A Conversation for United States of America (USA)

America (more)

Post 61

Spot on Pete, alias The bearded one

OK lets say something nice about America. I've always found the people to be real friendly, everything is real cheap, or at least good value for money,there's a huge amount to do, people to meet and places to go, all the weather you could ever want, etc etc etc. There I've done it, didn't hurt; hey I like America, its a great place to visit. can I go now ?

Well, if America's got Blondie....

Post 62


You and I Sir, should get together and talk more about this subject...your airport or mine?smiley - winkeye


Post 63

Harvey the wonderhorse

and Walt has irish roots..his ancestors came from Carlow ..local college has a scholarship in his name ..we irish are everywhere!

America (more)

Post 64

John the gardener says, "Free Tibet!"

The geography of the place is itself amazing!

When the average person could afford gasoline, You could go bombing around the US looking at every imaginable landscape on Earth (well, almost).

...and roadside attractions like nowhere else on earth!

America (more)

Post 65

Researcher 43043

James Brown is the real father.

America (more)

Post 66

Researcher 43043

*LOL* Sounds like Jolio Iglasias.

America (more)

Post 67

Researcher 43043

All people in all the Galaxy are the same. Just because America gets better media coverage you guys have to nitpick.

America (more)

Post 68

Researcher 43043

Have you been to a Soccer (Football) Game in Europe?

Americans abroard

Post 69

Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here

Why is the average person from the USA, when travelling abroad, so loud,
so fat and more often than not, in possession of the wardrobe from hell?
Here in New Zealand, people from the USA, scare the sheep.

Americans abroard

Post 70

Miss Gydney

I do believe you've met my uncle Harry! I wondered where he'd gotten to. My aunt Kate bought those clothes. She thought they were cheerfull, and made my uncle easier to find in a crowd. When I was in England, the loud Americans were generally Texans, and they are very odd even to the rest of us Americans. Also, if you ever travel in America it seems that the further north you travel, the heavier the people are. So I guess you get alot of visitors from cold states. If you came to Southern California I think you would see many who would meet your standards. I've been to Australian pubs here and they are by far the loudest, rowdiest bunch I've ever seen. Are New Zealanders more sedate?

Small town USA

Post 71

Researcher 14041

well gosh, that's not at all true. some one might enjoy reading slanderous nonsense about where they live. i do, for instance.
in fact, i figure that a lot of slanderous nonsense gets written and furthered with the distinct notion that someone else is going to enjoy it. i just can't believe that these folks do it for their own personal pleasure. if it were that, why they could just keep their ridiculous thought to themselves and be very happy.
no, i'm about certain that the joy is in the sharing.

Americans abroard

Post 72

Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here

I believe those loud Australians you see in American pubs are probably New Zealanders adding to the legend of the uncouth Aussie. Even most Aussies and Kiwis can not tell each other apart. A bit like the Canadians and Americans when they tour

America (more)

Post 73


I knew you were near me, Andara. The world just keeps getting smaller and smaller...

United States of Irony

Post 74


America - 'the land of the free' and one of the largest democracies in the world. However, if you should find yourself there, please remember not to drive more than 55 miles per hour (that's right 55 mph), or attempt to purchase an alcoholic beverage if you are under 21 years of age. There is probably a very good reason for these laws. If the American people did not agree with these policies, all they have to do is elect a different administration. For unlike the 'closed shop' one-party states such as China and Russia, the USA has TWO parties !!

America (more)

Post 75

StL Rock Wannabe

Yes, but most of the people in America with irony/sarcasm are that way because they're taken with British humour. Now THAT'S irony. The very form of humour we're trying to emulate is from the country we spent several years a couple centuries ago trying to get away from.


America (more)

Post 76

StL Rock Wannabe

Ah, yet another thing the US is skilled at... stealing plots/storylines from superior films and calling it original.


America (more)

Post 77

StL Rock Wannabe

Not to mention the best display of mass insanity in the known world, the Super Bowl. I want to know who was thinking, "Hey, let's pack 100,000 sweaty people into a stadium, get a bunch of dancers and old washed-up popular musicians, and have ourselves a football game?"

I say best display of mass hysteria because I've never been to a Scottish soccer game.

United States of Irony

Post 78

Miss Gydney

And the more parties the merrier!

America (more)

Post 79

StL Rock Wannabe

I believe you're mistaking strength of character for outright egotism.

United States of Irony

Post 80


How well informed you are Dawd. 55mph? 'round these parts it's generally 65, although some places I've seen 75. What is it in England again? Oh yeah, 70.

Just try buying an alocholic beverage in England if you're under 18. Oh, you can because nobody can be bothered to enforce the law.

Presumably you're labouring under the misguided notion the the Liberal Democrats count as a political party.

If you need something to feel superior over, the tax system over here is totally messed up. They have themselves to blame for that, if only they hadn't chucked all that tea into the harbour.

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