A Conversation for The CLI/STUMPED Mine

Administrative Offices

Post 461

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

*feels the filing cabinet starting to topple against her, Lil pushes back... with the green-gloved hand, remembering to stop just short of the surface of the cabinet*

*the cabinet sways in the other direction and starts to fall*

Administrative Offices

Post 462

Good Doctor Zomnker (This must be Tuesday," said GDZ to himself, sinking low over his Dr. Pepper, "I never could get the hang of Tuesdays.")

maybe now that the election is over I can use my imagination for more useful things

*Continues towards the rest of the Solonistas*

Administrative Offices

Post 463

The Semisweet Kid

smiley - bleepsmiley - bleepsmiley - bleepsmiley - bleep

*The fog swirls and thickens at the sound of the cussing, completely enveloping the file cabinet. Only the sound of the floorboards creaking can be heard as the cabinet disappears into the fog, followed by a huffing and grunting, more creaking, more huffing, quick scampering and loud crash followed by the scent of crushed almonds.*

AAAIIIIGGGH! Butch! Butch! They's got my foot!

Administrative Offices

Post 464

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

*moves quickly over the filing cabinet and finds herself crawling over the legs of a person of some kind*


Administrative Offices

Post 465

Good Doctor Zomnker (This must be Tuesday," said GDZ to himself, sinking low over his Dr. Pepper, "I never could get the hang of Tuesdays.")

*Reaches the filing cabinet just as Lil is climbing over it.*

Hey Lil! This is rather fun, we should do this more often!

Administrative Offices

Post 466


*reaches the filing cabinet, just behind Zomnker*

*scrambles over*

Administrative Offices

Post 467

The Semisweet Kid

Butch! Butch! They's climbin' on me like giant mice! Butch! I think they's gnawin' my almonds!

Administrative Offices

Post 468

Witty Moniker

*Follows Caer over the cabinet and The Kid.*

Administrative Offices

Post 469

Butch Cadbury

*Follows Witty over cabinet, holding Lady Godiva's hand, and starts crawling over the Kid. Stops mid-way over and feels the leather on Kid's boot.*

Hey! Kid, is that you? Shore feels like yer face.

Administrative Offices

Post 470

Lady Godiva of Truffles

*also stops partway over the Kid*
*her raincoat fell open some time ago, and even her thong bikini is in disarray at this point*

He doesn't feel leathery to me.

Administrative Offices

Post 471

Miz F Farmer

*in all the noise of armaments, no-one has noticed the sound of file on steel*

*the two slave gobolds have, during this time, released themselves from their chains and wound Miz Farmer up in a cocoon of strapping tape, including a strip of tape over her mouth*

*they now take advantage of the fog to scamper across the room to where they can smell Ivana and Gord*

Gobold Slave 1: (whispering) Hail! I'm Lugnut.
Gobold Slave 2: (whispering) And I'm Wingnut! We were kidnapped from the Orchid Jungle and have seen neither sun nor moon since then. We will be in your debt forever for rescuing us.
Lugnut: We will be your willing servants.
Wingnut: Let's get out of here!

Administrative Offices

Post 472


With this foot on my sword, I can be a....FOOT soldier! Hahahahahahahahaha.....hahahaha....haha...ha...smiley - erm

Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha.....hahahaha.....ha.....smiley - sadface I feel very sad all of a sudden....

Administrative Offices

Post 473

Hersh Ritter

*comes too with a large bump on his forehead no doubt caused by the dented ladle lying next to him*

Whut in the name of all that is brown wus that !

Whut is that smell ?

*notices the cylinders of molten brownie mix with a damaged flow control valve on the top spewing out inflammable brownie propellant vapour*

smiley - yikes

Administrative Offices

Post 474


Methinks that we should skedaddle...smiley - run

Administrative Offices

Post 475

Good Doctor Zomnker (This must be Tuesday," said GDZ to himself, sinking low over his Dr. Pepper, "I never could get the hang of Tuesdays.")

Me too.

Administrative Offices

Post 476

Toby Larone

*turns round to see the commotion inside the pillbox*

smiley - yikes

*tries to decide whether to try and plug the leak or continue to fight the intruders but decides to climb up and over Lindt in a craven attempt to save his own skin*

See you boys later ... best o' luck smiley - evilgrin

Administrative Offices

Post 477



Administrative Offices

Post 478

Lindt Eastwood

*Lindt, bent over the 0.5in Browning Heavy Machine Gun peering into the mist listening to sounds of filing cabinets being opened, pondering about the possibility of a crack squad of Administrative Assistants breaking into the mine, feels Toby's foot briefly on his shoulder as the cowardly Choco vaults over the pillbox wall*

Hey yer gud fer nuthin' double-crossing, yeller-belly, snake-eyed son of a gun ..... taste some lead smiley - cross

*cocks machine gun and fires a long and accurate burst at the back of the fleeing Toby Larone*

Administrative Offices

Post 479

Hersh Ritter

smiley - yikes No Lindt, don't - there's inflamm .........


*a spark from the machine gun's flame arrester ignites the brownie vapour blowing up the pillbox from the inside scattering molten globules of brownie across the area mixed with plaster, bandages and other medical supplies from the pillbox wall which festoon the offices along with red bits of dead Choco. It all looks a bit grim and messy*

Administrative Offices

Post 480

Good Doctor Zomnker (This must be Tuesday," said GDZ to himself, sinking low over his Dr. Pepper, "I never could get the hang of Tuesdays.")

*When the explosion occurs, dives head first to where he hopes the door is.*

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