Escape Pod Dreams - 64

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Don't look behind you when you're almost to the exit

The New New blob

This is a limited time offer

Take the time to actually realize that your wainscotting has an opinion.

Take a moment out of every day and save it up, putting it away to be used at the last moment, when it seems that there is nothing left. There really won't be, but isn't it nice to think that if you can't cheat death, you can at least fool it for a bit?

Take a deep breath every time you find a place that has no automobiles around. They'd like you to believe that emission controls have made the air cleaner. It isn't, really, it just smells less. Remember dirt can be organic while sterility is a form of death.

Take the time to actually read the ingredients panel on the box before you nuke that 'instant' dinner. Wonder to yourself how many man hours were spent creating that 'information' and that 'food'. Then go eat a spoonful of dirt.

Away from the roof runoff.

And don't mind the worms.

They are part of the foodchain...

As be you...

The New New blob

More reasons to make friends with your neighbourhood roaches:

1. 8:57 AM
IPR presents: Ancient Celtic belt-making and it's relationship to the astrolabe, or

Timmy's Lassie: Last scene schwimming da Rhine

2. 9:57 AM
IPR presents: The Prophet of Midian and the Prince of Piece de Resistance, or

Momma's little helper: Oops!

3. 10:57 AM
IPR presents: Three Weeks in a Balloon with a Thatcherite, or

Little Rita Rhythm and Ted

4. 11:57 AM
IPR presents: Pithy Bits of Pianapple smothered in Magnesium Sulfate, or

Your Other Right Foot (appearing nightly without warning)

The New New blob

The Escape Pod Dreams

(tonsil revenge)

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