A Conversation for Shadow Ship Excelsior

Housewarming Jello

Post 1

EvilClaw: The Catmanthing

*Hands supermoo a jello*

Eat the jello! Comfy pad you have here! *pushes supermoo out and goes in and locks the door*

Nope. I don't mind staying a month or a year or... smiley - winkeye

Housewarming Jello

Post 2

SuperMoo: Now With Even More Online-ness

he he he he...
You just pushed me in...I thought you would do that...so I put you inside and me out...teleportation can be handy...

Housewarming Jello

Post 3

EvilClaw: The Catmanthing

Yes but the jello was secretly a bomb! 5...4...3...2...1...0...0. I yeah. Forgot to pull the trigger! 5 4 3 2 1. BOOM!

Eat jello ya belly-yellow!

Housewarming Jello

Post 4

SuperMoo: Now With Even More Online-ness

dumps bed pan contents out of theoretical window onto evilclaw...

Housewarming Jello

Post 5

EvilClaw: The Catmanthing

*the chaos of the moment allows EvilClaw's powers to interfere with reality*

*CloneClawwithsandwichforahead jumps in the way of the theoretical contents while EvilClaw jumps inside the house via a window*

*Unsheaths sword of evil*

Stupid good Claw won't give me his sword...

Housewarming Jello

Post 6

SuperMoo: Now With Even More Online-ness

thoretical window leads to other side of ship...

Housewarming Jello

Post 7

EvilClaw: The Catmanthing

Ahhhhhhhhh! (In space no one can hear you scream) *contacts alexis to teleport him inside the house/ship/thingy*


*tilts pictures so they're not straight on the wall*

Housewarming Jello

Post 8

SuperMoo: Now With Even More Online-ness

*tilts ship so that walls are now strait on pictures...*

Housewarming Jello

Post 9

EvilClaw: The Catmanthing

*looks for stairs* Going up the stairs! Whee!

Housewarming Jello

Post 10

SuperMoo: Now With Even More Online-ness

...evilclaw...you already are on the top floor...the entrance is on the top of the ship...you'd be looking for the stairs down...*stares down*

Housewarming Jello

Post 11

EvilClaw: The Catmanthing

okay... Going down the stairs, whee! So if you're looking down the stairs does that mean you're in the same room as me! (Gasp, tribulations)

Housewarming Jello

Post 12

SuperMoo: Now With Even More Online-ness

don't fall and hurt your self...*dumps Greece down stairs...wonders how Greek dirt came into his hands...remembers nothing relevant...*

Housewarming Jello

Post 13

EvilClaw: The Catmanthing

oh no! wait I'm still at the top of the stairs so i don't have to wor-
*slips on Greece* AHHHHH*thump*OWWWW*thump**thump**thump all the way down*

Housewarming Jello

Post 14

SuperMoo: Now With Even More Online-ness

man...I should use Greek soil for lubricant on waterslides...I should also purchase a water slide if I am going to do that...

Housewarming Jello

Post 15

EvilClaw: The Catmanthing

AhA! No i'm at the bottom of the stairs! *looks around* Um... which room is that? Engine?

Housewarming Jello

Post 16

SuperMoo: Now With Even More Online-ness

ho ho ho...engine room...who needs an engine room...well...everone with a ship...so it may be...this ship runs off of the light it absorbs...so it gets power even at night because it absorbs all light incident on it...plus there are batteries that store the excess...er...don't touch them...they're superconducters and are therefore kept at close to zero kelvin...

Housewarming Jello

Post 17

EvilClaw: The Catmanthing

so i'm in the battery room? and are you talking to me via PA system?

Housewarming Jello

Post 18

SuperMoo: Now With Even More Online-ness

no I'm at the top of the stairs and you are in a hallway with the light's turned off because until now I haven't mentioned it...there's a door down there that leads to one of the many battery rooms...a few flights of stairs down and at the end of that hallway is the main engine room...there are several more smaller ones for manuvering engines...

Housewarming Jello

Post 19

EvilClaw: The Catmanthing

*goes inside one of the main battery rooms* Hmmm... good thing i brought this length of wire.

Housewarming Jello

Post 20

SuperMoo: Now With Even More Online-ness

you do realize that wires conduct heat as well as electricity...at least put some gloves on...

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