A Conversation for LIL'S ATELIER

59Xth Conversation at Lil's

Post 21

Blue-Eyed BiPedal BookWorm from Betelgeuse (aka B4[insertpunhere])

Thanks for the Heinlein recap, Lil. Eventually, when we start reaching out that far, I'm certain those wanderers will think just that. Take me home. Even if it's for a day, take me home. Let me recharge my batteries, catch up with old friends, walk the familiar paths, and store a few more memories to carry me through another year or so. Then I'll travel outward again, pushing to the edge of the unknown...again.
smiley - rocket
smiley - aliensmile

59Xth Conversation at Lil's

Post 22

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

Is it just me, or does that rocket smiley look like a flaming pea pod? smiley - silly

59Xth Conversation at Lil's

Post 23


smiley - laugh

No corpses in the traps this morning. But we shall be leaving them up there for the time being.

I bought SimCity 4 yesterday and I'm still rubbish at building cities. I managed quite a metropolis with the original game, but I was a complete failure at 2 & 3, so I've no idea why I decided to get 4 smiley - erm

59Xth Conversation at Lil's

Post 24

Garius Lupus

[smiley - fullmoon]

59Xth Conversation at Lil's

Post 25



59Xth Conversation at Lil's

Post 26


I'm grown up litening heroic sagas about brave and glorius soviet cosmonauts. That gave me this innocent feeling that nothing can go wrong up there. smiley - erm

59Xth Conversation at Lil's

Post 27

a girl called Ben

Thank you for the Heinlein quote. I have been rearranging my bookshelves and have put my SF and the books about the Mercury Gemini and Apollo missions on the same shelves. I am horrified to find I have no Heinlein - they were all my sister's and she has them.

On a more cheerful subject, y'all may like to know that GTBacchus and I are doing a Rolling Meet smiley - hugsmiley - bus around the US and southern Canada in GTB's white ford van in the Summer. Check out the page we have set up, if we can see you we will! U217918


59Xth Conversation at Lil's

Post 28


This is so smiley - cool! smiley - winkeye

America and Canada and so...

59Xth Conversation at Lil's

Post 29

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

Here's a link that came up on the digital fine art list:

59Xth Conversation at Lil's

Post 30

Nora - back from the Dublin meet!


59Xth Conversation at Lil's

Post 31

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

We are in the throes of a dust storm here. Glorious sunrise this morning, covering the sky with red clouds, soon gave way to strong gusts of wind. And I had planned a photo shoot outdoors for today!

Well, now the white gypsum sands have arrived, airborne from Alamogordo, and sitting here at my computer I can taste the dust in my nostrils. Visibility is poor outside...

59Xth Conversation at Lil's

Post 32

Montana Redhead (now with letters)


59Xth Conversation at Lil's

Post 33


*sends Lil a mask and goggles*

59Xth Conversation at Lil's

Post 34



59Xth Conversation at Lil's

Post 35


I love Heinlein. Splendid writer.

59Xth Conversation at Lil's

Post 36

marvthegrate LtG KEA

"Earth below us drifting falling floating weightless calling home"
-Major Tom by Peter Schilling.

We have our snow now. We have had a fairly large system move through and now are covered in 6 inches after all the melting from the warm land.

59Xth Conversation at Lil's

Post 37



59Xth Conversation at Lil's

Post 38

Titania (gone for lunch)

[smiley - monsterT.] *snow chaos in Stockholm today*

[Mindspring] *feeling mischievous today, considers tickling T., takes one look at her facial expression, reconsiders, starts quietly sneaking up on his great aunt instead*

59Xth Conversation at Lil's

Post 39


Cold north wind here, but sunny. First Monday of the month, so I've got to get stuck into some accounts smiley - sadface

agcBen, that is just what No1 son wants to do through Europe. He was hoping it would be this summer, but looks unlikely now, what little he is earning gets swallowed up by his huge overdraught from his Uni days.

Needless to say H is the only one with a city which is making money in SimCity 4. He applies logic, start small with highish taxes. Whereas the rest of us rush in with large street patterns, fancy buildings and amenities and bankrupt in 5 years smiley - laugh

59Xth Conversation at Lil's

Post 40



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