A Conversation for The Café

Aroma Cafe: Featured in the Post

Post 141

Odradek (she who lurks, green Lifesaver-like)

*eyes spark as she contemplates this wonderful thing called zilch*


That is really really....hmm...
*frantically scrabbles through knapsack to see if she still hasn't got that drycleaning bag from the Hawaiian shirt she took in a bit ago crammed in there somewhere*

Hey, Lil, is there a bucket round here l could use?
*emerges from pack, brandishing her trusty silver lighter*

Aroma Cafe: Featured in the Post

Post 142

jr52 (ting-a-)

Seriously guys. I am devoid of musical ability. Lil, Odra, do you play? I really do like classical but, am ok w/rag, jazz, bout anything but memphis.

If nobody plays and the piano is for atmosphere, does the IIEM play cd's.

Was presuming that you prefered not to play this evening Lintilla.

Aroma Cafe: Featured in the Post

Post 143

Demon Drawer

*DD awakes sans hangover*

Actually I haven't sleep but have jusst been watching the baseball. smiley - winkeye

Morning from glorious Britain. smiley - smiley

Aroma Cafe: Featured in the Post

Post 144

Odradek (she who lurks, green Lifesaver-like)

Why does one, Lintilla?
There is no why. lt burns. 'S neat. Fire, you know.

l don't play anything -well-, but l can play a touch of guitar, and even less piano, and a smattering of violin, though not particularly well. Also the recorder -- kinda.
But l am a Master of kazoo.

Aroma Cafe: Featured in the Post

Post 145

jr52 (ting-a-)

Lintilla, in a candle lit room with good music and mood altering substance a zilch is just an absolute must.

previous life. bygones.

Aroma Cafe: Featured in the Post

Post 146

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

*extracts very large galvanised bucket from broom closet and pushes it toward Odra*
Ook, come down out of the rafters! You're inflammable.

*examines the upright closely*
Yes, I hoped as much. This is a player piano. Odra, reach into your knapsack and fetch me a roll of Rachmaninov playing Chopin Nocturnes, please. It's bound to be in there.

Aroma Cafe: Featured in the Post

Post 147

jr52 (ting-a-)

Morning, DD. Is the Queen Mum gonna be able to hang on till the forth?

Odra, I forgot. Your mentioning of the kazoo reminded me, I can play the comb with the best of them.

Aroma Cafe: Featured in the Post

Post 148

Odradek (she who lurks, green Lifesaver-like)

Excellent choice, Lil.
*reaches in and comes out with the nocturnes in one hand, a plastic drycleaning bag in the other; hands roll to Lil*

Hmm. Let's see. We have the good music, the candlelit room, and the zilch...and l imagine, if anyone so pleases, l may be able to find some appropriate mood-altering substances in my bag...
*happily begins knotting the bag, humming quietly*

Aroma Cafe: Featured in the Post

Post 149

jr52 (ting-a-)

Lil, a woman after my own heart. If you were amenable and I was able I would ask for your hand (and whatever else you might throw into the pot). Forgot all about Odra's pack and Larry.

Oh, one other thing. It is sometimes a good idea for some ventilation while the zilch is performing.

Aroma Cafe: Featured in the Post

Post 150

Demon Drawer

Hi jr 52 and the rest. I think she is she looked quite sprightly today at the official birthday parade.

Aroma Cafe: Featured in the Post

Post 151

Odradek (she who lurks, green Lifesaver-like)

*Digi comes over and, like the rapacious hunter he is, begins to pounce wildly on the rustling plastic bag*

Hey, now, there, you. Behave.
*Diogenes, ears flat back, eyes bulging, has morphed into Jungle Cat mode and pays her no heed*

*takes an ostrich feather out of her pack to distract him, and finishes knotting the zilch*
*admires handiwork*
There we are.

Aroma Cafe: Featured in the Post

Post 152

jr52 (ting-a-)

DD, the yanks really haven't gone crazy. It's just been one of those kind of nites. What with Venus back and the rain and you know how it gets quieter outside after a rain and all. Just a good nite for a zilch, sans m.a.s. of course. Only thing I've noticed in the cafe is blue dust at parties.

Only mind expanding agents this evening have been conversation and good company.

Aroma Cafe: Featured in the Post

Post 153

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

Thank you Odra.
*goes to piano and inserts the roll*
If nobody minds, I'm going to let this run on electricity, cos I don't feel like pumping.
*sets the machine rolling, and after a moment the clear lucid notes begin to fill the cafe*

Chopin. One of the rock stars of the Victorian era.

Aroma Cafe: Featured in the Post

Post 154

jr52 (ting-a-)

DD, she did indeed. Only hope I'm that spry at half her age, and it really isn't near as far away as I'd like.

Odra, I think poooossibly you might want to scoot Digi out to the patio. Cats do tend to chase quickly moving things and once the zilch gets going it can rip sometimes. Of course, he'll only do it once, I guess.

Aroma Cafe: Featured in the Post

Post 155

jr52 (ting-a-)

Thanks, Lil.

Maybe a cup of tea, please.?

Aroma Cafe: Featured in the Post

Post 156

Demon Drawer

Argh!!! It's too early for mr to keep up with all this activity.

Coffee! Black!!! Quick!!!!

Aroma Cafe: Featured in the Post

Post 157

Odradek (she who lurks, green Lifesaver-like)

*smiles, but takes suggestion seriously, and sets the attacking Diogenes out on the porch where, hearing the crickets, he immediately begins to stalk the shadows*
Should keep him busy...
*returns, sans cat*

Aroma Cafe: Featured in the Post

Post 158

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

*puts water on to boil*

Aroma Cafe: Featured in the Post

Post 159

jr52 (ting-a-)

Odra, is there a, ahem, fire extinguisher of any sort in your pack?

*the phrase, "Doctor, Doctor, what have we done?" comes to mind*

Thank you, Lil.

Aroma Cafe: Featured in the Post

Post 160

Demon Drawer

Thanx Lil smiley - smiley

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