A Conversation for Greebo's Party!!!

Greebo's Party #17

Post 141


I'm not, I'm trying to stimulate something smiley - erm

Greebo's Party #17

Post 142


The intake of foods and other digestives?

Greebo's Party #17

Post 143



Greebo's Party #17

Post 144


Then what?

Greebo's Party #17

Post 145



Greebo's Party #17

Post 146


*feels lost*

Greebo's Party #17

Post 147


smiley - tongueoutsmiley - hugsmiley - donut

Greebo's Party #17

Post 148


*hands smiley - donut to Greebo*

smiley - smiley

Greebo's Party #17

Post 149


*steal's Greebo's smiley - donut*

Greebo's Party #17

Post 150

Dancer (put your advert here)

Oh really, Niwt!!!
*steals smiley - donut back*
Here Greebs.
*Offer Greebo the half chewed smiley - donut and another fresh one too*

smiley - tongueout

Here Niwt, there are more on the table, help yourself to one of your own.

smiley - hsif
Dancer (Educator to many)

Greebo's Party #17

Post 151


~Steals both smiley - donut's and woolfs them down.~

~smiley - smiley innocently...~

Me hungry!

Greebo's Party #17

Post 152

Dancer (put your advert here)

*smiley - tickles KC*

smiley - hsif

Greebo's Party #17

Post 153


smiley - tickle Dancer
*nicks all the smiley - donut's*

Greebo's Party #17

Post 154

Dancer (put your advert here)

*Laughs unable to stop till he rolls away, gets up, straighten clothes and say assertively*

Comon all of you, really, you should be ashamed of your bellybuttons for givin Greebs all this trouble. Eating smiley - donuts and writing questions requires a lot of energy, so Greebs really needs those smiley - donuts in order to get strong and also for the post column and all.... Give it back and get your own!

smiley - hsif
Dancer (Protector of cats)

Greebo's Party #17

Post 155



~Answer delivered in dubious tone, leading most listeners to believe that sanity may not be an issue here~

But given the development around here, there are plenty smiley - donut's for everybody. Here, Greebo, catch! ~Throws fourteen smiley - donut's towards the lovely cat.~ And me too! ~Diminishes smiley - donut-population by another twelve.~


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