A Conversation for Magicians Guild : Imardin

Walls and Towers

Post 441

The_Admiral(aka Avatar)

*Once Avatar's spell is formed, he launches it at the drow casting the shield. It, combined with the surprise of being attacked from behind by Iksar, ruin the drows' concentration and their shield collapses leaving them extremely vulnerable to K's Iksar.*

*Once Avatar's spell is launched he collapses to the ground, exhausted*

Walls and Towers

Post 442

The_Admiral(aka Avatar)

Walls and Towers

Post 443

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

<smiley - book>

Walls and Towers

Post 444

Hamster of Doom (Zantir Ictell)


*he looks over at Alan*

Boy, follow me!

Alan: yes sir....

*the two of them charge at the new ramp where the DA army although stunned is charging up *

Follow my movements exactly

*Alan and Zandir fight with exactly the same blows cuting the heads off demons, orcs and goblins as are prone*

Walls and Towers

Post 445

Raekor: Fanatical magician and Zephyrus Seferino (Magicians guild) (6+4*0)*(0*2+7)

This must end, now!
*Charges at the nearest demon/orc/goblin with another horizontal slash at the neck and prepares to step back*

Walls and Towers

Post 446


*Demons break through the intial line of Imardin defenders where the ramp meets the wall, surrounding those at the front and engaging even more*

*some demons now one the walls start diving for the gatehouse*

Walls and Towers

Post 447

Raekor: Fanatical magician and Zephyrus Seferino (Magicians guild) (6+4*0)*(0*2+7)

Defend the gatehouse!
*Zephyrus and several guards and archers attack those heading for the gatehouse*

Walls and Towers

Post 448


*demons fall dead in the hurry to get to the gatehouse*

*the claw there way forwards trying to get ever so closer*

Walls and Towers

Post 449

Hamster of Doom (Zantir Ictell)

*completely surrounded now by demons Zantir slows time for him and alan, they seem to move much faster to everyone around them cutting demons throats as they raise their claws to attack*

Walls and Towers

Post 450

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

Zantir, what do you need me to do?

Walls and Towers

Post 451

Raekor: Fanatical magician and Zephyrus Seferino (Magicians guild) (6+4*0)*(0*2+7)

We need some assitance over here, the demons are going beserk!

Walls and Towers

Post 452

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

What do you need, you're an elementalist boy, use your magic

Walls and Towers

Post 453

Raekor: Fanatical magician and Zephyrus Seferino (Magicians guild) (6+4*0)*(0*2+7)

I suppose... Here goes nothing!
*Charges another lightning spell*
*A small bolt hits a group of demons*

Walls and Towers

Post 454

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

Fire, use fire boy

*Unleshes a firebolt, burning several drow*

Walls and Towers

Post 455


*the demons that the lighning bolt hit go flying, taking archers with them*

Walls and Towers

Post 456

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

*Unleashes several small tornadoes, one moves the archers to safe ground and one lifts the demons to the heavens*

Walls and Towers

Post 457


*Stands, and helps Shaylar with shielding the walls.*

Walls and Towers

Post 458

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

Will recasting that ice shield spell on the walls help

Walls and Towers

Post 459


Worth a shot!

*Recasts the shield*

Walls and Towers

Post 460

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

*Covers the shield with Magic Ice, collapse's on the wall*

I'm exhausted

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