A Conversation for The Café

Aroma Café: The Fellowship of the Latté

Post 341

Peter aka Krans


Aroma Café: The Fellowship of the Latté

Post 342

Titania (gone for lunch)

Joanna, I meant the tetrameters...smiley - smiley

Aroma Café: The Fellowship of the Latté

Post 343


*hurries to Cafe in a panic due to caffiene deprivation*

Morning all...IIEM, a good strong Indian tea, please.

Aroma Café: The Fellowship of the Latté

Post 344

Peter aka Krans

Ah... caffeine deprivation!

*Takes out notebook and ball-point pen*

You have a migraine, yes?

Aroma Café: The Fellowship of the Latté

Post 345


Yes, Krans, and a slight case of tunnel vision, irritability verging on rage, and an insufferable hangnail.

*gulps tea*

Aroma Café: The Fellowship of the Latté

Post 346


Sorry to hear that ox smiley - sadface



Aroma Café: The Fellowship of the Latté

Post 347


*sympathy, ox* smiley - sadface

Titania, I seem to be suffering from mild amnesia...

Aroma Café: The Fellowship of the Latté

Post 348


Thanks, B17 and Joannasmiley - smiley...a good STRONG cup of coffee will hammer the kinks out!
IIEM, please, a double espresso.

Aroma Café: The Fellowship of the Latté

Post 349

Kristina the Flamenco Dancer - PS of Duende, Muse

*tries to roll 6, but can't*

IIEM, coffee, black, please!

Joanna, I think Titania was referring to her trouble understanding a description of Kalevala - something like 2 nights ago...?

Aroma Café: The Fellowship of the Latté

Post 350

Titania (gone for lunch)

*still trying to roll 4*


IIEM, another café mélange, please!

Aroma Café: The Fellowship of the Latté

Post 351


Ohh...she's muddling me with Amy. I wasn't there then, see... although wierdly enough I was chatting with someone IRL about versification quite recently, but not online :-) http://www.h2g2.com/F38024?thread=75557&post=582750 i think...

Aroma Café: The Fellowship of the Latté

Post 352


*makes mental note to refresh thread before posting...*

Aroma Café: The Fellowship of the Latté

Post 353

Titania (gone for lunch)

Joanna, I'm so sorry I mixed you up with Amy - I guess I was REALLY confused (being the Muse of it) by trying to translate an article written by a Professor, School of Slavonic and East European Studies, University of London - into Swedish!

But somehow I connected rhythm of verse with you - you DO play a/a couple of instruments, don't you? Don't tell me you don't, or I'll be more confused than ever before...smiley - bigeyes

Aroma Café: The Fellowship of the Latté

Post 354


smiley - smiley Indeed I do, I'm a flautist and singer... you may even have caught my poetry somewhere by...

Aroma Café: The Fellowship of the Latté

Post 355

Tashalls, Muse of Flights of Fancy (Losing Weight at A858170)

*rolls a ten and moves six squares away from finish*

IIEM, cafe latte please

*wanders over to newspapers while others roll the dice. Notices Olympics are now three days away...*

So, why do they keep harping on it?

*wishes futilely train to work didn't go directly through massive crowds*

Well, there's always telecommuting smiley - winkeye

Aroma Café: The Fellowship of the Latté

Post 356

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

Olympics. Crikey, I am going to miss most of them, because I'll be on the road. Perhaps this is a blessing in disguise -- there is hardly anything worse in the universe that American coverage of an international event.

IIEM, anticoffee please. Anybody seen Irv lately?

Aroma Café: The Fellowship of the Latté

Post 357

Tashalls, Muse of Flights of Fancy (Losing Weight at A858170)

The [insert deity of choice here] has smiled upon you and blessed you.

Are you doing a road trip? Hubby and I are eventually going to get round to doing a bike trip around Australia a la "Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance". Obviously not before we get rid of a few debts...

smiley - sadface

Aroma Café: The Fellowship of the Latté

Post 358

jr52 (ting-a-)

[ jr ]

Aroma Café: The Fellowship of the Latté

Post 359

Titania (gone for lunch)


Uff! This huddling over Ludo board sure makes me stiff!

Hi all!smiley - smiley

IIEM, a café mélange, please!

Aroma Café: The Fellowship of the Latté

Post 360

JAR (happy to be back, but where's Ping?)

*wiffs, notices a slight change in the air*
*enters café to avoid unpleasant air outside*

Hello Titiana!
How are you this fine morning?

JAR, now teamleader (still unpaid)

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