A Conversation for Magicians Guild : Imardin

Walls and Towers

Post 1


*the walls stretch all around Imardin at a height of about 15 metres...siege towers stand watch around the wall at a height of 19 metres.*

*the walls are made of stone, around 1.5 metres thick in total, and the towers about 0.7 metres thick.*

Walls and Towers

Post 2

Craxus "ACE" (High Lord of the Magicians Guild "A2510425")

*High Lord Craxus walks up the stairs to the walls.*

*His mind seems in a far away place, looking at the Dark Alliance mobilizing there army once more.*

*Soldiers walk by him and nod there heads in respect for what he has done in the last battle.*

*His black robe swaying in the wind growing even more dramatic in the passing moments.*

The city must survive.....

Walls and Towers

Post 3


*at his side is Lady Elandra, her right hand resting habitually on one of her swords*

We will defeat them, m'lord.

*she looks out to the north, the direction of the Dark armies*

Although I wonder what the next battle will bring to us.

Walls and Towers

Post 4

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

*walks out from a shadowed resess*
well... hopefully far enough to cut down on fatalites of inosents..

Walls and Towers

Post 5

Craxus "ACE" (High Lord of the Magicians Guild "A2510425")

Probabley much more chaos, young Elandra...

*The High Lord looks sad a little bit in his eyes.*

Last time we got lucky, the Dark Alliance was only a fraction of there powerful strength. The walls didn't hold as well as planned, we should begin reinforcing these outter walls with that new mineral we are mining over near Outpost Turious.

*Craxus looks at the faces of the soldiers walking past him.*

These men can't take another battle like they did that night.

Walls and Towers

Post 6

Uncle_Bob - Back In Black

*Curmanis walks along the wall to where the High Lord is standing*

m'Lord, where should I go first to see how I can help the other outposts?

*waits silently for an answer*

Walls and Towers

Post 7


There should be supply carts coming from Turious soon, m'lord...

*her eyes look wiser than her years as she surveys the land*

Would you think it viable if we were to head out and meet them? *sighs and shakes her head*

We /need/ Outpost Yurick. Without that, they will be free to occupy the land between there and Imardin...and they will be able to surround the city again. If we take Yurick Virg Mackz back, we will be able to defend easier.

Walls and Towers

Post 8

Craxus "ACE" (High Lord of the Magicians Guild "A2510425")

*High Lord Craxus turns to Curmanis.*

Ahh yes Lord Curmanis, have you secured yourself an animal of travel from the guild? There is a plentiful stock of horses near the guild hall if you want one, go and ask for a horse. You may go and check on the other Outposts, just stay clear of Yurick Virg Mackz, that outpost has been taken over by the Dark Alliance. Of course you may look around the city if you wish.

*The High Lord turns back to Lady Elandra.*

I have taken the liberty of setting up road blocks near the Outpost Yurick, now renamed Yurick Virg Mackz. If the Dark Alliance even try to pass that, there will be Magicians there in a minute to assist. We could of course reinforce the walls with the metal or reinforce the road blocks what do you suggest Lady Elandra?

Walls and Towers

Post 9


*she runs her fingers over the hilt of her sword Theron, in deep thought*

Reinforcement, yes. But we need to retake the outpost before they strike at us again. The road blocks are vital, for one thing they are one of our first warnings if the armies start to advance.

With the help of the other peoples, we would have better chances...but the we would need to get /to/ them, past the Dark Alliance troops. *sighs*

Walls and Towers

Post 10

Uncle_Bob - Back In Black

I will go to Outpost Turious and oversee their procedure in mining to reinforce the other outposts, and the road blocks.

*Awaits acceptance*

Walls and Towers

Post 11

Craxus "ACE" (High Lord of the Magicians Guild "A2510425")

*Turns back to Elandra.*

Ahh yes, the allies. Sadly to say that the Dark Alliance, once they took over Yurick...that cut off any chance of getting to our allies. I believe we should reinforce the road blocks with the alloyed metal. I don't belive a full on attack would be smart. We are weakened they are strong. Over time we will be strong again.

Walls and Towers

Post 12

Craxus "ACE" (High Lord of the Magicians Guild "A2510425")

*Turns to Lord Curmanis.*

Yes, the metal is vital to our defense. Go and over look the outpost. Go get a horse if you have not one.

Walls and Towers

Post 13



However we must balance caution with haster, m'lord...they are undoubtedly planning /their/ next moves also, and I do not think they are going to wait long before attacking us again.

Walls and Towers

Post 14

Uncle_Bob - Back In Black

I will head there at once.

*Walks down stairs and towards the stable*

Walls and Towers

Post 15

Craxus "ACE" (High Lord of the Magicians Guild "A2510425")

*Looks deeply in Elandras eyes.*

I saw let them come. The second we hear the warning alarms, the Magicians will be off to stop the assault. We will be better on the defense than on the attack, especially at our weakened state. We must train the new apprentices and novices. They need our guidance as much as we need them out on the field.

Walls and Towers

Post 16


*looks back into Craxus's eyes and nods again, smiling briefly*

You are right, as ever, m'lord. As for the younger, less experienced ones...I have confidence in them that they will prove their worth.

Walls and Towers

Post 17

Craxus "ACE" (High Lord of the Magicians Guild "A2510425")

Come, Lady Elandra, let us go back to the guild hall. There are a few things that I need to do. You may go off and meet a few of your students.

*The High Lord excuses himself as he goes to take on a few other matters.*

Walls and Towers

Post 18


*she bows to Craxus and stands staring out to the north for a while longer*

*a guard starts looking at her quizzically, she excuses herself and walks along the unexamined stretch of wall, encouraging the troops some, before returning to the guild hall*

Walls and Towers

Post 19

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

*looks out over the wall before turning and going back to where she came from*

Walls and Towers

Post 20


*high above the walls a manticore soars, he flys around the outer walls and the flys down low*

*Lycan can be seen on his back as they skim the walls*

*the circle a few more times*

*Lycan is seen to be saying something and then the manticore swoops back into the city*

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