A Conversation for The Irving Washington BooK NooK

Terry Gilliam's Dune and Adriam Mole

Post 41

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

Wait, wait, whose Dune are we casting, Woody's or Gilliam's?

In Gilliam's, Sian Phillips has got to be the Reverend Mother.


Terry Gilliam's Dune and Adriam Mole

Post 42


How about George Micheal as someone who dies in a REALLY horrible way ? smiley - winkeye

Terry Gilliam's Dune and Adriam Mole

Post 43

third asst. eng.(deuce of clubs)

that was the idea for de'caprio

how about Rutger Hauer (played leader of replicants in Blade runner) asd fyd-Ruthea?

Terry Gilliam's Dune and Adriam Mole

Post 44

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

As this is Arrakis we're talking about, shouldn't we be finding roles for the Spice Girls?


Terry Gilliam's Dune and Adriam Mole

Post 45

third asst. eng.(deuce of clubs)

da dum chi!

Terry Gilliam's Dune and Adriam Mole

Post 46


Way to go Christian!!

And hey guys congrats to us for making Peta's Picks!

Coffee and Doughnuts all around smiley - alesmiley - ale O O

~Beeblefish smiley - fish

Tarrantino's Dune and Adriam Mole

Post 47


Okay -

Spice=Big Kahuna Burger
Paul Atreides=Samuel L. Jackson (I said Muad'Dib mother#@!# smiley - smiley)


Tarrantino's Dune

Post 48

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

Barron Harkkonen = Ving Rhames (no more Arrakis priveleges)
Lady Jessica = Uma Thurman (and when I say we're going to
win a dance contest...)


Tarrantino's Dune

Post 49


When Paul Atreides is fighting the Fremen in Sietch Tabr to prove that he is the Lisan-al-Gaib then there should be backround music of

*everyone sing*
clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right, and here I am, stuck in the middle again

*giggle, snort, giggle* smiley - smiley


Tarrantino's Dune

Post 50

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

*slaps Courtesy38 briskly several times*

Compose yourself, man! Casting Dune 2000 is serious business!

Tarrantino's Dune

Post 51


*quickly sobers up*
*thinks about everyone in the universe hunting for Big Kahuna Burgers. Thinks about Worms making Big Kahuna Burgers*
*giggle, snort, fall of the chair and roll on the ground laughing*

smiley - smiley

Tarrantino's Dune

Post 52

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

*brandishes straitjacket*

Courtesy, we still have to cast the Disney Dune.
Please sober up or this thread will deteriorate
into foolishness.


Tarrantino's Dune

Post 53


*sits back down, aside from an occasional giggle, dons the proper face for casting the disney Dune*

BTW - Should we start a new thread for the Book discussion so that we can mosey on our way with the Dune castings and still allow people to talk about books? smiley - smiley


Tarrantino's Dune

Post 54

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

Good idea. We are getting very silly.
*looks contrite*
Lay on a new thread, C38. And we'll turn back to
books. I must log off sometime and start reading the
books I got for Christmas.

smiley - fish

Let the silliness resume ...

Post 55


Okay so the sillines continues in this discussion (hopefully)

I have just started a new thread for the actual book discussions called

Book Club 7: Young Zaphod Plays it Safe just follow this link:

Beeble would you mind adding this to the front page?

Now, let's get back to casting the Dune Movie:
For disney I say that Tinker Bell plays Reverend Mother Gaius Moheim smiley - smiley


Let the silliness resume ...

Post 56

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

Well then Julie Andrews will have to be Jessica (The dunes are alive...!)

Let the silliness resume ...

Post 57


Wahey! Book discussions. If you are casting for a Terry Gilliam version, it must have Simon Jones in it. (He was the original Arthur Dent if you don't know, and appears in a lot of Gilliam films). Don't know where you would put him though. Probably running around the background looking English.

Let the silliness resume ...

Post 58

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

Hi &c.Munchkin! I don't see why Arthur Dent can't be in Dune. As Arthur Dent. Standing at the back of the Fremen Cave in his plaid bathrobe, wondering why he still can't get the hang of Thursdays.


Let the silliness resume ...

Post 59


Arthur would also try to get the Fremen to switch to Tea instead of the awful Spice coffee they always drink smiley - smiley

*giggle, giggle*


Let the silliness resume ...

Post 60


Honestly, I'd like to see Giger's interpretation of Dune. There was originally supposed to be one (with Salvador Dali as Baron Harkkonen), but they canceled the funding and then went and made the current one.

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