A Conversation for h2g2 Freaks

I'm a Freak, dammit!

Post 101

Archangel Tweetie (01/06/02...)

Hmmm, I'm torn between shuffling away or trying to find out more.
Ok,ok here's my justification. I would NEVER harm anyone with witchcraft. I want to study wicca because I've finally found a faith that fits in with my own firmly held (and in fact a lot of the not so firmly held ones too). The whole magick thing is a minor factor. Plus, it just *feels* right to me. And there have been lots of signs pointing me in that direction. Plus, I'm only a beginner so don't try to discourage me yet... I haven't even been able to get up the courage to buy a book yet *looks sheepish*. As yet, I'm only a technopagan. Hey, cool!
And *ouch* BTW.

I'm a Freak, dammit!

Post 102

Hammy of Hamster (died, still moving)

~feeling lonely~
~Climbs into his hamster ball and starts rolling around the room~
oops: ~accidently bumped into Scully and Cut's feet~
I enjoyed that.
#continues to roll around the room

I'm a Freak, dammit!

Post 103

Archangel Tweetie (01/06/02...)

Sounds like fun...
Now where do I get a human-sized hamster ball?

I'm a Freak, dammit!

Post 104

Hammy of Hamster (died, still moving)

What you need is a rodent superhero, I wonder where you'll find one of them! smiley - smiley

I'm a Freak, dammit!

Post 105

Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga

*ponder ponder*

I'm a Freak, dammit!

Post 106

Archangel Tweetie (01/06/02...)

Wow, that's a stumper...
smiley - winkeye

I'm a Freak, dammit!

Post 107

Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga




I'm a Freak, dammit!

Post 108

Cutlery, co-founding Freak and Patron Saint of Cutting Remarks ?¿

White witches rule. Actually, Tweetie, maybe you and your witch buddies could do something about this rodent superhero... but what I wanna know is WHY??????? smiley - bigeyes

I'm a Freak, dammit!

Post 109

Hammy of Hamster (died, still moving)

i wonder what a Cutlery doll would be like.

I'm a Freak, dammit!

Post 110

Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga

Care for a pin, Hammy? smiley - winkeye

I'm a Freak, dammit!

Post 111

Cutlery, co-founding Freak and Patron Saint of Cutting Remarks ?¿

You don't get a cutlery doll. The cutlery is the accessories with a voodoo doll. smiley - winkeye

I'm a Freak, dammit!

Post 112

Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga

smiley - smiley you're too quick smiley - smiley

I'm a Freak, dammit!

Post 113


No, you're just quick enough. Too quick would be going faster than light, which is dangerous.

I'm a Freak, dammit!

Post 114

Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga

in the moonli-i-i-i-i-i-ight!


you're never safe till you see the dawn...

I'm a Freak, dammit!

Post 115

Hammy of Hamster (died, still moving)

I-San I-San I-San I-San I-San I-San I-San I-San I-San I-San I-San I-San I-San I-San I-San I-San I-San I-San I-San I-San I-San I-San I-San I-San I-San I-San I-San I-San I-San I-San I-San I-San I-San I-San I-San I-San I-San I-San I-San I-San I-San I-San I-San I-San I-San I-San I-San I-San I-San I-San I-San I-San I-San I-San I-San I-San I-San I-San I-San I-San I-San I-San I-San I-San I-San I-San I-San I-San I-San I-San I-San I-San I-San I-San I-San I-San I-San I-San I-San I-San I-San I-San I-San I-San I-San I-San I-San I-San I-San I-San I-San I-San I-San I-San I-San I-San I-San I-San I-San I-San I-San I-San I-San I-San I-San I-San I-San I-San I-San I-San I-San I-San I-San I-San I-San I-San I-San I-San I-San I-San I-San I-San I-San I-San I-San I-San I-San I-San I-San I-San I-San I-San I-San I-San I-San I-San I-San I-San I-San I-San I-San I-San I-San I-San I-San I-San I-San I-San I-San I-San I-San I-San I-San I-San I-San I-San I-San I-San I-San I-San I-San I-San I-San I-San I-San I-San I-San I-San I-San I-San I-San I-San I-San I-San I-San I-San

I'm a Freak, dammit!

Post 116

Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga

aw, shut up.

I'm a Freak, dammit!

Post 117


What is this i-san stuff, anyway?

I'm a Freak, dammit!

Post 118

Hammy of Hamster (died, still moving)

http://www.h2g2.com/A286030 very simply.

I'm a Freak, dammit!

Post 119

Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga

avert your eyes!!!!!!

I'm a Freak, dammit!

Post 120

Cutlery, co-founding Freak and Patron Saint of Cutting Remarks ?¿

Hmm.. maybe it would be cruel to the h2g2 community to write an article about Helen... smiley - winkeye

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