A Conversation for Straw Poll Anyone??

Yipeeeee...I'm wining!!!

Post 81

Fenchurch M. Mercury

*Shrieks again. Faints. Awakens to buy concession. Eats. Shrieks and faints again.*

Yipeeeee...I'm wining!!!

Post 82

Sporkulious Eglon

Pauses momentarily...

Ah... Sleeping Beauty! Did you see what that creep Ant is up to?

Yipeeeee...I'm wining!!!

Post 83

marvthegrate LtG KEA

All of us Noble Heros seem to gather the sleeping beauties around us!

Yipeeeee...I'm wining!!!

Post 84

Sporkulious Eglon

*snicker snicker

If you say so, Narcissus

Yipeeeee...I'm wining!!!

Post 85

marvthegrate LtG KEA

Well I meant you as well.... But Enough! Avaunt deamon. Back to the firey depths from whence ye came!

Yipeeeee...I'm wining!!!

Post 86

Sporkulious Eglon

Silence- you blasphemus fiend! You're one to call the kettle black!

Yipeeeee...I'm wining!!!

Post 87




Come on! Eat up! How's a blackguard to fight without food and beer? And a spot of hashish?

(pssst! Fenny, now that you've won, ready to launder those funds and split for our newly-refurbished missle-silo? I've got a mind how to take care of these barbarians, as well as get rid of the missle currently inhabiting our silo! Kill more than two birds with one stone, eh?)

da Baron
Awake at last!

Yipeeeee...I'm wining!!!

Post 88

marvthegrate LtG KEA

"Baron, you wrong me. So here catch a mime"

Yipeeeee...I'm wining!!!

Post 89

Sporkulious Eglon

This is going to get nasty

Yipeeeee...I'm wining!!!

Post 90

marvthegrate LtG KEA

Nobody ever said that politics were sweet.

Yipeeeee...I'm wining!!!

Post 91

Sporkulious Eglon

Wot? I've never know a mime that was in politics... I've never known a politician to employ a mime...

*head swirls a bit

Yipeeeee...I'm wining!!!

Post 92

marvthegrate LtG KEA

I do not employ mimes, they are a dangerous species and I only use them as weapons when I really need to.

Yipeeeee...I'm wining!!!

Post 93


This is becoming like the *gnome-throwing competitions* that we all know and love!Make mine a very large beer please Baron smiley - bigeyes
shazz smiley - winkeye

Yipeeeee...I'm wining!!!

Post 94


A mime is a deadly weapon. They are not to be hurled about casually.

Yipeeeee...I'm wining!!!

Post 95

Sporkulious Eglon

I'll second that, Shazz

Yipeeeee...I'm wining!!!

Post 96


I always thought that mimes were kind of long and thin - as a general rule mind you. I personally think that you should be able to toss them anywhere you want. They won't complain, for a start. smiley - winkeye

Yipeeeee...I'm wining!!!

Post 97


Beer for the Lady! Here ya go, Shazz! smiley - smiley

*Dodges the mime thrown by Marv*

'Ere now! Whot's all this? I'm the bloody concessioner, not a participant in these rude barbarisims you boys have devised! Look'ee there! You've made the poor blighter break his crack pipe! Now what's he gonna do to get that death-like pallor?

*nudges Fenny* (psst! Now's the time for us to scoot, love! The jet awaits, and we've loaded at least twenty mimes for every one thrown here today into the missle we want to move out of our abode!)

*LOUDLY* Now if you're going to be that way about it, I think Fenny and I shall just have to leave this field of dis-honor, and retire to our bunker! Shall we?

da Baron
smiley - fish Co-ruler of the marvelous missle silo with Fenny.

Yipeeeee...I'm wining!!!

Post 98

Sporkulious Eglon

Did you forget someone smiley - smiley

Yipeeeee...I'm wining!!!

Post 99


Oh dear. More violence.
Mimes... stop walking against the wind and come back here. Yes I KNOW you're all trapped inside big glass boxes but get out of them now!

Yipeeeee...I'm wining!!!

Post 100

marvthegrate LtG KEA

Use those ropes I always see you with! Get to working Mimes!

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