A Conversation for The Irving Washington BooK NooK

Book Club 6: Dune and the View Across the Sand

Post 21

third asst. eng.(deuce of clubs)

well that is what everyone says so I bought it and will read it eventually... how about Stanly Kubriks' DUNE?

Book Club 6: Dune and the View Across the Sand

Post 22


Didn't they already make that smiley - smiley

Eyes Wide Shut .... *giggle, snicker* Obvious reference to Muad'Dib at the end of "Dune Messiah"

Courtesy me droogs smiley - smiley

Book Club 6: Dune and the View Across the Sand

Post 23

third asst. eng.(deuce of clubs)

I watched that move Clockwork Orange because of it's classicness but I and it did not get along I liked full metal jacket better.

for a totally diffrent perspective how about DUNE by Quinten Tarentino?

Book Club 6: Dune and the View Across the Sand

Post 24


*sings to himself*

Stuck in the middle again ......

We could have the Tim Burton Dune.


Book Club 6: Dune and the View Across the Sand

Post 25

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

Well, if Quentin Tarantino directed it, he would definitely make room in the plot for a Christmas Haversack *stops to cackle wildly*

Terry Gilliam would do a great job, but he would spend several trillion dollars and employ the populations of several north African nations. "No, Libya isn't big enough. Get me the Sudan."


Book Club 6: Dune and the View Across the Sand

Post 26

third asst. eng.(deuce of clubs)

sounds familier to any US movie goier

Book Club 6: Dune and the View Across the Sand

Post 27

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

Maybe we could start a fund drive to help finance a Terry Gilliam Dune. If we sold off the outer planets, maybe we could help finance the special effects.

Who should star in Terry Gilliam's Dune?


Book Club 6: Dune and the View Across the Sand

Post 28

Irving Washington - Gone Writing

Hmmm... I wonder what a planet would go for...

I've never read Dune or seen the movie, but someone mentioned Tim Burton above and I will see anything that he directs!


Book Club 6: Dune and the View Across the Sand

Post 29

third asst. eng.(deuce of clubs)

how about Leranardo De'caperio as baron harkonnen so we can see him die?

Book Club 6: Dune and the View Across the Sand

Post 30

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

Sigourney Weaver as the Reverend Mother?

Book Club 6: Dune and the View Across the Sand

Post 31

third asst. eng.(deuce of clubs)

yea sure and harrison ford as Gurrney?

Book Club 6: Dune and the View Across the Sand

Post 32

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

Would Ford accept a part where he dies before the end? smiley - winkeye
Vanessa Redgrave for Jessica, Paul's mother -- oh, I'm thinking of the version directed by Ken Russell...


Terry Gilliam's Dune and Adriam Mole

Post 33


Holy *&%$%!! I see that yes, we are the absolute busiest forum on the Guide!


Hey Irv! Glad you Like it!!!

(An aside)

Alicia Witt at 5 at the end of the movie:

The music swells ..

"And how could this be .... he is the Christmas Haversack!!!!!!!"

Laughs until he falls over!!

Oh My! smiley - smiley

(Youll have to escuse me, Im terribly happy, I just got an appartment!)

Terry Gilliam -- Dune ... excellent, it would be too perfect.

Or How about ... Woody Allen

" I mean geese, Baron -- I know you you think Arrakis is important and all, but New York is the only place I can get a good Spice Bagel . . ."

And now, reeling the thread back a bit, (note clever metaphor appropriate pun, Adrian Mole ...brilliant set of books ... I loved the last one, how it wraped everything up ... loved all of them.

~Beeblefish smiley - fish

Hope I'm not disturbing...

Post 34


Hello everyone,

Thank you Lil for showing the way. And thank's to the rest of you for the highly entertaining discusion. I've never gotten around to reading Dune, but after following the forum for a few days, I went down to my favourite used book shop and found a almost mint paperback (books are insanely expensive in Denmark)and i'm starting it...3...2...1...now!


Terry Gilliam's Dune and Adriam Mole

Post 35

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

Woody Allen's Dune??? And what part would *he* play? Can you see him in a stillsuit? Or how about him doing Sting's part?

I can see John (I'll show you the life of the mind!) Goodman as the Baron Harkkonen.

Beeble, that's terific that you got an apartment! *imagines Beeble just moved in 5 minutes ago: room is bare except for card table with computer, a folding chair, an unused sleeping bag in the corner, and an electric kettle next to a coffeemug*

Get yourself settled and come right back.

Christian -- glad you found us. Welcome and happy reading!


Terry Gilliam's Dune and Adriam Mole

Post 36


I can see Woody as Stilgar. With Steve Buscemi and Pee Wee Herman as assistant Fremen. The Fremen weren't twitchy and neurotic enough in the Lynch version. And, I know, John Cleese as Duke Leto. But who's going to play the sandworms?

Terry Gilliam's Dune and Adriam Mole

Post 37


Christian -

Welcome and good reading with Dune. You are about to read one of the best, if not the best, sci fi book ever. smiley - smiley

Hey all, I just started Dante's Inferno, good stuff.


Terry Gilliam's Dune and Adriam Mole

Post 38

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence


Terry Gilliam's Dune and Adriam Mole

Post 39


Yeah, that could work. How about (this one's probably for UK researchers only) Chris Evans as Feyd-Rautha?

Terry Gilliam's Dune and Adriam Mole

Post 40


Arnold S. as the Beast Rabban smiley - smiley

Patrick Stewart as Duncan Idaho (I know he doesn't have the hair, but I think he could pull it off)


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