A Conversation for United States of America (USA)

America (more)

Post 1


Don't forget, in America we have cities where it is (I am NOT making this up) illegal NOT to carry a gun. We also have the tendency to confuse sex with politics and vice versa. The entertainment is news, and the news must be entertainment. And yes, sad to say, the dogs do not get enough cheese. And the miracle is that sometimes it all is Mostly Harmless.

~faithfully submitted, Field researcher 25542, aka wilsonc

Re: America (more)

Post 2


Dangit, C, how'd you get a 42 in your researcher number? ;-P

Gee, I thought I had something to add to your post, but come to think of it, I think you've about covered it. 'Cept I think it's more like the Guide, Mk II: "Panic"

America (more)

Post 3


Name one city in america where it is illegal to not carry a hand gun. I'm sure thats not true.
- BMIComp

America (more)

Post 4

Andara Bledin {Keeper; Patron Saint; Muse}

smiley - sigh

Here in America we are *not* without irony or sarcasm.

It's just hard to find that particular undercurrent under the blare of car stereos, honking horns, and television advertisements being piped into the street out of shop windows by proprietors trying to sell them.

But if you listen closely, you will find it.


America (more)

Post 5

Andara Bledin {Keeper; Patron Saint; Muse}

Here in America we are *not* without irony or sarcasm.

It's just hard to find that particular undercurrent under the blare of car stereos, honking horns, and television advertisements being piped into the street out of shop windows by proprietors trying to sell them.

But if you listen closely, you will find it.


America (more)

Post 6

Andara Bledin {Keeper; Patron Saint; Muse}


First entry, and of course I manage to double post.


America (more)

Post 7


I wouldn't believe there is one today, but I wouldn't put it too far in the future.

America (more)

Post 8

Rev Elim 29149

It's not so much a lack of Irony that concerns me (and other's unmentioned but fondly remembered) but, the fact that AMs version of irony is niether sudtle nor particular refined (look at the Masterpiece "dirty Harry and it's Sequel "Police Academy") Of course you can refine to too much and end up with the transparent barbs of the French Court during the 1700s or worse yet "Become a Cynic" gODS forbid.

Brash and Loud, When in Doubt turn up the Volume and splash more paint on it.

The Real irony is that the rest of the world is buying into the same loud crass vision while decrying how Ugly it is.

5% Nation of new and improved.

Perhaps that is what is least harmless about us in Amerikkka....

Rev Elim

America (more)

Post 9


America the Beautiful? Yes and No!
We, like all countries of the world, have the "Good, the Bad and Ugly". (an old Clint Eastwood movie!) People everywhere are having a dificult time telling fact from fiction. We all could learn from the "Golden Rule", "Treat others as you wish to be treated"....that is one of the keys to life. The other is....the best help comes from the One that created us all.

America (more)

Post 10

Researcher 31862

The One that created us all??? Walt Disney???

America (more)

Post 11

Johnny Guitar

No, I think you'll find she means Charlton Heston

America (more)

Post 12

Spot on Pete, alias The bearded one

Walt Disney, I think you're confusing fantasy with reality, everyone knows that Walt Disney was really Mickey Mouse dressed up in a fancy outfit. Anyway America has one thing going for it, you can still get T Bone steaks !!!! (oops, how terribly non-PC)

America (more)

Post 13

dot (Researcher 28552)

"The Good, the Bad and the Ugly" is by sergio leone, and italian director, not by clint eastwood.
does it mean something? don't think so, anyway.

America (more)

Post 14


LOLOLOL! smiley - winkeye
Actually....I meant ELVIS! Johnny Guitar, you of all people should know that! Elvis was the father of all guitar players...and as well as King of Rock & Roll...he was also King of Dance!smiley - smiley

America (more)

Post 15


I think you'll find that there are loads of problems with American steaks, thankyou very much. You obviously missed the recent rumours of embargo on your silly steaks.

America (more)

Post 16


I went to America for my holidays once. As soon as I left the Airport, I saw a great big fat pile of sick on the path. I turned right around and got a plane back home.


America (more)

Post 17

Researcher 30890

not forgetting in the "greatest country in the world" you have Idaho which is home to a growing number of right-wing patriots and militia enthusiasts who are preparing for what they firmly believe is inevitable global catastrophe. Maybe they need to read the front of the h2g2 - "don't panic".

America (more)

Post 18

Researcher 32776

Uh..while Elvis was still trying to figure out how to fret a guiter the REAL artists like Muddy Waters,Howling Wolf,Robert Johnson and a
slew of bluesman were playing the music that Elvis would later copy and call his own.Elvis was to music what Bill Gates is to computers
damn good at copying others...Elvis made black music..and Blues in particuler safe for white kids to listen to.For that we should give him
the credit he deserves but let's not forget the *source*.

America (more)

Post 19

Spot on Pete, alias The bearded one

Now now, nothing wrong with a nice bit of carniverous feasting......

America (more)

Post 20


I was thinking of the star of the movie not the director...and of course, you are right...it doesn't mean a thing!smiley - smiley

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