A Conversation for The Café

Aroma Cafe: Oh! THAT Statue!

Post 41

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

Beneficial tobacco! I think it was, the way the Native Americans originally used it, which is to say, only on special occasions when everyone was gathered together. My parents smoked themselves to death.

And yet that's true about the cigar. There was an item on NPR about George Burns the other day, a man who made it, just, to about 100 years old, and who did smoke those big El Producto cigars. It seemed to me that he shrank so in his old age, that I think he tanned himself.

Aroma Cafe: Oh! THAT Statue!

Post 42


Lintilla, when I was in San Fransisco I even felt guilty smoking in the street smiley - smiley. I don't want to impose my smoke on anyone but I do like to smoke. It was not smoking in the bars that really got to me, thank God the English pub still remains the retreat of folks who like a cigarette with their pint and conversation smiley - smiley (Although a lot do have no smoking areas now, and I don't have a problem with that).

Aroma Cafe: Oh! THAT Statue!

Post 43


Very droll, Lil!

Aroma Cafe: Oh! THAT Statue!

Post 44

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

smiley - winkeye

Well, time I got offline and attended to things IRL.
*checks that IIEM is on autopilot*
See y'all later this evening then!

Aroma Cafe: Oh! THAT Statue!

Post 45


Cigar smoke does not bother me very much at all.

Aroma Cafe: Oh! THAT Statue!

Post 46


Goodbye Lil!smiley - smiley

Aroma Cafe: Oh! THAT Statue!

Post 47


I like to suck burning leaf-smoke through a paper tube myself on occasions, but often after a night in a pub or club my eyes are sore and I sound like James Earl Jones. Not that that's necessarily a bad thing smiley - winkeye.

Aroma Cafe: Oh! THAT Statue!

Post 48


*places mug on counter*
Time to go...
Through the door for a change.
Bye Lintilla, ox, and everyone.


Aroma Cafe: Oh! THAT Statue!

Post 49


dis anyone know why the bell "jingle"s for me but "jangle"s for others?smiley - winkeye

Aroma Cafe: Oh! THAT Statue!

Post 50


well i must be off. I will se you all.
Goodbye!smiley - smiley


Aroma Cafe: Oh! THAT Statue!

Post 51


Looks like it's home time for all of us smiley - smiley

*Folds VPB and tucks it in pocket.*

Catch you later folks smiley - smiley


Aroma Cafe: Oh! THAT Statue!

Post 52


Bye Lintilla! Bye Gonzo! Gee-it seems I spaced out and missed Lil too-BS, are you still here?

*rubs eyes-Ook fades in and out of focus*

Now that you mention it Lintilla, I seem to muffle those bells somehow.

Aroma Cafe: Oh! THAT Statue!

Post 53


Bye, BS.


Alone, Ook. We are.

Aroma Cafe: Oh! THAT Statue!

Post 54


*decides to leave as well*


Aroma Cafe: Oh! THAT Statue!

Post 55


Evening all.
Oh there's no-one here... the American shift have all left.
*Notices Ook* sorry of course you're here.

I really ought to come here often seeing as I'm on the staff.

*pokes around to see if there's any pay packets with his name on*

Aroma Cafe: Oh! THAT Statue!

Post 56

Researcher 99947

Hmm... I came in search of a statue- but I don't see one?

Aroma Cafe: Oh! THAT Statue!

Post 57


its nearly empty here!
the statues on the porch spork.
hello Peregrin!
IIEM, ill have a hot tea please.

Aroma Cafe: Oh! THAT Statue!

Post 58


peregrin, do you know when the new forum settings will go into effect?

Aroma Cafe: Oh! THAT Statue!

Post 59


*the door opens and the stranger from yesterday enters again, still in trenchcoat and dark glasses, but sporting a much better and more firmly stuck on beard. He looks furtively back over his shoulder, up and down the street, and satisfied, he enters and closes the door behind him. he wanders up to the counter and nods to Lintilla, who he met yesterday, but avoids looking at the other two directly.*
IIEM one coffee please.
*he takes his coffee and sits down in the corner, so he can survey the whole cafe from his vantage point*

Aroma Cafe: Oh! THAT Statue!

Post 60


hello Mr. Smith!
Your beard looks much better todaysmiley - winkeye

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