A Conversation for The Café

The Aroma Café: Looking Forward to Spring

Post 81

logicus tracticus philosophicus

A cup of something sweet for hatti i see that she has had "interesting things" deposited in her virtual mouthsmiley - rofl hismiley - ok hatti perhaps happi could di with some.smiley - winkeye

The Aroma Café: Looking Forward to Spring

Post 82

Dizzy H. Muffin

[Mog] I always think of "virtual" things like that as being pretty amusing ... smiley - winkeye

[Dylan] Yeah, like how you always refer to /me/ in the first person.

The Aroma Café: Looking Forward to Spring

Post 83


Aww, how sweet! smiley - blushsmiley - laugh

The Aroma Café: Looking Forward to Spring

Post 84


What? Did someone say something?

Sorry I'm rather deaf in one ear as I've put ear drops in. Anyone trying to speak to me will have to speak up!

The Aroma Café: Looking Forward to Spring

Post 85


*waiting for BB's fresh smiley - tea*

The Aroma Café: Looking Forward to Spring

Post 86

Titania (gone for lunch)

IIEM, a - thanks...

Pathways, pavements and train platforms - all covered by a very thick, very smooth and very shiny layer of ice!smiley - yuk Still some snow left despite several days of thawing during daytime, freezing at night... but today was one of the more hazardous mornings to be out walking - everyone walking with very small steps, like little old ladies

Thank goodness that at least the city centre streets are free from snow and ice!

The Aroma Café: Looking Forward to Spring

Post 87


It is a bright and sunny morning here, very cold wind from the east though.

IIEM, smiley - tea please if there is none of BB's fresh brew.

The Aroma Café: Looking Forward to Spring

Post 88

Mrs Zen

A glass of lucozade please, IIEM. I am migrainy, and need to retox.


The Aroma Café: Looking Forward to Spring

Post 89

Dizzy H. Muffin

[Mog] The weather's definitely improved here, as well -- it's gotten pretty sunny in the mornings now, for one thing. smiley - smiley

The Aroma Café: Looking Forward to Spring

Post 90

logicus tracticus philosophicus

Well got daffs out,chilly wind ,though but,sun behind glass,smiley - oksmiley - cheers

The Aroma Café: Looking Forward to Spring

Post 91


We are expecting -20C for tonight and thaw for tomorrow. smiley - yuk Weird winter...

The Aroma Café: Looking Forward to Spring

Post 92

Dizzy H. Muffin

[Mog] Ooh, sorry to hear that ... below-0 temperatures are always bad for the car. Especially if it's Fahrenheit. smiley - erm

The Aroma Café: Looking Forward to Spring

Post 93


-20C is below 0 even in Fahrenheit. Luckily enough I don't have a car. smiley - tongueout

The Aroma Café: Looking Forward to Spring

Post 94

Mrs Zen

Back for the weekend, (I am not working Fridays, thank the goddess). The Stepson was horrified - he thought he had until tomorrow to clean up the mess. Actually it isnt that messy, though I have made him tidy up and do the washing up.

Not sure what to do this weekend. It would be nice to get some good walking in.


The Aroma Café: Looking Forward to Spring

Post 95


Great to see you back Ben smiley - cuddle

I think I'll be flying this weekend, I feel a strange desire to hang around an airfield..

The Aroma Café: Looking Forward to Spring

Post 96

Mrs Zen

... Hang gliding?

smiley - run


The Aroma Café: Looking Forward to Spring

Post 97


Nope just normal gliding - have no desire at all to fling myself off a cliff - teaching sex ed in inner city schools is my dangerous hobby!

The Aroma Café: Looking Forward to Spring

Post 98

Amy the Ant - High Manzanilla of the Church of the Stuffed Olive

I've never liked the idea of the undercarriage being my legs smiley - yikes.

The Aroma Café: Looking Forward to Spring

Post 99


Or the fact that you can't do two seater training!

The Aroma Café: Looking Forward to Spring

Post 100

Amy the Ant - High Manzanilla of the Church of the Stuffed Olive

Of course you can do dual trainingon a hang glider. Side-by-side or strapped to an instructor.

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