A Conversation for LIL'S ATELIER

32Xth Conversation at Lil's

Post 1

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

*Lil comes out of her apartments, looking a bit groggy from lack of sleep and, on her way to the kitchen, sees the occasional table once more loaded down with calling cards*

Well, it's a Thursday, isn't it. Nobody ever gets the hang of those.

*The senior maidbot, Matina, pulls a large tray of cinnamon buns out of the oven and brews a fresh pot of tea. Chloe, the translucent bot-of-all-work, is happily vacuuming patterns of the oriental rug in the salon. Mindspring, Lil's pet unau, dozes on the hearthrug, and Pierrot perches on top of the fridge, watching the activity*

Right then. I'll have breakfast and be on my way, since I'm expected at the school, the job that never ends. Matina, have the garden bot come up some time and take all the cards away for mulching, except for those monitors, they can go downstairs. The buns smell delicious, do put them out for the salonistas!

And here beginneth Conversation 32 hex.

32Xth Conversation at Lil's

Post 2


Smells the cinnamon buns and wanders over...

32Xth Conversation at Lil's

Post 3

Gw7en, Voice of Chaos (Classic)

*yawns and stretches*

I swear that mornings are getting earlier all the time...

Matina some tea and one of those glorious cinnamon buns please.

Red, when you get here, where in MN were you? Its a big state, but not that big, donchaknow. smiley - winkeye And where in MT are you now? (I think I asked once before, but I don't remember...) I also spent a couple of years in Helena. smiley - smiley

Lil, your dream house sounds wonderful! I know that the adobe won't be too hard to find in NM. smiley - winkeye And, in Lincoln County, there shouldn't be too much problem with the trees either.

*curls up on a sofa with her tea and cinnamon bun*


32Xth Conversation at Lil's

Post 4


Ah, sneaking a new thread in while I wasn't looking smiley - winkeye
*takes bun, tea and copy of book. Sits downand relaxes, slightly*

32Xth Conversation at Lil's

Post 5

Garius Lupus

*Enters, sniffing. Spys the cinnamon buns.*

Aha! I knew I smelt cinnamon buns.

*Helps self to bun and says hello to Gw7en and OP.*

Houses with character. My favourite one was an old farmhouse that we lived in. It was built in 1864, but had been renovated by previous owners, so it had modern wiring and plumbing. The water was from a well, but in the summer it dried up, so about once per week we had to have water trucked in and poured down the well. Last year, about 7 years after we sold the place, they got municipal water. The house was beautiful, with lots of gingerbread trim and muli-paned windows with gothic arches at the top. The kitchen was a one-storey addition on the back (making an "L" shape) and the other back corner was roofed-over and screened-in. The house was surrounded by huge trees.

Unfortunately, it took too much of our free time driving to and from the place, and we realized that the city wasn't so bad after all.

32Xth Conversation at Lil's

Post 6

marvthegrate LtG KEA

Lil, I hope you do not mind, I have borowed teh last room down the hall as a temporary study. Matina an orange juice please? Going to be a long day I fear.

32Xth Conversation at Lil's

Post 7

marvthegrate LtG KEA

Lil, I hope you do not mind, I have borowed teh last room down the hall as a temporary study. Matina an orange juice please? Going to be a long day I fear.

32Xth Conversation at Lil's

Post 8

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

smiley - cdouble

I just got back from consulting at the school and found a FOR SALE sign standing in my front yard! smiley - puff Dang, those realtors are serious!

32Xth Conversation at Lil's

Post 9

Gw7en, Voice of Chaos (Classic)

*waves to GL*

Marv, sounds like a not good day. I'm sorry. smiley - sadface At least there's hockey tonight to take your mind off of it. smiley - smiley

Lil, wow! smiley - bigeyes That's a fast moving realtor!


32Xth Conversation at Lil's

Post 10

Amy the Ant - High Manzanilla of the Church of the Stuffed Olive


Pulling an all-nighter again. i'm too old for this.

32Xth Conversation at Lil's

Post 11

Chris Tonks

What ho, all! smiley - smiley

Ah, when we were selling our other house, it was a shock for me too to find the 'For Sale' sign up one day. It was an even bigger shock a few weeks later to see 'Sold' stuck to the front of the sign when I got back from school. smiley - winkeye

Hmm, about those characteristic houses: I find it's not only the house that gives itself character, but the area around it. GL mention tall trees, like we have over here as well. If a house has a garden like that, I find it adds character to it. It occurs to me that one can hardly find a new house nowadays with gardens like that, possibly proving my point...

32Xth Conversation at Lil's

Post 12

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

I still do them occasionally. You can do it, but there's more interest on the sleep debt. What's the assignment? Oh, and by the way, if you are investigating use of languages by under-21's, have you asked YK? You know, the young fellow with all the clones?

This afternoon I got a phone call from the realtor, a nice little old white-haired lady: Open House Day is scheduled for 6 May. I have some intense cleaning to do.

32Xth Conversation at Lil's

Post 13

Chris Tonks

Yes, um, simlpost there - and I hence didn't read it until it was too late. smiley - winkeye

6th of May, eh? Don't worry - you've got bags of time! I'm sure the house'll look spic-and-span for the first visitors. smiley - smiley

Oh dear, best be off again. I'll call in from school tomorrow.

Toodlepip! smiley - smiley

32Xth Conversation at Lil's

Post 14


Got that next interview next week. I had a call today asking if I could do next tuesday morning. Now do I wear the suit again...

32Xth Conversation at Lil's

Post 15


Yes smiley - smiley Be smart, stay smart smiley - winkeye
haven't had a chance to get on here, proxy problems smiley - sadface
Off home now, see you all tomorrow.

32Xth Conversation at Lil's

Post 16

marvthegrate LtG KEA

But do not get yourself in to a position where you have to wear the IQ dampner all the time (suits, I hate them).

32Xth Conversation at Lil's

Post 17


*Affy boudns up the stairs, grinning madly*

Hello, everyone! Hope I'm not interupting the normal flow of things, but I've got some great news: I'm back in the Fantasy Powers League!

Those of you who frequented the Atelier when h2g2 was unplugged should remember Stick Figure Man, my first hero in the league. Now I've managed to sneak a successor in, this time a villain! I call it S.P.R.A.I.V., also known as "The Society for the Prevention of Random Acts of Internet Violence"! I just wondered what overly concerned parents might think if they ever saw the FPL sight, and got this as the answer.smiley - winkeye

Anyway, that's all for now. I may or may not post a URL in The Other Place later, depending on my Internet scheduling for today.smiley - winkeye

32Xth Conversation at Lil's

Post 18

Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here

Talking about buns. I have spent most of the morning delivering blueberry and chocolate chip muffins for a friend whose car broke down.

Yes, I ate plenty smiley - bigeyes

32Xth Conversation at Lil's

Post 19

dElaphant (and Zeppo his dog (and Gummo, Zeppos dog)) - Left my apostrophes at the BBC

[smiley - dog]

32Xth Conversation at Lil's

Post 20



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