A Conversation for The Café

Aroma Cafe Wed 12-07-2000

Post 81


I fear I must leave as well.
*sets the empty tea cup down on the table in a more traditional manner(as opposed to the tossing routine)*
goodbye for now!


Aroma Cafe Wed 12-07-2000

Post 82


Quick, need a large coffee and... er... something else... er... quick!

*feels daft*

Aroma Cafe Wed 12-07-2000

Post 83

Odradek (she who lurks, green Lifesaver-like)

*sighs, wondering if it would be against better decorum if she attempted to make some of that splendid green tea with the bottled water*

Aroma Cafe Wed 12-07-2000

Post 84

Little Bo Peep - I've lost my sheep

*Skitters in*

Aroma Cafe Wed 12-07-2000

Post 85

Odradek (she who lurks, green Lifesaver-like)

G'day...what does one call you? Enigmatic? Or Cockroach?

Aroma Cafe Wed 12-07-2000

Post 86

Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here

The man on the red-velvet couch nods sagely to Odradek and suggests EC could be anappropriate name

Sips tea

Aroma Cafe Wed 12-07-2000

Post 87


*wanders in the back door as per, clears tables, cleans counter, washes mugs and cups. Places fresh Danish on compote, having found a new bakery last week*

H'lo all, *waves to Loony on couch, Odra on sofa, and throws a few crumbs on the floor for EC, gets Ook Special from IIEM and hands them to the blue guy, who playfully swipes B-17 on the back and shambles off to the porch to enjoy. Helps self to coffee*
Apologies to anyone I have missed, and drinks anybody?

Aroma Cafe Wed 12-07-2000

Post 88

Barney's Bucksaws

I'll have a coffee, please, B-17. Just dropped in for a quick coffee on my way to some chores IRL. Maybe a Danish, too - can't resist them - any flavor - whatever's there - I love them all smiley - smiley

Aroma Cafe Wed 12-07-2000

Post 89


Sorry BB, RL getting in the way slightly here too!
One coffee and danish ------> c(~) @

Aroma Cafe Wed 12-07-2000

Post 90

Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here

I'm having an up and down day IRL with a rapidly nearing deadline.

Sort of like Drat! Cha Cha Cha.

Sips tea

Aroma Cafe Wed 12-07-2000

Post 91


So this is where you hang out now then Loony! No wonder I never see you around any more!
Hello everyone smiley - smiley
I seem to spend all my time in the conveniences, although I hasten to add that this is in no way a slur on any of the snacks and beverages supplied by this wonderful establishment! Lil told me to come and find you all... so now I have I will call again
smiley - smiley
I am rather curious how you all manage to consume so much liquid and never need the ladies or gents though! LOL
shazzPRME smiley - winkeye

Aroma Cafe Wed 12-07-2000

Post 92


Hi peeps,
Coffee (extra caffiene) and a danish please, long night tonight and I need the sugar level up.
EC's not been near the compote has he?

Aroma Cafe Wed 12-07-2000

Post 93


*comes in from boardwalk* Hi, all. I'll have a Danish, please.

*heads for table near the window*

Aroma Cafe Wed 12-07-2000

Post 94


Right coffee and danish for eatsmice ----> c(~) @ Hi em.
Danish for ox. Hi ox, well met and long time no chat smiley - smiley ---> @
Shazz! Hi how are you? Anything to eat/drink? Glad you managed to work your way up the stairs finally smiley - winkeye

Aroma Cafe Wed 12-07-2000

Post 95


Thanks, B17. How's everything going?

Aroma Cafe Wed 12-07-2000

Post 96


Usual, busy!
The only problem with logging on from work, and it being a nightshift is that occassionaly I need to do some real work IRL! smiley - smiley

Aroma Cafe Wed 12-07-2000

Post 97

Witty Moniker

Greetings, all!

May I have cuppa Kona, please, B-17?

Mmmmm, and a cheese Danish, too.

Aroma Cafe Wed 12-07-2000

Post 98


Hi Ox
Ho B17
A fellow nightshift worker eh?

Aroma Cafe Wed 12-07-2000

Post 99

Demon Drawer

*DD stumbles in*

I need something to keep me going

Aroma Cafe Wed 12-07-2000

Post 100


hello everyone.

Could I please have a danish? They look VERY good.
A black tea also please. Been a long day.

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