A Conversation for LIL'S ATELIER

BBQ on the Veranda! Bring your forks, your favourite dish and a healthy appetite.

Post 61


Ah, so this is what heaven looks like smiley - biggrin!

BBQ on the Veranda! Bring your forks, your favourite dish and a healthy appetite.

Post 62

marvthegrate LtG KEA

Lil's place here is certainly a spot of calmness and culture withing a writhing sea of malcontent and discord.

BBQ on the Veranda! Bring your forks, your favourite dish and a healthy appetite.

Post 63


*wonders if sea will take offense to Marv's little bout of name calling*

BBQ on the Veranda! Bring your forks, your favourite dish and a healthy appetite.

Post 64

Amy the Ant - High Manzanilla of the Church of the Stuffed Olive

*has not brought any food - ants never do (you may have noticed that)*

smiley - cheers

*wanders round exploring everyone's food baskets* smiley - biggrin

BBQ on the Veranda! Bring your forks, your favourite dish and a healthy appetite.

Post 65


I have brought a tray of home-made confections to accompany the pitcher of chocolate martinis. smiley - biggrin Truffle anyone?

BBQ on the Veranda! Bring your forks, your favourite dish and a healthy appetite.

Post 66

Amy the Ant - High Manzanilla of the Church of the Stuffed Olive

Chocolate martinis? How do you make a chocolate martini?

*snaffles a truffle for later* sits in a deckchair with a plate of olives, tomatoes and swordfish* waits for the tequila steaks to finish cooking* keeps a look out for smiley - cake*

BBQ on the Veranda! Bring your forks, your favourite dish and a healthy appetite.

Post 67

marvthegrate LtG KEA

I am just confused trying to figure out how gin and chocolate have anything at all to do with each other.

BBQ on the Veranda! Bring your forks, your favourite dish and a healthy appetite.

Post 68

Montana Redhead (now with letters)

*wanders in late as usual, carrying her very own pitcher of margaritas and a bowl of both coleslaw and her famous tuna creamette salad*

Hello, all. So glad you could make it. Whoever'c cooking, can I have a steak, rare? I'll take a turn later, promise.

*immediately sets of in search of the olives and feta she knows is here somewhere*

BBQ on the Veranda! Bring your forks, your favourite dish and a healthy appetite.

Post 69

Candi - now 42!

*wanders by, sniffs the wonderful aroma, and spots the source of it........helps herself to Titania's salad, some swordfish, vegetable kebabs and grabs some of Child's delicious looking summersmiley - cake for afters. Then takes a glass of Pimms and settles in a deckchair, and starts to tuck in*

smiley - biggrin

BBQ on the Veranda! Bring your forks, your favourite dish and a healthy appetite.

Post 70


The "Chocolatini" was the latest craze around Valentine's Day when Everything is smiley - choc! Here's the recipe: 2 oz. vanilla or chocolate flavored vodka, 1 oz. white creme de cacao, a splash hazlenut liqueur. Fill a mixing glass 3/4 full of ice cubes. Pour in the ingredients and shake or stir (whatever you prefer). Strain into into a chilled, confectioner's sugar-rimmed glass and garnish with a cherry. It's delish and now outranks the "Cosmo" in popularity - until the next thing comes along! smiley - biggrin

BBQ on the Veranda! Bring your forks, your favourite dish and a healthy appetite.

Post 71

dElaphant (and Zeppo his dog (and Gummo, Zeppos dog)) - Left my apostrophes at the BBC

I've brought the marshmallows, and sticks from the Majic Forest that I've whittled to a point.

/* Zeppo smiley - dog grabs a stick and runs off */

BBQ on the Veranda! Bring your forks, your favourite dish and a healthy appetite.

Post 72


What do you think is causing the fire to be irradiating in the spectral colors? smiley - smiley Oh, now I see - in order to create the rainbow marshmallows ! Yum - raspberry, blueberry, orange and the rest!! Superb! smiley - biggrin

BBQ on the Veranda! Bring your forks, your favourite dish and a healthy appetite.

Post 73

marvthegrate LtG KEA

Is using wood from the Majick Forrest entierly safe d'E?

BBQ on the Veranda! Bring your forks, your favourite dish and a healthy appetite.

Post 74

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

*Matina enters carrying a wicker basket lined with white linen napkins/serviettes, in which she has stacked a heap of freshly-baked wholewheat-and-honey crusty rolls*

*Lil follows, after having nipped into the kitchen to find the graham crackers. She detours around the napping truffle-snaffling Amy*

Got room to put my chicken tikka on, Marv? Meanwhile I reckon I'll have some of this and some of that and some of this and mmmmm...

BBQ on the Veranda! Bring your forks, your favourite dish and a healthy appetite.

Post 75


Lil, this chicken smells so good... smiley - smiley
I love chicken! smiley - winkeye

BBQ on the Veranda! Bring your forks, your favourite dish and a healthy appetite.

Post 76

Titania (gone for lunch)

*having sampled shish kebab and swordfish and chicken and potatoes and bread and salad and margaritas and...*smiley - tongueout

*needs to let it sink down a bit, no room left for dessert currently*

*relaxes in chair, half asleep*

BBQ on the Veranda! Bring your forks, your favourite dish and a healthy appetite.

Post 77


*arrives in a big floppy hat, plonks a bowl of marinated/pickled assorted mushroom salad in a suitable spot (well, I like mushrooms smiley - smiley ) and dithers around the barbeque trying to figure out whether to have the swordfish first or try some of the other deliciously mariated meats she has been smelling from afar...*

Pimms first I think, and then...

*collapses into a dechchair*

BBQ on the Veranda! Bring your forks, your favourite dish and a healthy appetite.

Post 78


*takes a walk to have a ===*~*

BBQ on the Veranda! Bring your forks, your favourite dish and a healthy appetite.

Post 79

Researcher 179388

This sunshine is glorious with just enough breeze to prevent overheating.

*dips into basket and brings out a large bottle of SF15 ana applies sunstuff to appropiate areas and not so appropiate when some squirts over Amy*

Sorry, Amy, I'll just wipe it off again.

BBQ on the Veranda! Bring your forks, your favourite dish and a healthy appetite.

Post 80


Ah yes. Slip, slap, slop. Good idea.

Good bread this Matina smiley - smiley

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