The Post Christmas Poetry Competition 2003

1 Conversation


Here are all the entries, in the POST Christmas Poetry Competition.

Competition entry is now closed.

Now is the time for all researchers to unite and vote on which of the below poems is their favourite. The standard of poetry was incredible, and I know you are going to find it hard to find one that stands out amongst the rest. We have the six from previous weeks plus ** three new ones ** sent in this week. The Poems are listed in the order they arrived in.

  1. A. Time of Good Cheer by Red Kite
  2. B. The Gift by Greebo T. Cat
  3. C. Sinterklaas by Max Head Room 4m2
  4. D. Christmas Sprit by Lightman
  5. E. A Windy Christmas... by Dr Anthea
  6. F. Peace on Earth by quizzical
  7. G. The Nativity Play by Lucky Star
  8. H. No job this Christmas... by Michele - Doily Mogul
  9. I. A Child's First Christmas by Hypatia

Please read all the poems and then when you have decided, send an e-mail to me, Greebo T. Cat stating 'POEM VOTE' in the subject line...

Please include your researcher name, your researcher number and the letter above the name of the poem of your choice. I.E. if you like the first poem in the list, then just write that you like poem A .

You have until Tuesday 16th December 2003 to get your votes to me, please don't vote for your own poem, if you have written one.

If the voting is tied then The Editor of The Post, Shazz, will have the deciding vote.

The winner will be announced in the Christmas Edition of the POST.

smiley - hollysmiley - hollysmiley - hollysmiley - holly


Time of Good Cheer

By Red Kite

Christmas is the time of year

Which we are told is full of cheer.

Parties, presents, food and drink,

Time to party, not to think.

See the family and watch the tele,

Play some games and fill your belly

With sweets and crisps, the occasional nut,

But I still have a feeling deep in my gut.

What if it's you alone in your chair,

No one comes visiting, there's nobody there,

How do you feel, when there is only you,

Are you one of the many or one of the few?

It must be hard to join the party,

To make the effort to be hale and hearty,

You might be frail or you might be fit,

You're on your own, not part of it.

There are still people, who know you exist,

Surely you feature on someone's list,

Couldn't they call to the door or the 'phone,

Just to say that you’re not all alone.

All I would want, is one little sign,

To know I exist, that this moment is mine

Someone to know, that I am still here

This Christmastime, this time of Good Cheer.

smiley - hollysmiley - hollysmiley - hollysmiley - holly


The Gift

By Greebo T. Cat

T'was Christmas morning, the end of a long night

Santa climbed down from his sleigh in the dawning light

Leaving the reindeer to the elves, he tiredly walked up the path

For a hearty breakfast, and some rest at last

Greeted by Mrs Claus, glad to be back

A kiss on the cheek, she took his sack

A shake, a frown, opening wide

'Dear, I think there is something left inside.'

Santa peered down into the bottom of the cavernous bag

Through the black depths he spied the glint of a tag

Reaching inside he pulled forth a small package in festive wrap

'Oh my,' said Santa, 'a present someone does lack!'

He pulled out his list, the one he'd checked twice

and ran through it again, checking each name thrice

Shaking his head, not finding his mistake

He looked at his wife, not sure what action to take

'I must go back out, and deliver this quick

Though to whom I am not sure, as each name has a tick

But someone this morning will wake and be sad

No present from Santa is very, very bad!'

'Maybe the tag will give a clue, dear Santa look and see,'

said Mrs Claus with a bright idea, a good wife is she

So Santa looked, and did stare at the name written there

For he'd never delivered to this person, not one single year

'Oh my!' he exclaimed, 'This cannot be true,

it's my own name that's written, what a to do.'

'Yes indeed dear husband, a gift you deserve,

from all the elves and myself for the joy you bring to the world.'

smiley - hollysmiley - hollysmiley - hollysmiley - holly



By Max Head Room 4m2

See in the distance comes the steam boat from Spain to us

He brings us saint Nicolaas I already see him standing

His horse is hopping back and forth all over the decks

See how the vanes are waving from left to right

His servant is laughing and calls out to us

Who is sweet gets candy who is bad gets the stick

Oh my dear saint Nicolaas come also to me

And do not drive quietly by my home

smiley - hollysmiley - hollysmiley - hollysmiley - holly


Christmas Sprit

By Lightman

I was a friend of the baby Jesus.

Travelling long and far, bearing gifts both rich and rare.

Gold frankincense and Myrrh, were brought before him, the

greatest gift of all was that of Love!

Today I beckon to Jesus and do his bidding.

Bringing gifts every year to all who wish to receive.

Not now the riches that money can buy, but the riches that a

king's ransom cannot gain.

The tear of happiness, a cry of laughter on Christmas morn,

or just simple words. "thank you"

I will live as long as children's hearts both young and old

are filled with the joy and love of Christmas time.

smiley - hollysmiley - hollysmiley - hollysmiley - holly


A Windy Christmas...

By Dr Anthea

Once there was a windy Christmas

inside all was fine... the fire burning

the lights were twinkling

the tree stood green and high.

Once there was a windy Christmas

outside the snow did fall

the high winds blew in blizzards all

and white washed streets lay bare

Once there was a windy Christmas

in the air some reindeer flew

a sledge was swaying and something fell upon the snow

what it was we don’t yet know

Once there was a windy Christmas

the next morning all was lost

caught in a blizzard the snow had been

no presents lay underneath the tree of that home so warm

but when they walked out to complain who should they find upon the lawn

but St Nick upon the snow frozen like the day.

smiley - hollysmiley - hollysmiley - hollysmiley - holly


Peace on Earth

By quizzical

When angels walk among us

their breath calms the slashing wind.

Their wings sweep our cities clean.

Their voices call the sun

newborn into the dawn.

Beneath their feet rivers run clear.

The people grow ashamed,

and wash their hatreds

in cold blue water.

Words hurled in anger burst into sunlight

and sow the broken fields.

Stones become loaves of bread.

When angels walk among us

wise men appear bearing gifts.

The children grow wings

and leap into the air for joy.

They are so beautiful,

their parents break into blossom.

smiley - hollysmiley - hollysmiley - hollysmiley - holly


The Nativity Play

By Lucky Star

The chattering audience suddenly hushed

A child had appeared on the stage

A hand from the wings then reached out and pushed

Into this angel's hands a page

The Mummies and Daddies all smiled with delight

To see their young offspring perform

They'd even missed watching Eastenders that night

And braved the December snowstorm

Young Johnny was first - but alas and alack

He couldn't remember his line

The voice of his teacher was heard from the back

'The Nativity! Told by class 9!'

Two shepherds appeared in their striped dressing-gowns

With tea-towels wrapped round their heads

Fred was up first, his face in a frown

He took one step forward and said:

'We followed the star that shone in the West'

Classmate Bobby hissed 'East!', and nudged Fred

Who gulped and then blushed, but gave it his best

Saying 'The star shines o'er Jesus' bed'

A cardboard box stable was brought on by Jack

He'd just finished painting the door

He tried to be quiet, but still came a crack

As he tiptoed across the floor

Fred and Bobby still stood there, pointing aloft

But the glittering star didn't drop

They looked at each other, then looked for the Prof.

Switching arms so the numbness would stop

Little Tiffany's playing Mary's role

She's loving her moment of fame

She waves to her mother in her mink stole

And tosses her golden mane

'Here's baby Jesus!' she states oh so clearly

Those voice-speaking lessons paid off!

She holds by one leg the doll that's used yearly

The shepherds both begin to cough

Now Mary gets angry - they're not taking her

as a serious actress it seems

She swings baby Jesus so fast it's a blur

And whacks poor Fred's nose - he screams!

The blood drips on Fred's towelling robe as he sneezes

Revenge is what Bobby is after

He lunges for Mary, and grabs round her knee's

They collapse to the audience's laughter

This sudden commotion's not good for the stable

It starts to lean forward and teeters

And though Jack tries to save it, he's sadly unable

It falls on the 5 little critters

The parents all stand amidst the noise and the racket

The teachers are taking great pains

To get Tiffany, Bobby, Fred, Johnny and Jack out

From under the stable's remains

'Over mince pies and coffee the parents agree

what a great play they'd seen in the hall

and down from the gantry the bright star they see

casting its light o'er them all'

smiley - hollysmiley - hollysmiley - hollysmiley - holly


No job this Christmas...

By Michele - Doily Mogul

I rush, I run, I check the paper

I ask for lists, I look for sales

I stand in line and I count my dimes

Still the feeling that I've failed

I look at you and you've grown so big

I see the questions in your eyes

We've put up the tree and you want to believe

Do you know how hard I've tried?

If I could I'd give you the world

but the money - it's just not there

Sleepless nights, my chest is tight

You pretend that you don't care

I'll search, I'll scrimp, I'll wear the fake smile

This is no way for a family to live

But this year for Christmas my dear sweet child

My love may be the only gift I can give...

smiley - hollysmiley - hollysmiley - hollysmiley - holly


A Child's First Christmas

By Hypatia

Sweet child sleeping in your crib

There is magic in this night.

Do you dream of Santa Claus,

Dressed in red with beard of white?

Will you grow up believing

Christmas comes inside a box?

That reindeer fly and snowmen dance?

That elves wear green velvet socks?

Will a tree fill you with wonder

With it's lights that blink and glow?

And it's strands of silver tinsel -

Is this the Christmas you will know?

Will you leave a plate of cookies

Near the tree for Santa's snack?

To trade for the toys and candy

Elves have stuffed inside his sack.

When you close your eyes each Christmas eve

What images will you see?

Will the only Christmas star you know

Be the one atop the tree?

Will your Christmas journey

Be a quick trip to the mall?

Will your search be for a parking place?

Is this the memory you'll recall?

Is there any room inside your head

For the vision of a night

When the birth of a Holy Child

Turned darkness into light?

Will you see choirs of angels

And listen to them sing?

Sweet child sleeping in your crib

What will Christmas bring?

smiley - hollysmiley - hollysmiley - hollysmiley - holly

[email protected]

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