A Conversation for The h2g2 Tour - An Introduction to h2g2


Post 1


hi im knew to this can anyone tell me more about the site


Post 2

Primeval Mudd (formerly Roymondo)

Hello and welcome badgerpardy! smiley - smiley

One of our meeters and greeters (called Aces, and they are real, cuddly people!) will leave a message in your personal space. In the mean time have a look at the 'What Is h2g2' link to the left and just have a meander. This is a massive site so it can seem a bit daunting but, as you've got the word 'badger' in your name, I'm sure you'll fit right in!



Post 3


I'm new to need some help and advice from anyone who would like to helpsmiley - magic

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