A Conversation for The Café

Autumn Chill, Longing For Christmas

Post 141

Lady Pennywhistle - Back with a vengeance! [for a certain, limited value of Vengeance; actual amounts of Vengeance may vary]

April is the cruelest month, breeding lilacs out of the dead land, mixing memory and desire, stirring dull roots with spring rain...
smiley - geek

Autumn Chill, Longing For Christmas

Post 142


The advantage of April is that it's so far away. smiley - smiley

Autumn Chill, Longing For Christmas

Post 143

Dizzy the Void

[Mog] I heartily second that! smiley - biggrin

Autumn Chill, Longing For Christmas

Post 144

Dizzy the Void

[The front door opens, revealing Dylan and the Keymaker in the back corridors from The Matrix Reloaded, but the forest is still visible out the windows. The Keymaker closes the door.]

[Keymaker] There. I /told/ you I should be leading, didn't I?

[Dylan] IIEM, gimme a strawberry milkshake, and 99 each X-Potions, Megalixers, Elixers, and Turbo-Ethers.

[IIEM] ... What!?

[Dylan] Well, they aren't alcoholic, are they? smiley - winkeye

Autumn Chill, Longing For Christmas

Post 145


*observes the procession*

Autumn Chill, Longing For Christmas

Post 146

Dizzy the Void

[IIEM] Look, this is gonna take a while, so you're likely to need a second IIEM if all the other customers are going to get anything.

[Dylan] Well ... damn. Just work as fast as you can, all right?

[IIEM] ... Fine.

Autumn Chill, Longing For Christmas

Post 147

Titania (gone for lunch)

*sighs, trying to stay patient while the IIEM tries to execute the latest order*

Autumn Chill, Longing For Christmas

Post 148


smiley - zen

Autumn Chill, Longing For Christmas

Post 149

Dizzy the Void

[Keymaker] We'd better hurry ... Whoops, too late, that quest is over.

[Dylan] Uh, darn. Hang on, I'll just speed up time ...

[He suddenly gets buried by the orders, which promptly vanish in his Inventory.]

[Dylan] Okay, Keymaker, let's go.

[Keymaker] Fine. I hope I get paid for this ...

[He puts a key in the doors lock, and opens it, revealing the Matrix corridor. He and Dylan go through it and close the door.]

Autumn Chill, Longing For Christmas

Post 150


*Merely washes up and puts v/_\3 on*


Autumn Chill, Longing For Christmas

Post 151

Dizzy the Void

[Random Moogle] ... Kupo?

Autumn Chill, Longing For Christmas

Post 152


*finds v/_\3 and has a nice little smiley - tea*

Autumn Chill, Longing For Christmas

Post 153

Oetzi Oetztaler....Anti Apartheid

What's your weather?
In the UK it is ~~~~ ugh!

Autumn Chill, Longing For Christmas

Post 154

Titania (gone for lunch)

Ah - nice to see you in the café again BB - finally a decent (no offense, IIEM) cup of smiley - tea!smiley - smiley

Oetzi - the weather in Stockholm, Sweden is mild (just above freezing point) and grey (I'll soon forget what the sun looks like if that blanket covering the sky doesn't go away soon) and rainy, on and off...

*sips smiley - tea with pleasure*

Autumn Chill, Longing For Christmas

Post 155

Oetzi Oetztaler....Anti Apartheid

Yes today was good here, broken sunshine.
Tonight will freeze on the higher gound in the N Pennines UK.
The wind is the worst. NE terlies from you are searing but rare.
The westerlies are gusty and strong snough to blow you over at times.
Altitude is the factor in the UK.
West is wet and east is dry...generally.

Autumn Chill, Longing For Christmas

Post 156

Dizzy the Void

[Mog] Over here, in Vermont, we had snow last night, but it seems to have gone.

Autumn Chill, Longing For Christmas

Post 157


Once upon a time one weather forecast lady here got a lifetime ban as she dared to say in the forecast that nothing good ever comes from east. Well, all the rest of ussr was in east from us. smiley - laugh
Right now (and forever, as it seems) we are "enjoying" the same kind of weather as Ti. Very gloomy. smiley - erm

Autumn Chill, Longing For Christmas

Post 158


Which means I turn up to work covered in mud as I cycle and don't have a rear mud-guard, which often leaves embarrasingly brown patches up the back of my trousers...smiley - blue


Autumn Chill, Longing For Christmas

Post 159

Titania (gone for lunch)

So - eh - why don't you get yourself a rear mud-guard?

*optimistically holds out her empty c(_)*

Autumn Chill, Longing For Christmas

Post 160


*Hands over a fresh smiley - tea*
My bike seems to have been designed to prevent any form of mudguard known to man to fit on it, but then it is quite old...


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