A Conversation for The Hitchhikers Hotel

The Pool

Post 41

Indiana Vulpix ,the ACF mascot! now with sugarXD

K Hi H! What's a liloes?????

The Pool

Post 42

Indiana Vulpix ,the ACF mascot! now with sugarXD

Snaged post 42.smiley - evilgrin

The Pool

Post 43

Lady Scott

*emerges from the pool*

Whew! That was a *long* swim!

23 hours without stopping! smiley - wow

The Pool

Post 44

Trin Tragula

smiley - towel

The Pool

Post 45

Lady Scott

Thanks so much!

*dabs delicately at her wet self, then wraps up in the smiley - towel*

The Pool

Post 46

Trin Tragula

Not at all smiley - smiley

Twenty-three hours is very impressive - have you thought about taking it up professionally?

The Pool

Post 47

Lady Scott

I don't normally swim quite that long, but I sorta lost track of time... you know how it goes sometimes.

Professionally? You mean I could be *paid* to do this? smiley - wow

The Pool

Post 48

Trin Tragula

Why, certainly - the Olympics are coming up: long-distance endurance races, make a big splash, endorsements, sponsors ... the possibilities are endless smiley - biggrin

The Pool

Post 49

Lady Scott

I may be able to swim a long time, but I doubt they'd be interested in using my image, since they really do like to have beautiful people for those things...

The Pool

Post 50

Trin Tragula

*Cocks an eyebrow at Lady Scott's modesty - would twiddle the end of his moustache but he doesn't have one*

Well, what about something warm after all that swimming? smiley - tea? smiley - coffee? Or a hot smiley - choc?

The Pool

Post 51


I was wondering what a "liloes" was too but was too smiley - blush to ask. Congrats IV, on catching 42.

Oh well. smiley - runCANNONBALL!!

The Pool

Post 52

Trin Tragula

Er...Hilary. Come here, would you?

*Places Hilary between himself and imminent cannonball*

The Pool

Post 53

Indiana Vulpix ,the ACF mascot! now with sugarXD

Thanks smiley - biggrin Now I shall join you CANNONBALL!smiley - evilgrin

The Pool

Post 54

F F Churchton

*wals onto the poolside with a lilo and shocks everyone*

I'll put some suntan cream on before I'll dive bomb in the pool, dambuster style!!!

The Pool

Post 55

Indiana Vulpix ,the ACF mascot! now with sugarXD

Like I said. Whats a liloes/lilo??????

The Pool

Post 56


Inflatable matresses?

Like this:


smiley - bubbly

The Pool

Post 57


Googling "lilo" gave me Linux loader and something smiley - erm not for a family website.

The Pool

Post 58

Trin Tragula

smiley - yikes (Mind you, googling pretty much anything will eventually give you something unsuitable for a family website smiley - winkeye)

Lilos themselves, on the other hand, are entirely suitable for family entertainment. You can lie on them. You can float on them. You can sleep on them when you've run out of beds or aren't content with couch or floor.

What you shouldn't do is float too far out to sea on them. It is the bane of a lifeguard's ... life, having to go and retrieve people who have got careless whilst paddling their lilos.

Does this pool have a lifeguard, by the way?

The Pool

Post 59


So it really is an inflatable mattress thing. Well there are probably some that are unsuitable...smiley - evilgrin

I don't know if there is a lifeguard. I've never seen one here. Perhaps the Herms and Honditions should include that pool users should be able to swim properly or at least float. Or that all guests should be trained in resussitation. Didn't you resussitate Hilary once?

The Pool

Post 60

Trin Tragula

Well, the minotaur did - big lungs that bear.

(And I seem to remember a certain someone raised the alarm in very timely fashion, without which the big-lunged bear might not be here at all smiley - brave)

Maybe Footbacon could advertise the post though. Maybe...maybe...

Maybe we could get David Hasselhof! smiley - bigeyes

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