A Conversation for Greebo's Party!!!

Greebo Needs You!!.. Part Two

Post 81


I dont think I could eat another thing .. I mean ever .. well ..

Maybe after some more mulled wine I'll fancy a curry . . .
(Isnt that always the way?)

Greebo Needs You!!.. Part Two

Post 82

Ender Wiggin

Is Gwennie short for Gwenevere? I just love that name!

Greebo Needs You!!.. Part Two

Post 83

Ender Wiggin

Where's the line for the mistltoe?

Greebo Needs You!!.. Part Two

Post 84


Unfortunately not... its short for "Gwendoline" but everyone calls me "Gwen" (except my mother who always calls me by my full name, expecially when I'm in for it....) or in my hubby's case, "Gwennie".

Hey, I think my hubby's stomach is on overload and there's still some Aussie beef left in t'fridge (I won't let him eat British beef/lamb)... Can anyone cope with a plate of food yet?

Greebo Needs You!!.. Part Two

Post 85


Hi Gwennie, the justaposition of eating and the name brought this to mind. http://www.userfriendly.org/cartoons/archives/99may/19990522.html

Greebo Needs You!!.. Part Two

Post 86


Thanks! I'm glad I brought that to mind! I'll tell hubby that I still have some uses.... (Do you think Gwendolyn will be regurgitated???)

Greebo Needs You!!.. Part Two

Post 87


Sorry I'm late, but I had to charge my magic. I am now going to do a Gandalf and make some Party Fireworks! 3...2...1...

Oh, damn, my trouser's are on fire...

Greebo Needs You!!.. Part Two

Post 88


A round of applause for the flaming trousers. smiley - smiley

Greebo Needs You!!.. Part Two

Post 89

Gw7en, Voice of Chaos (Classic)

Lovely fireworks, all the way 'round! smiley - winkeye

Hope everyone had a lovely Xmas and that the day after shopping didn't lead to any serious damage! Now, to party into the New Year... smiley - bigeyes

Greebo Needs You!!.. Part Two

Post 90


Sounds like a plan to me. smiley - smiley

Greebo Needs You!!.. Part Two

Post 91

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

*cheers with all the strength he can muster, which isn't much, and goes back to sleep*

Greebo Needs You!!.. Part Two

Post 92


Sounds like you peaked too soon EV. smiley - winkeye

Greebo Needs You!!.. Part Two

Post 93

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

*blearily* I'll be alright by New Year...

Greebo Needs You!!.. Part Two

Post 94

Gw7en, Voice of Chaos (Classic)

You only have four days, you know. Maybe you should have one of Courtesy's wonderful shakes. They really do help, or so I've been told! smiley - winkeye

Greebo Needs You!!.. Part Two

Post 95


*walks in and...*


*trips over ACE*

Who left this here?

*smells spent gunpowder*

Smells like someone has burned their drawers.

Greebo Needs You!!.. Part Two

Post 96

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

*mutters in his sleep as Strider trips over him* Mmmmm...... take it easy, Helena, we've got all night..... zzzzzzzzzzzzzz.....

Greebo Needs You!!.. Part Two

Post 97


Oh I say!!!... ~Greebo blushes~

Greebo Needs You!!.. Part Two

Post 98


Quick! Someone pour a bucket of cold gloop over Dr. E.V. before he does something he'll regret (or most likely not)....

Greebo Needs You!!.. Part Two

Post 99


*Beeblefish laughs hard*

Oh Dr. E. V., you may be wishing for armagedon once Helena gets back!

Happy almost New Age guys!

I hope we dont all blow each other up!!

I would be sad smiley - sadface

Greebo Needs You!!.. Part Two

Post 100


(Grabs smiley - ale, Pours on flame. Flame becomes roaring inferno.)
Reminds me of the time I met that dragon...

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