A Conversation for Magicians Guild : Imardin

Walls and Towers

Post 461


*Carries Shaylar to the same safe place where Avatar is resting. She is tired, too, but still she goes on to fight*

Walls and Towers

Post 462

Mr. Christopher, enjoying the Magicians Guild game where he is called Polonius Franc, Elder Healer and local merchant

*Degrom continues to close any portals the Drow can open*

*Polonius stands by to protect Degrom*

Walls and Towers

Post 463

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

*After a short rest, she staggers to where Lumien is standing*

Need any help

Walls and Towers

Post 464


*Slashes one of the remaining iskar with her sword, wounding it, but not doing much else than making it angry. She is a wreck- staggering with exhaustion, face smeared with blood, and bleeding herself from several small strikes.*

Could do...

Walls and Towers

Post 465

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

Go and rest

*Shaylar reaches for her scimitar and slices the head off the Iskar*

Go, I've got my second wind

*She wades through the DA slashing and slicing as she goes*

Walls and Towers

Post 466

The_Admiral(aka Avatar)

*Having rested and recuperated somewhat after casting his last spell, Avatar once again leaps into the fray, inflicting numerous casualties upon the DA even as they score first a few, and then more small cuts on him*

Walls and Towers

Post 467

The_Admiral(aka Avatar)

*As Avatar is fighting, he has an idea*

Shaylar, Zantir, Alan, Zephyrus, over here!!! I have an idea but I'll need your help!

*starts to make his way over to Lady Shaylar

Walls and Towers

Post 468

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

What do you need Avatar?

Walls and Towers

Post 469

The_Admiral(aka Avatar)

Would it be possible to combine our different magics and unleash them out in one single, large, concentrated attack on the DA? Combine your's and Z's elemental abilities with Zantir's and my abilities to control shields and space/time in a focused effort to take out the core of the DA's army in one fell swoop?

If we can we'll need as many mages as we can lay hold of to make this work.

Walls and Towers

Post 470

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

Yes that will work, Lumien can produce a shockwave spell if thats any help, just let me know what you want

Walls and Towers

Post 471

Mr. Christopher, enjoying the Magicians Guild game where he is called Polonius Franc, Elder Healer and local merchant

Walls and Towers

Post 472

Raekor: Fanatical magician and Zephyrus Seferino (Magicians guild) (6+4*0)*(0*2+7)

There's still too many demons on the wall, until...
*Charges up a fire spell*
*Unleahes a fireball at a group of daemons*

Walls and Towers

Post 473


*the demons explode flying into the air, one of them lands ontop of Zephyrus*

*Demons make it to the gatehouse...*

Walls and Towers

Post 474

Hamster of Doom (Zantir Ictell)

AYE I came help if I can get to you!

*the pair start trying to fight their way back to the other magicians*

Walls and Towers

Post 475

Raekor: Fanatical magician and Zephyrus Seferino (Magicians guild) (6+4*0)*(0*2+7)

*Pushes the daemon off him, and stabs it in the neck*
They're in the gatehouse, stop them!
*Runs through to the gatehouse with katana drawn*

Walls and Towers

Post 476

Lash LeRue

Pléadáilaim O Lúg,Túgfaidh tú an anmhihi an foreigeán.

*A dark shimmering net is cast out of his hands and a wolf hound pack appears where it touches the ground*

The legendary pack of the Feniens...ATTACK!

Walls and Towers

Post 477


*one or two demons fall to the pack before the demons start tossing the wolves asides as if they were puppies*

Walls and Towers

Post 478

Lash LeRue

Spring god Brigít send forth your Bláthanna deiscúil

*Vines spring out of the ground and set forth on the demons*

Walls and Towers

Post 479

Raekor: Fanatical magician and Zephyrus Seferino (Magicians guild) (6+4*0)*(0*2+7)

*Zephyrus charges onto the walls and begins to run to the steps, holding katana ready for combat*

Walls and Towers

Post 480


*demons stop sw3arming up ont the walls, but there are still plenty here*

*few demons are stopped by the vines, but others around them cut them clean*

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