A Conversation for The Café

Aroma Cafe Wed 12-07-2000

Post 21


Hi everyone!
Lil, I'm leaving Tuesday 18th of July. But before that it's my birthday, this Friday!

Aroma Cafe Wed 12-07-2000

Post 22


Are you having a vacation, Bumblebee?

Aroma Cafe Wed 12-07-2000

Post 23


Three glorous weeks, where two of them will be spent in England, or thereabout.
(Details of the first stop in my journal.)

Aroma Cafe Wed 12-07-2000

Post 24

Witty Moniker

Wow, Bumblebee, I didn't realize that it's going to be such an extended holiday. That's wonderful.

*slight pangs of envy, as my "short" trip is already over*

Aroma Cafe Wed 12-07-2000

Post 25


*dashes over to Bumblebee's page and back* Sounds wonderful! Nice picture on your page, Bee.

Aroma Cafe Wed 12-07-2000

Post 26


*blush* Thanks, ox.
I have to go now, there's a pile of w*** that has to be done before I can go home today. Procrastination is fun but.....
See you at the party tomorrow then!


Aroma Cafe Wed 12-07-2000

Post 27


*newcomer peers round the door, enters tentatively*

er... Hi? I was here a couple of weeks ago, just about to enjoy some cinnamon toast, but then I got dragged away by the evil being WORK. I think I left a cup of coffee here to catch up on later... has anyone seen it?

Aroma Cafe Wed 12-07-2000

Post 28

Witty Moniker

Hi, &e.

Just ask the IIEM for a new one.


I need a little snooze.

* settles on sofa, pulls afghan up to chin *

Aroma Cafe Wed 12-07-2000

Post 29


Thanks, Witty. As long at the mug I left here before isn't gathering greeness, then I guess that's OK.

*wanders over to what looks like the IIEM, requests a simple coffee*

By the way, I hope that's an Afgan rug you have there, not a canine

Aroma Cafe Wed 12-07-2000

Post 30

Witty Moniker

*opens one eye*

hehe... either would do! smiley - bigeyes But it's a lovely crocheted throw, see?

*holds up corner*

Aroma Cafe Wed 12-07-2000

Post 31


Fine workmanship indeed... does it belong to you, or does it live here?

(Crotcheted... hm, does this have anything to do with music, I wonder? Perhaps it's a musical throw? Jazz with your wrap, anyone?)

Aroma Cafe Wed 12-07-2000

Post 32


Wrap music! Hi, &e. Still have some jet-lag, Witty?

Aroma Cafe Wed 12-07-2000

Post 33


*winces through the steam rising from the coffee mug*

Ouch! OK, that's a wrap with the bad puns, everyone smiley - winkeye

Aroma Cafe Wed 12-07-2000

Post 34

Witty Moniker

I get these moments of fatigue, from time to time. They pass quickly.

*jumps up from sofa*

But now, it's time for me to go. RL carpool duties call. I'll stop by a little later.

IIEM: Kona, black for the road, please.

*dashes out, fueled by caffeine*


Aroma Cafe Wed 12-07-2000

Post 35


*peers after the fast-disappearing Witty*

Well, that was a swift exit... hope I didn't upset anyone.

Quiet today; perhaps it's a little early still....?

Aroma Cafe Wed 12-07-2000

Post 36


It thins out about now-you never know, though!

Aroma Cafe Wed 12-07-2000

Post 37


*Looks around to see with her own eyes the pace she has heard so much about.*
I can't belive it has taken me so long to find the place.
May I please have a tea?
*continues to peer around, taking in the pleasant setting*

Aroma Cafe Wed 12-07-2000

Post 38


*Looks around to see with her own eyes the pace she has heard so much about.*
I can't belive it has taken me so long to find the place.
May I please have a tea?
*continues to peer around, taking in the pleasant setting*

Aroma Cafe Wed 12-07-2000

Post 39


did anyone else just experience de ja vu?

Aroma Cafe Wed 12-07-2000

Post 40


Hi, Lintilla! Deja vu is my usual fare.

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