Talking Point: Is Progress Over-rated?

12 Conversations

A chimp and a Chump.

Technology has brought us some wonderful things. The Internet, for example, which enables us to talk to and make friends with people on the other side of the World, many of whom we may never even meet. Television's effect on life cannot be underestimated when we consider events such as Live Aid.

But we should also consider that many of life's problems can be directly attributed to technological advances. Pollution, drugs, commercialism, the possibility of a ten-minute war that could destroy the planet five times over...

  • Is it time for us to consider a return to a more basic lifestyle?

  • Is there a past society that could offer us the best of technological advances and simple living combined?

  • If you suddenly found yourself living the agricultural life in a remote part of the world, which elements of modern life would you miss the most - and which would you be happy to do without?

It's time to have your say...

Graphic supplied by Community Artist Peet.

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