The A-Z of Smileys
Created | Updated Sep 4, 2009
Ok, having tried to be clever and failing miserably, Ive decided to do myself a simple list of smileys and where to find them for anyone else who may choose to pop by!
boing,brr, cdouble, cheers, cuddle, cry, drool, eureka, flyhi, hug, kiss, laugh, nahnah, ok, puff, run, smooch, tickle, whistle, yawn, zzz.
ant, bat, blacksheep, blackcat, tit, bunny, bluebutterfly, orangebutterfly, cat, chick, dog, dragon, fish, hsif, bluefish, orangefish, schooloffish, mouse, esuom, panda, peacedove, pony, shark, sheep, spider.
The Cosmos:
alienfrown, aliensmile,earth, mars, martianfrown, martiansmile, moon, fullmoon, crescentmoon, planet, rainbow, rocket, star, ufo.
ale, bubbly, capp(uccino), coffee, drunk, empty, hangover, milk, oj, redwine, stiffdrink, stout, tea.
bigeyes, biggrin, blue, blush, bruised, cheerup, cool, cross, doh, erm, flustered, groan, grovel, grr, headhurts, huh, ill, injured, love, loveblush, online2long, sadface, silly, sleepy, smiley, sorry. steam, ta, tongueout, wah, weird, winkeye, wow, yikes, yuk, zen.
burger, cake, cheesecake, choc, corncob, crisps, cupcake, donut, flan, hotdog, popcorn, porkpie, strawberries, strawberry, toffeeapple, tomato.
applause, book, brave, brokenheart, cider, dontpanic, envy, evilgrin, footinmouth, goodluck, rofl, somersault,2cents, bleep, bus, disco, football, footprints, gift, handbag, handcuffs, lighthouse, mod, musicalnote, peacesign, rose, space, spork, tennisball, racket1, racket2, thepost, towel.
artist, borg, chef, clown, doctor, geek, jester, nurse, pirate, scientist, ski, surfer, thief.
cracker, holly, mistletoe, pumpkin, reindeer, santa, smowball, llabwons, snowman, xmaspud, xmastree.
angel, cupid, devil, elf, fairy, ghost, magic, monster, skull, vampire, witch, wizard, zoom