A Conversation for The Café
Caretaker Counter 1
Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence Posted May 15, 2000
Well, it's Monday innit.
*makes an Italian cream soda with vanilla and hazelnut flavour and slides it down the counter to Mike A*
c <------------------
So. What's happened? You haven't emailed in a while.
Caretaker Counter 1
Mike A (snowblind) Posted May 15, 2000
A few anti-mainstream (ie stuff people won't like) articles of mine have mysteriously vanished...I wonder why.
You could say that I shouldn't be writing stuff that other people won't like. I say F**K YOU. Why should -I- be censored?
Anyway, thanks for the drink
A quick peep shows I haven't mailed since friday...been busy over the weekend (as you know), and I'm not sure if I can fire one off tonight. We will see.
(I'm feeling some deja vu here)
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Garius Lupus Posted May 15, 2000
Phew. Finally caught up to this forum. I wasn't at work on Sunday, so I just had a whole weekend of forums to catch up on. I am almost done now, but still haven't read the post. I think it will have to wait til tomorrow, as I need to get some RL work done now. Catch you later.
*Gets a tall glass of water from IIEM and gulps it down before dashing out.*
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Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence Posted May 15, 2000
Hi Garius, bye Garius.
Well, that's the Golden Rule -- reality comes first
I'm very busy studying, my back is a lot better, and the BladePro plugin is absolutely fantastic.
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Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence Posted May 15, 2000
Anybody here that will play scrabble with Ook?
I have to leave shortly, and the IIEM will be left running.
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Babel17 Posted May 15, 2000
Never fear for I am finally here!
Okay Ook, get the scrabble board set up.
*quickly tidies up and gets a coffee*
This Cafe will remain open!
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Courtesy38 Posted May 15, 2000
A cup of tea please.
*sits back to watch the scrabble game and do some coding on the laptop that just appeared in my lap*
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Ioreth (on hiatus) Posted May 15, 2000
I _hate_ high school. Especially the last month. Overworked, not enough sleep, bored out of my mind in class.
I'll take an espresso - it's the hypercaffeinated time of year again.
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Babel17 Posted May 15, 2000
Certainly, Courtesy.
*passes c)~( of tea across counter*
OK, Ook using my T that gives you CONTACT. Well done.
Looks like that puts you at 103 points to my 86.
You are definately improving. IIEM, banans.
*hands a banana to Ook*
What are you up to Courtesy?
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Courtesy38 Posted May 15, 2000
Coding a web site for an Intellectual Property company. Also, I'm on a conference call about the future of my company, apparently we are merging with another company.
*takes tea*
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Babel17 Posted May 15, 2000
Is the merger a good or bad thing?
And I now know who to speak to if I hit any problems with coding up my own (not h2g2) web page. Currently trying to decide on what to do for it. Also trying to teach myself HTML at the same time.
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Courtesy38 Posted May 15, 2000
Babel -
Have you done any programming before? If so then HTML should be a cinch. As for asking questions, feel free, I can usually answer them or find someone who can
Right now I'm learning ASP, JavaScript, and Visual Basic. HTML was pretty straightforward along with XML.
As for the merger, I THINK it's a good thing, apparently we will find out if it's going through in the next couple of weeks.
Fun, fun, fun
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Babel17 Posted May 15, 2000
Sorry Courtesy, I got caught up in w***.
I have done programming in the past, but not for some time.
I can get my head around it. It's where to start, ie layout, what I want the site to do etc.Trying to find something that is a little bit original or different.
Thanks for the offer of help should I need it.
BTW, I was looking at your homepage and noticed that along with the SF you like Malt Whisky. Having spent 12 years on the Island of Islay, I like to think I know a wee bit about it. Funny thing is, having been brought up there, I don't like whisky that much.
It does bad things to me. Fine as a nightcap, but at any other time, it doesn't like me very much
Caretaker Counter 1
Courtesy38 Posted May 15, 2000
I love Malt Whiskey, growing up in Southern California it's hard to find people that actually enjoy the good stuff. I have actually gone places, asked for Malt Whiskey and been offered Johny Walker, a blended scotch whiskey.
I actually enjoy the taste, so I tend to put an ounce or so in a glass and relax to Beethoven or Mozart and just enjoy I've never actually gotten drunk on it, and don't want to think about how that would feel the morning after *shudder*
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Babel17 Posted May 15, 2000
Trust me it isn't good.
have you tried any of the Islay whiskies?
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Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence Posted May 15, 2000
Hi guys.
Something's going on. I am being UDP port strobed for the 4th time in two minutes, and each strobe is from a different but fake-looking IP.
You're right, Courtesy, HTML is the simplest stuff I've come across yet. But it really helps to have a visual tool like Dreamweaver. Funnily enough (or maybe not), I couldn't reaslly get my brain around Dreamweaver until I studied HTML.
*gets self a green tea*
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Courtesy38 Posted May 16, 2000
Owwwwwwwwww ... Green Tea, that sounds yummy ...
*gets a green tea*
Yes I have had an Islay whiskey, it is Bowmore and was given to me as a present from my bartenders to me on my birthday. I also have Glenmorangie, Belvanie, and Springbank, all ranging from 12 - 24 years Single Malt Single Barrel.
Lil - I agree about HTML. I found that Dreamweaver and Frontpage put so much extra code into the documents that it's hard to understand unless you have done just straight HTML code. My first question I usually ask someone who comes to work for us is if they can code HTML from notepad.
Caretaker Counter 1
Babel17 Posted May 16, 2000
That's weird, 'cos I just got dropped about 8 minutes ago. Just as I was about to reply to a forum!
*refills coffee cup*
Ok, ok. I conceed. You win. Have the rest of the bananas.
IIEM, a bowl of water please. *passes bowl & bananas to Ook*
You look tired. Once you have finished those, why don't you go and lie down in the corner. Get some sleep. Take this blanket with you.
Good Boy.
*Ook shambles over to corner and curls up with blanket. A moment later soft simian snores can be heard*
i can't believe how good he is getting.
Is this you on for a while Lil?
Key: Complain about this post
Caretaker Counter 1
- 41: Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence (May 15, 2000)
- 42: Mike A (snowblind) (May 15, 2000)
- 43: Garius Lupus (May 15, 2000)
- 44: Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence (May 15, 2000)
- 45: Mike A (snowblind) (May 15, 2000)
- 46: Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence (May 15, 2000)
- 47: Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence (May 15, 2000)
- 48: Babel17 (May 15, 2000)
- 49: Courtesy38 (May 15, 2000)
- 50: Ioreth (on hiatus) (May 15, 2000)
- 51: Babel17 (May 15, 2000)
- 52: Courtesy38 (May 15, 2000)
- 53: Babel17 (May 15, 2000)
- 54: Courtesy38 (May 15, 2000)
- 55: Babel17 (May 15, 2000)
- 56: Courtesy38 (May 15, 2000)
- 57: Babel17 (May 15, 2000)
- 58: Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence (May 15, 2000)
- 59: Courtesy38 (May 16, 2000)
- 60: Babel17 (May 16, 2000)
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