A Conversation for Greebo's Party!!!

Greebo Needs You!!.. Part Two

Post 21


In what way exactly do you *play* with anchovies? ...no, don't answer, just hand it to me will you? smiley - winkeye
...Oh, and hi! Nice party you've got. I think I got an old pack of strawberry chewing gum somewhere around here, anybody interested? smiley - fish

Greebo Needs You!!.. Part Two

Post 22


I'm interested in Mince Pies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Greebo Needs You!!.. Part Two

Post 23

Gw7en, Voice of Chaos (Classic)

Peta had some over in Santa's party. Maybe we can convince her to bring some this way... I *love* mince pies! smiley - bigeyes

Greebo Needs You!!.. Part Two

Post 24


Well, I hope you get loads. I'm off now until mid-Januray. Expect to see me again around Januray 15th-ish. Have fun without me!


LAST POST OF 1999!!!!!!!!!

Greebo Needs You!!.. Part Two

Post 25


Ta... ta... Oh buzzing One... have a great crimbo... ~grin~...

Thanks for the kebabs and the strawberry chewing gum... both are great ideas... and the musical selections are wonderful... ~grin~

Greebo Needs You!!.. Part Two

Post 26


*starts handing shakes out*
It's for the hangover, trust me smiley - smiley *wink*

*pulls out some Ketle One Vodka*
mmmmmm mmmmmmmmm Good *brings out some grapfruit juice also*
Greyhounds anyone?

Oh and Greebo, Santa, being the hoopy frood that he is will most definitely be here. The reindeer want to party and he has to go where they want smiley - smiley

Courtesy & Merry Holidays to all smiley - smiley

Greebo Needs You!!.. Part Two

Post 27


I'll have whatever drink you can offer smiley - winkeye. Have you gotten anything to eat? You should try the Feta Cheese Pizza, pretty good if you like that sort of thing.

Greebo Needs You!!.. Part Two

Post 28

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

*sniff* *sniff* Is that pizza I smell? I couldn't remember if we had any Christmas crackers, so I brought some anyway. smiley - smiley

Greebo Needs You!!.. Part Two

Post 29


*grabs a Chocolate Shake with a Vodka chaser and hands it to Freedom*
For the lovely lady smiley - smiley

*grabs some Feta Pizza*
mmmmmm mmmmmmmmm Good smiley - smiley


Greebo Needs You!!.. Part Two

Post 30


Chocolate and vodka makes an excellent mix, don't you think?

Oh yeah, I almost forgot...I brought popcorn, they're in that great big bag by the door if anybody wants some.

Merry Christmas to All of You!!!

smiley - smileysmiley - bigeyessmiley - winkeye
(You've got to love them!)


Greebo Needs You!!.. Part Two

Post 31


Chocolate and Vodka *gets a look in the eye*

*starts serving Vodka shots with Hersey's Chocolate bars floating in them*

Now that looks interesting.


Greebo Needs You!!.. Part Two

Post 32

Gw7en, Voice of Chaos (Classic)

Switch from bars to syrup and you've got a convert here! Although, your way does have the classic appeal of Reese's commercials... smiley - winkeye

Happy Holidays to all! smiley - smiley

Greebo Needs You!!.. Part Two

Post 33


*tries to float chocolate on a pint of drumroll, fails*

Oh well, I'll just have to drink the beer then. smiley - winkeye

Greebo Needs You!!.. Part Two

Post 34


*Beeblefish stalks in with 20 bags of Indian take-away*

Did somebody say something about Indian Crimbo food?

Oh and Gw7en ....

"You got your chocolate in my peanut butter!"

"You got your Peanut butter on my chocolate!!"

smiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smiley

Greebster -- what a party! Dig the music too!

*Beeblefish Dances to the Funky Midi-beats -- he looks a bit foolish, but thats just because he is so drunk on Christmas cheer*

Where did that Bailey's go? smiley - smiley

Greebo Needs You!!.. Part Two

Post 35


*guilty grin*

I'll just pop to the F&F and get another bottle. smiley - smiley

Greebo Needs You!!.. Part Two

Post 36


Wow thanks for the crimbo cracker. my good Doctor friend... ~grin~.... ~Greebo jumps about excitedly... looking at the trre for pressies...~ hmm.. none there yet... It's crimbo eve folks... ~grin~... got to go into work at 6am this morning... but me is home at midday... so me will be ready for a huge pile of doughnuts and a rather large glass of ice cold milk... with straw of course... ~grin~

Greebo Needs You!!.. Part Two

Post 37

Wilson Brown-Bear (PSoDL)

Er... excuse me everyone, I would like to introduce you to Wendy, my other half. *Wilson pushes a delectably cute cream/pink teddy bear forward*
She's a little shy, so please make her welcome...

smiley - sadface WbB

Greebo Needs You!!.. Part Two

Post 38


Greetings to Wendy ( Cream Bear ? ) .
Fourmyle quietly packs in a Tim Horton 48 pack of donuts , crullers , apple fritters , bismarks and a couple of cream cheese filled toasted blueberry bagles and slips them under the tree .

Greebo Needs You!!.. Part Two

Post 39


Yippee! It's Christmas Eve.... My mum-in-law is coming over today with her new hip in tow (she only had the "op" 7 weeks ago) for a couple of days and I have to get some last minute goodies from the shops today (wish me luck - it'll be murder out there) so it may be some time before I pop back.

Lots of love, hugs and kisses to everyone.

Thanks for being a wonderful host Greebo.

Happy Crimbo!

Greebo Needs You!!.. Part Two

Post 40

Aeli's mistress

walks in with mouth full of Kebabs.
kebabs and hummus and bailey's and painkillers. Hope I didn't forget anything!

is there any pink milk around?

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