A Conversation for The Café
Bluebottle Posted Jan 17, 2000
I don't know... but considering I haven't been here to do any washing up, I bet a lot of cups and pots have got dirty... Oh well, I'd better get to it.
Zebedee (still Pool God after all these years) Posted Jan 17, 2000
Would you like to peruse my assortment of canes, paddles and other suitable flagellants? (if that's a word).
Gwennie Posted Jan 18, 2000
What, no whips then? Tsk! Tsk!
*Gwennie reaches into her big black bag and pulls out.......some limp celery*
Oh, that's not really what I had in mind! Oh, well - who wants to be spanked first?
Helena? You can be first for getting engaged (foolish girl - you're condemming yourself to years of bondage - you lucky tart!)
Congratulations, by the way if they're in order...
TechnicolorYawn (Patron Saint of the Morally Moribund) Posted Jan 18, 2000
Oh! Limp celery! (It's the leaves that do it for me).
Bluebottle Posted Jan 18, 2000
Helena got engaged?!!!? When did that happen????
I've been away from Uni computers too long....
TechnicolorYawn (Patron Saint of the Morally Moribund) Posted Jan 18, 2000
Erm.. sorry, I missed that bit of the post..
Allow me to not be the first to congratulate you!
I'm Probably about the 19th.
Bluebottle Posted Jan 18, 2000
I've got no idea - Gwennie just said it. I haven't been on H2G2 for a month either...
Irving Washington - Gone Writing Posted Jan 18, 2000
Well, she WAS hinting that she wanted us to notice something on her hand... I assumed it was a ring. Of course, it could be a prison style tatoo that she's especially proud of... but I'm betting on the ring.
Gwennie Posted Jan 19, 2000
*Gwennie starts munching celery thoughtfully*
Hmm - could be a tattoo as you say or maybe she had it pierced somewhere....
Does anyone know where Helena is?
Irving Washington - Gone Writing Posted Jan 19, 2000
Well, as she was waving her hands around alot, maybe she was trying to get a funky new color of nail polish to dry?
I have no idea where she went. She mentioned her hands and I haven't seen her since!
Mrs V Posted Jan 19, 2000
Hello, been off chossing a dress. Sidney kidney said ivory, which nearly had my beau (The giorgeous Dr E) beating him up, and someone else suggested Peach... Bleh!! Now just how long should the train be??? Course he did buy the ring from QVC...
Irving Washington - Gone Writing Posted Jan 19, 2000
Wait! Is this another H2G2 romance? Shall we inform the front page???
Bluebottle Posted Jan 20, 2000
(And crowds of single h2g2ers are now in tears as their beloved has chosen someone else.. Not me, as I'm Very happy with Eccles....)
Does this mean no more flirting and/or short dresses?
Cupid Stunt Posted Jan 23, 2000
The burning question, Helena, are you going to stop being a nymphomaniac?
Irving Washington - Gone Writing Posted Jan 23, 2000
Even more burning: Where is Helena???? Now that she's engaged it's as if she has a life or something! We haven't heard from her in so long...
Key: Complain about this post
- 141: Bluebottle (Jan 17, 2000)
- 142: Cupid Stunt (Jan 17, 2000)
- 143: Zebedee (still Pool God after all these years) (Jan 17, 2000)
- 144: Gwennie (Jan 18, 2000)
- 145: TechnicolorYawn (Patron Saint of the Morally Moribund) (Jan 18, 2000)
- 146: Bluebottle (Jan 18, 2000)
- 147: TechnicolorYawn (Patron Saint of the Morally Moribund) (Jan 18, 2000)
- 148: TechnicolorYawn (Patron Saint of the Morally Moribund) (Jan 18, 2000)
- 149: Bluebottle (Jan 18, 2000)
- 150: Irving Washington - Gone Writing (Jan 18, 2000)
- 151: Gwennie (Jan 19, 2000)
- 152: Irving Washington - Gone Writing (Jan 19, 2000)
- 153: Mrs V (Jan 19, 2000)
- 154: Irving Washington - Gone Writing (Jan 19, 2000)
- 155: Cupid Stunt (Jan 19, 2000)
- 156: Gwennie (Jan 20, 2000)
- 157: Cupid Stunt (Jan 20, 2000)
- 158: Bluebottle (Jan 20, 2000)
- 159: Cupid Stunt (Jan 23, 2000)
- 160: Irving Washington - Gone Writing (Jan 23, 2000)
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