Escape Pod Dreams - 73

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Escape Pod Dreams: The Talking About Talk Issue

The New New blob

Just 'cause the mouth is moving, don't mean...

It has never ceased to amaze me how many people seem to think that vocalization is necessary for respiration. And I'm not talking about snoring. That would be an improvement.

So many folks think that their heart would stop functioning if their words ceased their flow. These veritable fountains of verbal effluvia would not be so unbearable if they actually had something to say. But much of what passes for communication among these monologuists is not only hearsay, but factoids and bits of badly written advertising.
Nothing that slides off the media spoon into their gaping baby bird minds is submitted to a moment's bit of critical scrutiny unless the topic flips to the unreliability of the media itself, or, at the very least, the uselessness of the paper that they don't read and wouldn't if you paid them to.

The idea that thought is supposed to enter their lives at some point during the day is completely foreign. Some think they think, but what they've actually been doing is polishing an idea that they got from some one or some where else. That is not thought. That is merely rumination... without any sort of by-product except fertilizer. At least the real cows give milk.

What's truly amazing is the that these blithering idiots survive, tying their shoelaces, driving the brats to the mall, actually functioning in some fashion at an occupation, paying their bills, and making it through the day, on most days, without killing anyone with their overwhelming negligence.

Some of these morons vote. Many of them attend church. A lot of them feature majorly in demographics involving fashion, medical care, and auto satisfaction. Imagine what the world would be like if they would just shut up and have think. Frightening, isn't it?

The New New blob

More reasons why...

1. 8:57 AM
Fear, stupidity, and the lowest common denominator

Obbligato Purinella: the Espresso is dark and stormy, sir

2. 9:57 AM
Could you be more specific?

Dr Foot-in-mouth: Vee haff vays ov making you walk!

3. 10:57 AM
I'm sorry, I can't locate it, sir. Would you mind resubmitting it?

Intelligent Fridge: The lettuce is no longer a head.

4. 11:57 AM
I'm sorry, that's not in the budget
Your Other Right Foot (appearing nightly without warning)

The New New blob

The Escape Pod Dreams

(tonsil revenge)

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