A Conversation for The Café

The Aroma Café: Golden Autumn

Post 41


You think that's hard, try doing 8-5, a two hour commute away, and then having exams at the end of it.

Excuse me I'm just bitter, I wouldn't be doing anything else,

The Aroma Café: Golden Autumn

Post 42

Lord Job Boron. That's Lord Job Boron To You!

I work 5 days at school, 1 to 9 til 10 past 3 with a 45 min lunch break, monday to friday, except tuesday where I work until 5 doing computers. Monday I have band practices and wednesday I do drama 7 til 9. On saturdays I earn minimum wage working 1 til 5 at a costume shop. So no wonder I never have time for coursework.

The Aroma Café: Golden Autumn

Post 43


what are you doing?
on top of all my lectures i then have socials and the recovery needed after smiley - alesmiley - winkeye

The Aroma Café: Golden Autumn

Post 44

Montana Redhead (now with letters)

Well, as long as we're all comparing woe-is-me notes...

I get up at 7 (since I'm the only parent), get my daughter out of bed, and get her to the school bus by 7:30. Three days a week, I have lecture for an hour. Two days a week, I have discussions for my lecture. Once a week, I have a three hour "European Gender History" seminar, for which I have to read one to 3 books per week. In addition, I have 2 books a week to read for my advisor, and I work from 6-1 every Friday night as a bartender.

Social life? What social life?!?!??!!?

I wouldn't trade it for anything.

The Aroma Café: Golden Autumn

Post 45


I work at home, If I rush through the worky stuff and household chores, I can be on Starwars Galaxies by late afternoon smiley - biggrin

The Aroma Café: Golden Autumn

Post 46


i suppose as an undergraduate i do have it quite easy, no responsiblities other than helping no actually doing because no one else does, cleaning other peoples poo off the toilet and roll holder
how do you get it on the holder?!

The Aroma Café: Golden Autumn

Post 47


Now would anyone like to know how good it is not to live in Halls of Residence.

The Aroma Café: Golden Autumn

Post 48


no thanks its bad enough having to live in them without being reminded what its like not to live in them
im going to have to make someone else do some of the cleaning, my room is a mess and i cant be bothered after cleaning up all thier sh*t literally!

The Aroma Café: Golden Autumn

Post 49

Dizzy H. Muffin

[Mog] I feel your pain ... in a manner of speaking.

The Aroma Café: Golden Autumn

Post 50


i glad someone does, ive caused trouble after i moaned before cleaning it, apparently everyone cleans up after themselves, well how does it end up like that?!

The Aroma Café: Golden Autumn

Post 51

Lord Job Boron. That's Lord Job Boron To You!

If I was you, I'd just leave it. Let the B*****rds clean it up themselves.

The Aroma Café: Golden Autumn

Post 52


no one does anything other than me and one other girl. if i didnt do it it would stay there the other girl does the kitchen most of the time and i have to cope with the bathroom, whilst my room stays a tip! my mum always said my room looked like a bomb had hit itr, im beginning to think it looks like several bombs have hit!

The Aroma Café: Golden Autumn

Post 53

Lord Job Boron. That's Lord Job Boron To You!

I don't do anything really. My Room looks like at least one bomb has hit it but I dont have time to look for survivors.

The Aroma Café: Golden Autumn

Post 54

Montana Redhead (now with letters)

IIEM, a diet coke please.

The Aroma Café: Golden Autumn

Post 55

Lord Job Boron. That's Lord Job Boron To You!

Im in germanz and their z and y kezs are back to front. Thats whz I'm using lots of ys.

The Aroma Café: Golden Autumn

Post 56

Dizzy H. Muffin

[Mog] I ... see. I hope they don't switch L and R in Japan -- that'd just be sirry.

The Aroma Café: Golden Autumn

Post 57


smiley - laugh

IIEM a smiley - rocketsmiley - coffee please, didn't get to bed until gone 1 am, playing my game!

The Aroma Café: Golden Autumn

Post 58

Lord Job Boron. That's Lord Job Boron To You!

Someone shzould do what mz rents did to me when i used the internet too much and take that game awaz. And also change the z and y kezs around on german computers.

The Aroma Café: Golden Autumn

Post 59


Couldn't you just order a UK keyboard?

The Aroma Café: Golden Autumn

Post 60


Or teach yourself to type on a German keyboard... I thought they were more instictive than french ones, though I may just have totally odd insticts!

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