A Conversation for The Church of the True Brownie

Elephant Trek

Post 1121


He wonders what he did wrong .... then he gets it “any one want a brownie” he seas as he holds out a tray filled with brownies (with chocolate curlings on).........

Elephant Trek

Post 1122

Gw7en, Voice of Chaos (Classic)

All yours, HP. Welcome. smiley - biggrin

Redsky, you did nothing wrong. We're simply... friendly in an odd and somewhat familial sort of way. smiley - bigeyes

Those look like lovely Brownies. I'll trade you one. smiley - smiley

*holds out one of the infamous monsy Brownies*


Elephant Trek

Post 1123

Mister Seymour (Chief Investor in the Church of the One True Brownie)

Oooh! Excellent! I'll have one!

Elephant Trek

Post 1124

mari-rae(tee reads: (entangled in cardboard boxes, please send tape...)

Let's have a Brownie Bake-Off... here are mine; they are extra fudgy, laced with caramel and are covered in thick chocolate frosting. Help yourselves. smiley - bigeyes

Welcome, newbies! If you'd like an elephant of your own all you have to do is whistle, and one will appear for you. And, yes! You get to keep them.

Elephant Trek

Post 1125

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

Brownie bake off!?? You think muses have time to do anything constructive!?? smiley - tongueout

No... it's a full-time job inspiring other people to do all the work!!! smiley - winkeye

Elephant Trek

Post 1126


I was going to make some Brownies, but, well, I kinda... umm... burnt them all smiley - yawn


Elephant Trek

Post 1127

The Average Joe No One EVER Suspects

::his drunken elephant eats a few of BB's burnt brownies (try saying that 10 times fast):: *CRUNCH CRUNCH CRUNCH*
Hey I think he likes 'em! ::passes out some of the ultimate junk food, Little Debbie Brownies!:: smiley - bigeyes

Elephant Trek

Post 1128

mari-rae(tee reads: (entangled in cardboard boxes, please send tape...)

No fair purchasing brownies...

*Cannot resist a Little Debbie, and munches one down.*

Yummy! smiley - laugh

Elephant Trek

Post 1129


It was a rhetorical question. smiley - hsif

Jumps around tasting all the lovely brownies (even the store made ones). Contemplating getting an elephant of his very own.

Elephant Trek

Post 1130

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

::Shouts running from the Moorish castle::OOOO!!! Are there any Moonpies!?? smiley - winkeye

::catches her breath and admires all the brownies::



Actually, I can decorate a large, circular brownie with frosting....!!! Would that count!??

Elephant Trek

Post 1131

mari-rae(tee reads: (entangled in cardboard boxes, please send tape...)

As long as they are not blonde, they should count! smiley - winkeye

Elephant Trek

Post 1132

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

BUT OF COURSE they won't be!!!


::gets out her Lazy Susan to decorate the big brownie, hoping no one notices that the bucket of frosting beside her is the same fudgy-icing used on the donuts... smiley - winkeye::

::sings:: LA DE DA!!!!

::starts to ice the big brownie::

Elephant Trek

Post 1133


*Singing merrily.*

“A brownie we shall have, a brownie we shall have.
Better save some for your grumpy dad, so a brownie he can have.....

smiley - silly

Elephant Trek

Post 1134

Mister Seymour (Chief Investor in the Church of the One True Brownie)

Elephant Trek

Post 1135

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

::finishes preparing her brownie canvas as Pierre waddles over to see what she is doing::

::starts to ponder what colors she will be using for her masterpiece::

::Pierre starts to sniff at the open bucket of fudge icing::

Elephant Trek

Post 1136

mari-rae(tee reads: (entangled in cardboard boxes, please send tape...)

*Sees what a gorgeous brownie Dragonfly is concocting, and feels her caramel laced ones may not be winners after all. She considers topping them with nuts...*

Who is going to judge this contest?

*Everyone turns and stares at Marv.*

Elephant Trek

Post 1137

Wayfarer -MadForumArtist, Keeper of bad puns, Greeblet with Goo beret, Tangential One

starts making a brownie:

the brownie part of it: black forest cake recipie which is two layers of chocolate with strawberry jam stuff in between
the icing layer: butter icing with chocolate bits in covering whole brownie
icing decoration: around edges and making clever designs, rich dark chocolate icing
toppings: multicolored sprinkles, those silver bb things, dark chocolate chips, chocolate chunks, whipped creme, and a cherry
did i mention its 4 ft by 4 ft and 6" tall?

Elephant Trek

Post 1138

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

::fills one piping bag with white chocolate icing::

::starts to fill a second bag with fudge icing, but sees that Pierre has been eating from the bucket!!!::


How disgusting!!! You bad bad elephant!!!


::hits him lightly on the trunk with her spatula:: Bad elephant. Go to your room!!!

::obtains a new bucket of fudge icing and fills her second piping bag::

Elephant Trek

Post 1139


Steers down at his plain ol’ ordinary brownies, and wonders if he shod make some stylis ones. smiley - erm
But instead he sits down and writs some giperis smiley - biggrin

He some how manages to prevent every one form seeing what it is he’s writingsmiley - tongueout

Elephant Trek

Post 1140

The Average Joe No One EVER Suspects

Hehehe ::Kicks back in a beach chair and feels relaxed::

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