiley - hug her classmates*
Yay, another Latin book is coming this week.

Language Thing - Latin Beginners' Thread

Post 133


I'm feeling very unenthusiastic/undedicated, but I have no latin books at all, on the way or on the shelf! smiley - erm

iulia (?)

Language Thing - Latin Beginners' Thread

Post 134

Elwyn_Centauri, geAt (O+ THS)

iulia, don't worry I just ordered one last week, and it's the passion and interest not the resources which matters the most, for example I didn't have a dictionary and I was broke so I bummed one from a friend smiley - biggrin

Language Thing - Latin Beginners' Thread

Post 135


smiley - laughVery useful friendsmiley - hugsmiley - ok

Yes, passion and interest!! Definatelysmiley - coolsmiley - laugh


Language Thing - Latin Beginners' Thread

Post 136


Salve guys! That's right, I'm back, and I think getting a dictionary is an excellent idea. That may just be me, though, since I don't know any vocabulary at all, practically. I always have to go look it up. But vocabulary doesn't really matter in Latin, when you're never going to have to really hold a conversation with anyone.

smiley - dragon

Language Thing - Latin Beginners' Thread

Post 137

Elwyn_Centauri, geAt (O+ THS)

Well, I haven't the chance to crack open my smiley - book yet but I am planning to now that my last exam is over smiley - biggrin

Tomorrow is the last day of school, yay! *foresaw boredom in the near future, very practically saves her Latin book*

Actually I'll have to buy a dictionary because my friend is German and hers is German-Latin translations. smiley - yikes I'd like to know some German also now that I think of it.

Language Thing - Latin Beginners' Thread

Post 138


Head to the German Speaking/beginner's Thread...smiley - winkeyeplugging again

Yeah, a dictionary would be a great idea...but my book budget is going on other things at the mo...The Meaning of Liff for one. Which is a kind of dictionary... and some of the town names originate from Latin, don't they?smiley - erm

smiley - laugh

Language Thing - Latin Beginners' Thread

Post 139


Of course they do! The suffix -ceaster or -chester or -cester is from the Latin for 'fort' or 'military installation'. When the Roman soldiers who invaded Britain camped their army in certain places, those became -ceasters, like Gloucester or Cirencester or places like that.

smiley - dragon

Language Thing - Latin Beginners' Thread

Post 140


Okay, so I may not be teaching much actual Latin, but at least you're learning *something*.smiley - smiley

smiley - dragon

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