Talking Point: Food, Glorious Food?

11 Conversations

Some haggis, hanging up.

Along with breathing air and drinking water, there's another ritual regularly undertaken by members of the human race that's pretty essential: eating! And for those of us fortunate enough to lead lives in which we not only have ample access to food but also money to buy it, the options available to us are becoming increasingly exotic. Strange new fruits from far-away lands are showing up at the local Sainsburys week in week out, while a stroll through any western city is likely to reveal a string of eateries serving dishes from countries as diverse as Thailand, Japan, Brazil, Spain, Poland and Vietnam... to name a few!

Many of us think of ourselves as 'citizens of the world' when it comes to grub - until the 1980s that meant being partial to pizza, Chinese takeaways and the occasional chicken jalfrezi, but these days there's genuine culinary crosspollination taking place throughout western society. Sushi has been elevated from 'ugh, raw fish!' to being a new trendy 'superfood' within the space of a decade, while tucking into a marinated lamb's testicle in Stoke Newington is unlikely to raise an eyebrow. However, we all have our limits, and many may prefer to leave such delicacies as deep-fried insects and sheep's eyeballs off the menu entirely.

Are you the type of person who hankers for new noshing experiences, no matter how contrary they may be to your culinary conditioning? Or do you wince at the thought of bunnies ending up under a puff pastry pie crust? We'd love to hear from you!

  • What's the strangest or most adventurous food you've eaten?

  • Have you ever, while abroad, eaten something purely because you've felt that if not you'll offend the locals?

  • What's the most exotic dish in your personal recipe repertoire?

  • To the foreign visitor, what would you say are the least appealing facets of the British menu? Haggis? Black pudding? The infamous deep-fried Mars Bar?

  • Would you be tempted by Heston Blumenthal's snail porridge? Or indeed anything off the menu at his restaurant, The Fat Duck?

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