A Conversation for The h2g2 Tour - An Introduction to h2g2


Post 141


the binthabdullah long post was realy interesting, made me think, didnt make me change my mind :P reminded me to be tolerant or religion but didnt persuide me not to be athiest.

I think if you are going to be tollerant of religion, which i think is part of modern life then youve got to be jsut as tollerant to satanists as to christians or Muslims or Buddists, why does satatisum not get the rights that other religions get?


Post 142


Hiya - apologies for the delay
Satan worship is basically a confusing mixture of groups and ideas that don't really make sense to many people - including Satanists. The best place to look for more info is a great l'il website called www.religioustolerance.org - it's got loads of stuff on pretty much every major or slighlty-more-than-minor religion going.
You can find some illumination there.
Hope all is good,


Post 143

Mr. Dreadful - But really I'm not actually your friend, but I am...


That's as may be, but Discordianism is cooler.

Hail Eris!

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