A Conversation for Greebo's Party!!!

Greebo Needs You!!.. Part Two

Post 41

The Geordie in Reading

Depends on how adventurous you are - one of the guests ( the strange guy with the third nipple) swears blind that a cure for the morning after is milk combined with tomato sauce. It is certainly pink, but when he drank it he went green and left rather quickly, to the extent that there is still half a glass over there.I'm not sure I would try it though....

By the way, I've always wanted to play my obscure music at a party, and I just happen to have a copy of 'Signify' by 'Porcupine Tree' in the car. Who do I have to bribe to get in on the CD player?

Greebo Needs You!!.. Part Two

Post 42


No need to bribe anyone... ~grin~.. a couple of doughnuts is all it takes... ~smile~

It's Crimbo Eve... ~Greebo starts jumping up and down in excitement~... Santa will soon be here... he always comes down my chimney... ~grin~... but thats another story...

Hope you all have a fantastic Crimbo... wish you could all come over to my place for that special Greebo crimbo touch... but... this party is almost as good... as it has had some of my bestest h2g2 friends visiting... ~BSK's to you all~

Greebo Needs You!!.. Part Two

Post 43

Wilson Brown-Bear (PSoDL)

Have a great time this christmas, I will try to have one as well. Can't promise though...

smiley - sadface WbB

Greebo Needs You!!.. Part Two

Post 44

Ender Wiggin

::checking to see if Jasmine is still lurking under Mistletoe::

Greebo Needs You!!.. Part Two

Post 45

Ender Wiggin

I suspect the reindeer don't care for the tradition of feeding Santa cookies. Santa there is a big boy to be toting around the night air.

Greebo Needs You!!.. Part Two

Post 46

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

*lets off one of those irritating party popper things*
It's Christmas Day! Merry Christmas everyone!

Greebo Needs You!!.. Part Two

Post 47


Happy Christmas everyone. Its just gone midnight. Time to open the booze. smiley - winkeye

Greebo Needs You!!.. Part Two

Post 48

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

You mean it's not already open? Blimey, what have I been drinking? smiley - smiley

Greebo Needs You!!.. Part Two

Post 49

Ender Wiggin

It's only 4 in the afternoon here in California, USA. Le sigh...

Greebo Needs You!!.. Part Two

Post 50


No mince pies for you then. smiley - winkeye

Greebo Needs You!!.. Part Two

Post 51


But a huge doughnut and a large glass of milk for the ginny cat... ~festive grin~

Greebo Needs You!!.. Part Two

Post 52


Four minutes to Crimbo!! -- but Im already stuffed with mince pie & rum balls and brandy soaked cake and wine ... umph.

Love this time of year!

Merry Crimbo Everyone

Hugs and Fishes and Kisses all Around!!

O smiley - fish X O smiley - fish X O smiley - fish X O smiley - fish X

Greebo Needs You!!.. Part Two

Post 53

Calliope (formerly Angel)

Woohoo! (And the clock strikes midnight...)

smiley - smiley

@%~ Angel

Greebo Needs You!!.. Part Two

Post 54


*Beeblefish sneaks a quick kiss with Angel under the Mistletoe -- then goes off to look for Santa*

Greebo Needs You!!.. Part Two

Post 55


Wake up party poopers! Are you all asleep? Or have you left? Merry Christmas and keep on partying!

Greebo Needs You!!.. Part Two

Post 56

Calliope (formerly Angel)

I left for a while... but I'm back. smiley - smiley

Greebo Needs You!!.. Part Two

Post 57

Aeli's mistress

Merry Christmas evewy one.
smiley - smiley

Greebo Needs You!!.. Part Two

Post 58


*Walks in from the bar*

How about a glass of christmas cheer for everyone. smiley - smiley

Greebo Needs You!!.. Part Two

Post 59

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

*suddenly wakes up* Did somebody mention drink?

Greebo Needs You!!.. Part Two

Post 60


Yes, what would you like? smiley - smiley

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