A Conversation for LIL'S ATELIER

66Xth Conversation at the Atelier

Post 641



66Xth Conversation at the Atelier

Post 642

Demon Drawer

*is shaken an stirred*

Who is the Hootoo Bond imposter!!!! smiley - bigeyes

66Xth Conversation at the Atelier

Post 643

Styx the Rat

*red eyes glow*
elections no place for idealism
*tying bryces shoelaces together*

66Xth Conversation at the Atelier

Post 644

Garius Lupus

[smiley - fullmoon]

66Xth Conversation at the Atelier

Post 645


*Wanders in* Gosh it is quite in here isn't it? how unusal..

66Xth Conversation at the Atelier

Post 646


How very... smiley - winkeye

66Xth Conversation at the Atelier

Post 647


*ponders the spelling of unusal - it doesn't quite look right...*


can any one help me out here?

66Xth Conversation at the Atelier

Post 648


It's not my fault. I haven't shushed anyone for ages. smiley - winkeye

66Xth Conversation at the Atelier

Post 649

Good Doctor Zomnker (This must be Tuesday," said GDZ to himself, sinking low over his Dr. Pepper, "I never could get the hang of Tuesdays.")

That is quite unusual. Posting like crazy all night long and then nothing.

I have never missed an election and I never plan to miss one.

66Xth Conversation at the Atelier

Post 650


Hypathia - you've never shushed anyone? at all?

I left my plants outside when it snowed last night, (lavender, strawberry plant, laburnum, rosemany and chive) how can I tell if they're damaged?

66Xth Conversation at the Atelier

Post 651


My way is to see if the leaves fall off or not, but then I'm no gardener!

My rosemary & Lavender is planted in the ground, so they not coming in at all. smiley - erm

66Xth Conversation at the Atelier

Post 652


Styx try under deli counter...

66Xth Conversation at the Atelier

Post 653

Garius Lupus

Z- lavender, strawberry, chive and, I think, laburnum are all hardy and should be fine. The rosemary, though, I'm not so sure about.

66Xth Conversation at the Atelier

Post 654


So should I bring the rosemary inside then? I'd like to, it does smel nice..

Oh dear I appear to have accidently appeared to have become the schools liason officer for the widening access to medschool project. Oh well

This is nothing at all to do with the job application process that's shortly starting - not at all..

Oh no.

66Xth Conversation at the Atelier

Post 655

Garius Lupus

The rosemary might not like getting frozen, so it would probably be better off inside if you expect temperatures below freezing. Hardiness varies with the variety of rosemary, and I think they have been trying to breed hardier varieties, so yours may be okay. But better safe than sorry. smiley - biggrin

66Xth Conversation at the Atelier

Post 656


smiley - ok

Why would anyone actually come to university at 7pm in the evening and chat loudly to their friends... smiley - grr

*stragnles first year*

Now that wasn't very painful was it.

66Xth Conversation at the Atelier

Post 657


Z, you asked how people and governments in cold climates deal with the snowfall...(MR lives in sunny southern California, so you probably meant me in Montana, which is okay, Titania gets the two of us confused as well). It is easy. We get snowfall every year, so we're used to it. Budgets are set far in advance for plowing, sanding and de-icer and people are reminded on radio and tv ads to get back into winter driving mode. Of course, a lot of idiots (and newcomers from warmer climates who don't know any better) forget and for the first few weeks of winter we have plenty of accidents. Then everyone calms down and drives more carefully. There's really, unless it is a big scary nasty freakin' blizzard, no such thing as a "snow day" (i.e. no school) in Montana.

Funny, snow storms on the East Coast of the U.S. make national headlines in the news. We get the same weather and you don't hear a peep.

66Xth Conversation at the Atelier

Post 658


The varieties of rosemary sold in the UK are very hardy, same with lavender. The problem with pots is that the roots can get frozen and should the pots should be wrapped to protect hem, bubble wrap, newspapers, old blankets, carpet strips for example and securely tied round with string.

66Xth Conversation at the Atelier

Post 659


Oh, for those of you who love live cams, here's a good link to a bunch of cameras across Montana. You can see what our roads are like in the wintertime here:


66Xth Conversation at the Atelier

Post 660

marvthegrate LtG KEA

Snow day? It's been a terribly long time since I recall having the schools closed due to snow. The last time I remember was a fairly major blizzard in 1986. Even in 1994 when we had over a metre of snow in 12 hours, we did not close the schools. The snow storm that dropped over six feet Christmas day did not effect school mostly because all the schools were allready closed for the week. Even still I made it to work every day whilst driving up Parleys Canyon which only closed a couple of time this winter, so far.

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