A Conversation for LIL'S ATELIER

105Xth Conversation Chez Lil

Post 1441

Bald Bloke


Posting from dangereous terratory, I'm in the land of Two Legs (Cambridge) so I'll have to keep my head down to avoid being dragged into a pub.
Mind you the one over the road from the Hotel wasn't bad earlier smiley - ale

Yes we need to hunt down and drag a lot of former members back into bad habits...

105Xth Conversation Chez Lil

Post 1442


*having peered into the Transit Lounge, returns grumpy, curls up on the rug and awaits the big bang*

smiley - cat

105Xth Conversation Chez Lil

Post 1443


When is 'The End' exactly Midnight BST ? I shall wander over to the other place and see about signing up/on or what ever it is you do.
Feeling a little melancholy...sips smiley - ale

105Xth Conversation Chez Lil

Post 1444


The end has been deferred to first thing Monday morning. So I guess it depends on a when an unknown tech gets to work.

105Xth Conversation Chez Lil

Post 1445


Thanks Dr Z smiley - winkeye

105Xth Conversation Chez Lil

Post 1446

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

I only just stopped to think of what it must be like downstairs at CLI!

Digging back even further -- not salonistas, but fine researchers no longer posting:
Bruce Almighty
TV's Frink
The Bubster
The Man Who Can

And of the salonistas
Peripatetic Warrior Monk
imp of the perverse
Red Dog

105Xth Conversation Chez Lil

Post 1447

Titania (gone for lunch)

Pretty please Lil, could you create a Beach Farewell Party conversation? Because it seems we'll still have the weekend for posting our usual mix of serious and silly stuff here...

105Xth Conversation Chez Lil

Post 1448

Titania (gone for lunch)

Coniraya aka Caerwynn (among the missing persons list)

105Xth Conversation Chez Lil

Post 1449


Ah yes PWM. One who posted when they could from Sandy Places. I hope he and his fellow brethren have been looked after by the greater church of which he way part and not left hung out to dry.

105Xth Conversation Chez Lil

Post 1450

minichessemouse - Ahoy there me barnacle!

runescribe, bookmouse and gw7en

there are others too.

let us not forget them, but let us not be sad in their absence. we should go boldly into our new home and continue our traditions, maybe they will return some day.

minismiley - mouse

105Xth Conversation Chez Lil

Post 1451


Blimey Minismiley - mouse You came over all Winston Churchill there. smiley - smiley

105Xth Conversation Chez Lil

Post 1452

Rev Nick - dead man walking (mostly)

I think it's all in how you hold the cigar, ya know ... smiley - winkeye

105Xth Conversation Chez Lil

Post 1453


*wakes up and looks around*

I'm sure I had a smiley - tea around here somewhere. On a table. Where's the table gone? And the carpet? And the standard lamp? smiley - erm

105Xth Conversation Chez Lil

Post 1454

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

*Matina points toward the beach, where the tombstone party is in progress*

105Xth Conversation Chez Lil

Post 1455


About to watch the new Star trek film in HD. Yum. I like all the little snippets that bring back memories of the original series.

smiley - cat

105Xth Conversation Chez Lil

Post 1456


I thought it very good when I saw it at the cinema.

105Xth Conversation Chez Lil

Post 1457


smiley - musicalnoteAnd now the end is near
And so I face the final curtainsmiley - musicalnote

See you all on the far side.smiley - bubbly

105Xth Conversation Chez Lil

Post 1458


Shhh... I think I hear the lorry coming round the corner.
OK pack up the last bits and load them up, we're moving!

It's ...

105Xth Conversation Chez Lil

Post 1459


....nearly time.......

105Xth Conversation Chez Lil

Post 1460

Dizzy H. Muffin

*sings* It's the fiiinalll countdowwnnnnnn!

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