A Conversation for LIL'S ATELIER

53Xth Conversation

Post 741

soeasilyamused, or sea

congrats to eats and mrs eats!

i think the word "bleugh" adequately describes my day thus far. Bleugh.

53Xth Conversation

Post 742

marvthegrate LtG KEA

I feel for you. Strangely it somewhat describes how I feel about today as well.

53Xth Conversation

Post 743

Titania (gone for lunch)

Will there be another episode of the Quest on Thursday sea? Pleeeeeeease?smiley - grovel

53Xth Conversation

Post 744


{[caer csd] smiley - disco}

53Xth Conversation

Post 745


Isn't that smiley - disco ball lovely?

I'm glad to have cleared that up, sea. Everyone always puts something pithy or current events behind their nickname, yet yours was surprisingly curious and obvious. I thought "wtf?". smiley - erm

53Xth Conversation

Post 746

Bald Bloke

Oh so thats what smiley - disco is I thought it might be a pavement pizza when I first saw it smiley - yuk

I don't think "bleugh" even comes close to describing my day smiley - sadface

53Xth Conversation

Post 747

dElaphant (and Zeppo his dog (and Gummo, Zeppos dog)) - Left my apostrophes at the BBC

It describes mine, I fell asleep as soon as I came home from work.

Congrats, eats,

smiley - disco for no reason other than to continue the trend.
smiley - dog

53Xth Conversation

Post 748

Researcher 55674


Pausing from working on a *shudder* speech. Did you know that public speaking is the biggest fear of american adults besides snakes? (I think it may be ahead of death too, but perhaps that's because of lunatic religious persons like myself throwing the average off)

And if I was in Glasgow Munchers I would be ecstatic to have you in control of my weekend. I seem to be doing a rather poor job on my own.

smiley - cheers

53Xth Conversation

Post 749


Congrats to the Eatsmice!

53Xth Conversation

Post 750


Thanks peeps,

Really missing the wee guy today. Fortunately mrs eats has her mum up just now to help out. That bump makes lifting him difficult and sore.
She definitely can't smiley - disco just now.
Sorry, had to try it smiley - smiley

smiley - cat

53Xth Conversation

Post 751

Amy the Ant - High Manzanilla of the Church of the Stuffed Olive

smiley - wah I went to the doctor with my sore eyes yesterday and he's given me some drops and ointment that have made the condition worse. smiley - grr I've been up half the night.

*goes somewhere with no smiley - disco balls*

53Xth Conversation

Post 752


Sorry to hear that Amy.
I thought I'd bring up another serious topic. Watching the news this morning I see that Tony Blair is still giving the US his unconditional support re; Iraq. I was wondering, as a cross section of the planet (well the Western end of it at least) do people think the US will invade Iraq anytime soon and without going down the UN diplomatic route and acquiring allies first. I mostly ask as it would scupper my holiday plans to Egypt if they did.

53Xth Conversation

Post 753


{[caer csd] I can't help wonder why we pay so much for the UN when it seems to be constantly bypassed. From a purely selfish point of view I'm hoping nothing happens until we have returned from the US.}

53Xth Conversation

Post 754


Hey Munchers, at least your holiday would probably be well discounted.
Going diving?

Going home tomorrow smiley - cat

53Xth Conversation

Post 755


Nah, doing my best Hercule Poirot impression on the Nile. smiley - smiley

53Xth Conversation

Post 756

dElaphant (and Zeppo his dog (and Gummo, Zeppos dog)) - Left my apostrophes at the BBC

Unfortunately Republican presidents don't have a good track record for dealing with the UN or for resolving issUes peacefUlly, especially when it comes to Iraq. I think there are two possibilities. Bush starts a military action in the next few weeks While congress is out of Session, or he waits to see how the November elections turn out. At this point if does not look like he will get Congressional support.
smiley - dog

53Xth Conversation

Post 757

Titania (gone for lunch)

Do you say:
'He met a violent death'
or is it
'He met with a violent death'
or do you even use 'met'?

And does anyone have any suggestions for the sound of a newly hatched baby dragon? And how to spell it? Squeeek?

*tearing hair*

53Xth Conversation

Post 758

marvthegrate LtG KEA

"He met a violent death" sounds good to me Ti, but you may want other advice. Also I recall a baby dragon's sounds to be described as "Skraawk" once.

53Xth Conversation

Post 759

Titania (gone for lunch)

Thanks!smiley - smiley 'Skraawk' sound a little less harmless than 'Squeek'!

53Xth Conversation

Post 760

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

if she were here she would have a lot to say about the current administration so it's just as well she isn't.
thinks Bush's handlers will bring about whatever voter polls suggest
waits for Senator Helms to retire

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