A Conversation for FANTASY FOOTBALL - Season 13 - No Money-bags!
FF13 - Week Eleven - Partial Result
GreyDesk Posted Mar 19, 2005
Well whilst we're waiting on some one from the very lower leagues to pull their finger out and get me some scorer details. I might as well announce the winner of the bonus competition.
Sprout's flippant remark, "The link is that all the home towns for these teams were in the top fifty crap towns book. Or should have been." has just got him a point for being partially right
The correct answer is that Luton, Windsor, Sunderland, Edinburgh and Glasgow (ie three homes, two aways) were the top five worst places listed in 'Crap Towns II - The Nation Decides', as reported by the BBC last September - http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/3692154.stm
FF13 - Week Eleven - Partial Result
Mu Beta Posted Mar 19, 2005
I'm still amazed that Scunthorpe does not get a mention.
FF13 - Week Eleven - Partial Result
Iamnezzy Posted Mar 19, 2005
How dare they say Sunderland (my home town) is crap.....Bas*ards !.....its just moderately poor .......seriously though, it's getting better,slowly, we even have a cinema now
And i lived in windsor for 3 years and i thought it was lovely !
FF13 - Week Eleven - Partial Result
Ormondroyd Posted Mar 19, 2005
God, can't Bradford even get in the top five in the crap towns list? What really IS crap is my performance in this game this week. And the Chimp Chokers of Hartlepool have just about finished off my Bradford boys' hopes of promotion for this season.
Anyway, here's the Windsor-Staines details, courtesy of that Staines Massive site:
Windsor & Eton 2-1 Staines Town (DE LISSER, Scott)
(Scott scored both Windsor's goals.)
FF13 - Week Eleven - Partial Result
Mu Beta Posted Mar 19, 2005
De Lisser? Didn't he used to be quite good at Southampton?
FF13 - Week Eleven - Partial Result
McKay The Disorganised Posted Mar 20, 2005
Not a good week for me I'm afraid.
and Coventry in relegation zone for div 2 for first time in 52 years. (Before I was born)
FF13 - Week Eleven - Partial Result
Ormondroyd Posted Mar 20, 2005
If it's any consolation, McKay, I did even worse than you. And if the worst happens to the Sky Blues, we'll see you at Valley Parade next season, because we ain't going up.
FF13 - Week Eleven - Partial Result
riotact : like a phoenix from the ashes Posted Mar 21, 2005
australian players was not just a wild guess... without time to research thoroughly, i just chucked all 10 teams into google, mixed well, and got a site about aussies players abroad where i saw right off at least 3 or 4 of the teams. worth a try i figured...
isn't that fellow through walking his dog YET??
FF13 - Week Eleven - Partial Result
Ormondroyd Posted Mar 21, 2005
Yes. See post 44.
I think Mr. Desk is trying to spare my embarrassment by not posting this week's results.
FF13 - Week Eleven - Partial Result
GreyDesk Posted Mar 21, 2005
No the reason that I haven't posted the results up is becaue my mother has been here to stay, and I've been entertaining her these last couple of days and not posting on hootoo.
She's just left for the railway station, and will be gone from here for a couple of days, so now I do have some time to do some marking.
FF13 - Week Eleven - Partial Result
GreyDesk Posted Mar 21, 2005
Number Six's Pools Panel picks are as follows:
Dunfermline 1-0 Hibernian
Oldham 2-0 Luton
Partick Thistle 1-1 St.Mirren
Sunderland 0-1 Coventry
Windsor 0-0 Eton v Staines Town
With no additional scorer points
FF13 - Week Eleven - Partial Result
Number Six Posted Mar 21, 2005
Sunderland 0 Coventry 1???
I'd have been better off being five minutes later getting to Underhill and just plucking some results out of the air at random!
FF13 - Week Eleven - Partial Result
Demon Drawer Posted Mar 21, 2005
And Dunfermline never stood a hope in hell of beating Hibs. Number Six irecommned a little better time management in future.
FF13 - Week Eleven - Partial Result
GreyDesk Posted Mar 21, 2005
The Pools Panel results *are* plucked out at random, but plucked from a list of *actual* results.
And yes, better time management wouldn't go amiss
FF13 - Week Eleven - Partial Result
Demon Drawer Posted Mar 21, 2005
Speaking of which how much time do you need to mark the results?
Are you the acting returning officer for Sunderland South to give other seats a chance to declare first?
FF13 - Week Eleven - Final Result
GreyDesk Posted Mar 21, 2005
We have a winner(*) this week.
Are you all sitting down? Good.
* pause *
This weeks winner is.....
* another pause *
Master B with eleven points
Congratulations Sir, a nice set of predictions and a richly deserved victory
(*) technically sprout shares the victory on 11 points (well done ) but as one of the points came as a result of the bonus question, I feel B's victory deserves bigging up as all of his points came from correct
The Results:
Dunfermline 1-4 Hibernian (NICHOLSON, Riordan, Fletcher)
Oldham 2-2 Luton (UNDERWOOD, Killen, Beckett, Howard)
Partick Thistle 0-0 St.Mirren (--)
Sunderland 1-0 Coventry (BROWN)
Windsor & Eton 2-1 Staines Town (De Lisser, Scott)
The Points:
Master B - 11 points (Dunfermline result; Oldham scorer & 1st scorer; Partick Thistle full house ; Sunderland result)
sprout - 11 points (Dunfermline result & scorer; Partick Thistle full house ; Sunderland result; 'Crap Towns' bonus point)
riotact - 10 points (Dunfermline result & scorer; Partick Thistle full house ; Sunderland result)
me[Andy]g - 9 points (Dunfermline result; Partick Thistle full house ; Sunderland result)
Bottletop - 8 points (Dunfermline result & scorer; Oldham scorer; Sunderland result; Windsor & Eton result)
Iamnezzy - 8 points (Dunfermline result; Partick Thistle result; Sunderland result; Windsor & Eton result)
AlexAshman - 7 points (Dunfermline result & scorer; Oldham scorer & 1st scorer; Sunderland result)
Demon Drawer - 5 points (Dunfermline result & scorer; Sunderland result)
McKay The Disorganised - 5 points (Dunfermline result & scorer; Windsor & Eton result)
meisere - 5 points (Dunfermline result & scorer; Sunderland result)
todd_abraham87 - 5 points (Dunfermline result & scorer; Sunderland result)
Yakusmaximus - 5 points (Dunfermline result & scorer; Sunderland result)
GreyDesk - 4 points (Dunfermline result; Sunderland result)
Number Six - 2 points (Partick Thistle result)
Ormondroyd - 2 points (Sunderland result)
Owlatron - 2 points (Sunderland result)
FF13 - Week Eleven - Partial Result
Number Six Posted Mar 21, 2005
Well... I thought I'd get time to have a look at the fixtures on Friday afternoon, having organised feeds of press conferences from Liverpool, Everton, Norwich City, Cambridge United, Newcastle United AND Celtic before lunch on Friday (you can usually only get them in after lunch).
Only for there to be further demand after lunch for material from Birmingham City, Aston Villa, Manchester City, Portsmouth, Southampton and Motherwell.
Then had I to call in to Radio London on my way home to collect my ISDN kit. And after that, suitably knackered, I went out and got drunk.
Which meant I only got up in time to grab my reporting clobber and head for a 7-1 goal frenzy - so nuts to the lot of you!
FF13 - Week Eleven - Partial Result
Demon Drawer Posted Mar 21, 2005
As Sir Alan Sugar said on the apprentice last week 'You're doing some of my football managers out of their best excuses'
FF13 - Week Eleven - Final Result
riotact : like a phoenix from the ashes Posted Mar 21, 2005
four FH on the partick thistle match!
well, when it comes to calling a 0-0 match from those bands of hounds, i'm not sure we deserve real champers... but i'll take the 5 points!
Key: Complain about this post
FF13 - Week Eleven - Partial Result
- 41: GreyDesk (Mar 19, 2005)
- 42: Mu Beta (Mar 19, 2005)
- 43: Iamnezzy (Mar 19, 2005)
- 44: Ormondroyd (Mar 19, 2005)
- 45: Mu Beta (Mar 19, 2005)
- 46: McKay The Disorganised (Mar 20, 2005)
- 47: Ormondroyd (Mar 20, 2005)
- 48: riotact : like a phoenix from the ashes (Mar 21, 2005)
- 49: Ormondroyd (Mar 21, 2005)
- 50: GreyDesk (Mar 21, 2005)
- 51: Demon Drawer (Mar 21, 2005)
- 52: GreyDesk (Mar 21, 2005)
- 53: Number Six (Mar 21, 2005)
- 54: Demon Drawer (Mar 21, 2005)
- 55: GreyDesk (Mar 21, 2005)
- 56: Demon Drawer (Mar 21, 2005)
- 57: GreyDesk (Mar 21, 2005)
- 58: Number Six (Mar 21, 2005)
- 59: Demon Drawer (Mar 21, 2005)
- 60: riotact : like a phoenix from the ashes (Mar 21, 2005)
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