A Conversation for The House of Relaxation ;-)
Titania (gone for lunch) Started conversation Mar 14, 2001
*floating in, in her usual vague, elf-like manner, modestly wrapped in a towel, with a in her hand*
*pours more water over heated stones, disappears in steam*
Titania (gone for lunch) Posted Mar 25, 2001
*floating in with a bottle of in an ice bucket, pours water over hot rocks, and disappears into steam*
shazzPRME Posted Mar 26, 2001
*Decides to join Titania as business seems very slack atm!
Drinks and also merges in with steam*
Titania (gone for lunch) Posted Mar 26, 2001
Greetings, Shazz - nice to see you again, ahem? *tries to see through steam*
Oh - and you're right, conversations ARE starting to come back - this place was completely empty when I started this conversation...
shazzPRME Posted Mar 26, 2001
*wafts yet more steam out of the way*
Yes... I wonder when they will finally get through ALL the backlog! I have almost been here two years now and made an awful lot of postings early on!
It will be interesting to see if all the massage conversations make it back ok! LOL
Eternity (Ace) Posted Apr 10, 2001
*Peers through the steam, looking for any signs of a sleeping Titania, finds a spot and settles in with her glass of *
shazzPRME Posted Apr 10, 2001
*Shazz wanders in carrying a and a thick book.*
Hi Eternity
Hi Titania... I know you're here somewhere!
I am right in the middle of an excellent fantasy novel atm, so please forgive me if I just plonk down in a corner and read for a bit!
*Wafts steam out of the way and settles down in a corner*
Titania (gone for lunch) Posted Apr 10, 2001
*discovers that her is growing warm*
*drifts off, and returns with HUGE ice bucket, filled with bottles and ice cubes*
Eternity (Ace) Posted Apr 11, 2001
Oh yes please
*holds her glass out to Titania*
I thought of bringing some with, but decided that I didn't feel like drinking it!
Are you still busy with Otherland Shazz? That is what you are/were reading, unless I'm going loony again?
shazzPRME Posted Apr 11, 2001
Ah no!
I have to wait until I go over to England in a couple of weeks to get the mext one of those... it's not released here in Holland yet! I've moved on to *The Redemption of Althalus* by David and Leigh Eddings!
It's great because it's a huge book, but complete... so no waiting for the next episdoe to come out!
It's one of those *can't put it down* books... not good when I should be working on the next edition of the Post! LOL
Great idea Titania btw... my was also starting to get warm!
Eternity (Ace) Posted Apr 11, 2001
Which volume are you waiting for now?
I love fantasy novels but get very frustrated with the books written in series. I have about 5 different ones going at the moment all waiting for the next book! Whenever I buy books I try really hard to find complete stories. Everytime I get home with the book I discover that I've been duped (by myself) again! Somehow I always miss the line that says 'First book in the.....' or 'Book One' until its too late!
shazzPRME Posted Apr 11, 2001
I'm waiting for:
*Otherland 4: Sea of Silver Light*
The next Robert Jordan to come out in paperback (Too expensive in hardback!)
The next Janny Wurts in the *Wars of Light and Shadow* series.
On her website I see that the next TWO of hers are out in the USA... but no sign of them making it to England or Holland in the near future!
This is VERY frustrating indeed as that is my absolute favourite series atm... Arithon is a hero to die for! LOL
The Jordan *Wheel of Time* series is going on just a little too long now for my liking!
*Settles back down and emerses herself back into her own little fantasy world*
Eternity (Ace) Posted Apr 11, 2001
Well we seem to be waiting for at least two of the same books...
Otherland 4 & the next wheel of time.
I agree it is carrying on a little long, but I am still thoroughly enjoying it!
I think I may be waiting for the *Wars of Light and Shadow* as well, but I can't keep up with what I'm waiting for.
Alot of mine are out, I just battle to get hold of them.
*Sips on her before it gets warm, closes her eyes and relaxes*
shazzPRME Posted Apr 12, 2001
Have you noticed some parallels between what they are experiencing and some of the virtual lands set up here on h2g2? I wonder if he's an h2ger!
*takes another sip of and agrees that chilled is best in here!*
Eternity (Ace) Posted Apr 12, 2001
Now that you mention it, you're right! The one great thing about the Otherland story, is that it is a highly feasible future.
It makes me want to live an extended life, just to be able to see what becomes of the internet etc. I could happily live for +100years, as long as my health remained excellent.
shazzPRME Posted Apr 12, 2001
Quite so!
As long as the mind is healthy, I suppose passing eons in a virtual place would be quite a good way to spend the geriatric years!
... and you wouldn't have to worry about old bones and muscles letting you down...
Key: Complain about this post
- 1: Titania (gone for lunch) (Mar 14, 2001)
- 2: Titania (gone for lunch) (Mar 22, 2001)
- 3: Titania (gone for lunch) (Mar 25, 2001)
- 4: shazzPRME (Mar 26, 2001)
- 5: Titania (gone for lunch) (Mar 26, 2001)
- 6: shazzPRME (Mar 26, 2001)
- 7: Titania (gone for lunch) (Apr 2, 2001)
- 8: shazzPRME (Apr 2, 2001)
- 9: Eternity (Ace) (Apr 10, 2001)
- 10: shazzPRME (Apr 10, 2001)
- 11: Titania (gone for lunch) (Apr 10, 2001)
- 12: Eternity (Ace) (Apr 11, 2001)
- 13: shazzPRME (Apr 11, 2001)
- 14: Eternity (Ace) (Apr 11, 2001)
- 15: shazzPRME (Apr 11, 2001)
- 16: Eternity (Ace) (Apr 11, 2001)
- 17: Titania (gone for lunch) (Apr 11, 2001)
- 18: shazzPRME (Apr 12, 2001)
- 19: Eternity (Ace) (Apr 12, 2001)
- 20: shazzPRME (Apr 12, 2001)
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