A Conversation for The Church Of Weekendism

Weekendism Applications

Post 41

jrhuxley, patron saint of dragonflies and protector of chipmunks

I think you squirrels are very cute..imaginative...would you say a squirrel in sheep's clothing? hehe

Weekendism Applications

Post 42

Maria d J Gutierrez

Well, they are clever little guys... smiley - winkeye

Weekendism Applications

Post 43

jrhuxley, patron saint of dragonflies and protector of chipmunks

so are chipmunks! do you have chipmunks in cali?

Weekendism Applications

Post 44

Maria d J Gutierrez

Nope, no chipmunks. Just squirels, birds (two of whom have lost patience with me and come into the kitchen to look for their food as have some of the squirels), oppossums (again, several of whom have come into the kitchen looking for eats), and the wayward turtle to keep the dogs and fish company. I've yet to spot a raccoon (though fellow pond owners in the nieghborhood tell me that's a good thing because they tend to eat the fish), and the cats stay away because of the dogs. Now that I think of it, they may be keeping other fuzzy critters away too. Hmmm. Well, can't be helped. It's bad enough that the dogs tolerate the mice (they watch them but that's it), I don't want every cat sitting lakeside making Kira et al nervous. smiley - hsif

Weekendism Applications

Post 45

jrhuxley, patron saint of dragonflies and protector of chipmunks

That all sounds so very charming! Here we have Sid Vicious, the aforementioned catfish, who shares his home with four little guppies that belong to my roomate who also has a dog named Nelson. Nelson is a pound puppy, what I would call a miniature American shorthair. She is a riot. OUtside there are lots of birds, squirells, bugs, etc. I did see a rat and a opossum recently, but they didn't look too friendly. And some of the neighbors have dogs and cats who are all very , well, neighborly. My roomate also has a horse, but she lives way out in the country with a bunch of other horses and while i'm sure the a/c and cable may be very attractive to her, I think she's happier staying out there.smiley - fairy

Weekendism Applications

Post 46

jrhuxley, patron saint of dragonflies and protector of chipmunks

That all sounds so very charming! Here we have Sid Vicious, the aforementioned catfish, who shares his home with four little guppies that belong to my roomate who also has a dog named Nelson. Nelson is a pound puppy, what I would call a miniature American shorthair. She is a riot. OUtside there are lots of birds, squirells, bugs, etc. I did see a rat and a opossum recently, but they didn't look too friendly. And some of the neighbors have dogs and cats who are all very , well, neighborly. My roomate also has a horse, but she lives way out in the country with a bunch of other horses and while i'm sure the a/c and cable may be very attractive to her, I think she's happier staying out there.smiley - fairy

Weekendism Applications

Post 47

jrhuxley, patron saint of dragonflies and protector of chipmunks

smiley - sorry (happy trigger finger)

Weekendism Applications

Post 48

Maria d J Gutierrez

No harm, no foul. Today I've got a real houseful. Mom and Dad are in Mexico for a week so I'm dog sitting. Their three, my brothers one, and my three make seven Chihuahuas for the next seven days. Good thing I'd recently gotten mine to get used to eating dog food and mom did the same a short time later. I'd be in bad shape if I had to cook meals twice a day for seven of these mice.

Now if I can get them to stop with the sibling squabbles...

Weekendism Applications

Post 49

jrhuxley, patron saint of dragonflies and protector of chipmunks

All Chihuahuas?! Holy Burritos! Some friends of mine have a little choc brown/tan one named Chino who is adorable!

Weekendism Applications

Post 50

Maria d J Gutierrez

Multiply adorable by seven and you got my living room right now (though I am losing my patience with Spottie for growling all over the place).

I'm starting to think this is going to be a loooooong week.

Weekendism Applications

Post 51

jrhuxley, patron saint of dragonflies and protector of chipmunks

yeah, sounds like you've got your hands full!

Weekendism Applications

Post 52

Maria d J Gutierrez

Udate: spottie's growling because he has a torn nail. Ouch! That being said, he and the other little ones are behaving better altogether. I spent most of the day in bed which is befitting the church of weekendism on a Monday but sucks as a way to spend a Sunday (unless you have company and the doggies don't count).

Weekendism Applications

Post 53

jrhuxley, patron saint of dragonflies and protector of chipmunks

Don't worry, I stayed in bed all day too.smiley - sleepy

Weekendism Applications

Post 54

Maria d J Gutierrez

Hope you felt better than I! If not for the small dogs I may have kept my head under the pillow until my lil' sis dropped in w/kids and boyfriend. Today I had to run downtown to get a copy of divorce papers for #3 sis so she can marry #3 husband in Tenn. somewhere (your neck of the woods). That plus dog sitting for mom and bro has my family keeping me busy lately. Couldn't spend the day in bed if I wanted to (unless I had company smiley - winkeye).

Weekendism Applications

Post 55

jrhuxley, patron saint of dragonflies and protector of chipmunks

i thought i had company when i went home saturday night but when i woke up I was alone and i can't remember how i got home! now, that's what i call a good weekend!...just wish i knew what i did! this week promises to be kinda bad, have to have eye surg on wednesday which is very scary and i'll probably have to go around looking like a smiley - pirate!

Weekendism Applications

Post 56

Maria d J Gutierrez

I hope it doesn't leave you with a peg leg! Yow! That's bad eye surgery! smiley - bigeyes Glad you had such a good weekend and at least you made it into your own bed.

Weekendism Applications

Post 57

jrhuxley, patron saint of dragonflies and protector of chipmunks

yes, i had to celebrate having a good weekend by extending it last night!smiley - cheers

Weekendism Applications

Post 58

Maria d J Gutierrez

Okay lest you think you are out-weekending me, I won't be back to work for another TWO, count-um, TWO WEEKS! I missed a therapy session, next week is LABOR DAY so there is no session, that makes the next session Sept. 9, and I go back to work the Monday after that! Whew! I've got some kinda relaxation to pack into the next 14 days. Then Sept. 23 I've got jury duty and sometime before year's end I am required to take a vacation! Hoooo hoooo! Good stuff, Maynard. smiley - smiley

Weekendism Applications

Post 59

jrhuxley, patron saint of dragonflies and protector of chipmunks

smiley - grr I can't possibly compete with that! I had eye surgery yesterday and am already back at work!

Weekendism Applications

Post 60

Maria d J Gutierrez

Sorry. I've always been an overachiever when it comes to underachieving. smiley - winkeye I think it's better to bust your hump at home and at fun than at work anyway and I overachieve at home too! smiley - smiley

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