A Conversation for The Café

Aroma Cafe: Oh! THAT Statue!

Post 81


That, DD, I don't know. Although you could make a hat rack or a fountain out of it, I suppose.

Aroma Cafe: Oh! THAT Statue!

Post 82

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

*darkly* It's been known to come to life. Although it's been 3 or 4 months since the last time, there's no predicting when it'll happen next. Kind of like these earthquakes we've been having.

Milkman, huh? Well, no use ordering alcohol here, if you want it you got to paper-bag it.

Nice to see you DD, I put the kettle on in anticipation. *washes out teapot with boiling water, then throws in tea leaves and pours in more boiling water. Puts cozy on pot and puts it on DD's table along with his big yellow mug*

Aroma Cafe: Oh! THAT Statue!

Post 83

Demon Drawer

Cheers Lil.

*DD takes a shifty quick lip wetter from his hip flask*

Aroma Cafe: Oh! THAT Statue!

Post 84


Lil, your portrait of Styx is great. He's quite the dark dude.

Aroma Cafe: Oh! THAT Statue!

Post 85


*Puts new saucer of milk on the ground for the cats - the last one looks a little old. In fact it's starting to philosophise*

What's happened to Greebo by the way? Haven't seen her around for ages.

Aroma Cafe: Oh! THAT Statue!

Post 86

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

I have been preoccupied, a bit, with Styx's identity ever since he registered!

Aroma Cafe: Oh! THAT Statue!

Post 87


Well, you seem to have captured the real rat!

Thanks for the chat and coffee. I have some RL chores waiting right where I left them.

*waves from door*

Aroma Cafe: Oh! THAT Statue!

Post 88

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

And I think I'm done for the night too. Time to head back to the studio, work a bit longer, read, and get to sleep.

See you all in the morning!

Aroma Cafe: Oh! THAT Statue!

Post 89

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

*pops head back in*
Oh, and I'll bring in a fresh batch of mbougatses.
Gnight, Ook!
Ook (from rafters): Ook.

Aroma Cafe: Oh! THAT Statue!

Post 90

jr52 (ting-a-)



*realizes no other researchers about for the second time in a row*

*checks rafter and espies Ook*

Hi, Ook old blue man (having made presumtion about Ook's gender). How ya hangin?
Guess it's just you and me,pal. I appreciate your company but, the last time I got close to you (when Odra scared me up to the rafters) I had the dickens of a time getting your blue fur/hair out of my clothes. Not that I mind the hue, it's just that I seem to get fuzzy enough w/o help.

*notices milk is available again and pours into large glass w/ice*

When no ones around, Ook, I don't have to listen to them moan about the ice.

*looks around and finally notices that the faint outline of something that is not quite there is no longer a faint outline*

Well, I'll be.....! Perception does appear to be reality.

Hope my perception of being in another zone is just that. Am not really ready for heart to heart w/Rod Serling, yet. Rod Stieger, yeah, I think I'd enjoy that.

*pours milk into large non-cfc foam cup (lives in area w/recycle center) *

Well, Ook, ol' pard; be moseying off now. Keep an eye on things. Nite.

*pats statue and is somewhat, but pleasantly, suprised to notice it is warm and slightly resilient*



Aroma Cafe: Oh! THAT Statue!

Post 91

Researcher 99947

IIEM, one mandarin tea with a sprig of mint.


All right! Please??? Oh come on! Lil doesn't want me to distract you. Gor. Fine *tosses hand-blown glass thingy at IIEM* You can shove it up yer arse!

*storms off*

Aroma Cafe: Oh! THAT Statue!

Post 92

Redbeard (Thanks to all who supported The Celery!))

*enters the café, looks back out the window*
Hmmm... did I see a full moon out there?

IIEM, Redbeard's Brew, please.
*gets coffee and goes to table*
Hi, Ook.
>Ook: Ook!<

Aroma Cafe: Oh! THAT Statue!

Post 93

One-eye, KoD, gent, MuG, randomly available

G'mornin' Redbeard!

Coffee please, IIEM

Hi there Ook!


So, anything interesting going on?

*sips coffee while taking out VPB from pocket. Unfolds it, crawls inside and lights a cigarette*

Aroma Cafe: Oh! THAT Statue!

Post 94

Redbeard (Thanks to all who supported The Celery!))

Good morning to you one-eye! Good to see you!
It appears to have been a bit quiet here the past few hours.

Aroma Cafe: Oh! THAT Statue!

Post 95

One-eye, KoD, gent, MuG, randomly available

Yes, it does.
I think I'm online at the wrong hours. Seems like all the action happens when I'm not around smiley - smiley

You had any problems with your homepage or anything lately?

just wondering coz yesterday I had the darndest incident. I was refreshing this thread, and suddenly everything turned Alabastard, and suddenly I didn't exist any longer! My homepage was gone, I couldn't login or do anything! It was rather scary!!

Aroma Cafe: Oh! THAT Statue!

Post 96

Redbeard (Thanks to all who supported The Celery!))

Yeah, those Alabaster quakes happen every so often. We had a major one on Friday, which lasted a number of hours. Basically when it happens, everyone goes to a new Alabaster home page with 'Welcome Researcher # _____' on it. If you click on 'Who's Online' when this happens you'll see that here are 0 people online.

I also discovered an interesting one during the quake on Friday. During a quake, the info page http://www.h2g2.com/info reads:
-1 users have registered since we launched on 28th April 1999
smiley - bigeyes

Aroma Cafe: Oh! THAT Statue!

Post 97

Redbeard (Thanks to all who supported The Celery!))

Well, I hate to run out on you, one-eye, but it's actually pretty late where I am (2 am) and I need to be on my way.

Good to see you again. Hang on tight during those quakes.

Aroma Cafe: Oh! THAT Statue!

Post 98

One-eye, KoD, gent, MuG, randomly available

Will do! smiley - smiley

See you 'round!

Aroma Cafe: Oh! THAT Statue!

Post 99

One-eye, KoD, gent, MuG, randomly available

How can it be this quiet?

Aroma Cafe: Oh! THAT Statue!

Post 100

ZOE(Scout), Patron Saint of Multiple Personalities{TANGO NEEDS HELP WITH PROJECT :STARS @ A403930 ALL STAR-GAZERS PLEASE PUT YOU

* A fluttering zound *
Every-body looks up
Just in time to see me fluttering haphazzardly down through a hole in the roof
A black wing and a white one flapping around like crazy
The newspapers flying in all directions.
After an unsteady landing, taking humoungus yellow mug from belt-clip...

Hi guys..
Can I have a cuppa ?
Sorry about the entro... still a bit unsteady with these wings.

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