A Conversation for Straw Poll Anyone??

Yipeeeee...I'm wining!!!

Post 141


Actually, I rather enjoyed the Great Gatsby- the book, not the movie- which I've never seen.

But Twain was much funnier.

da Baron
Literary freak.

Yipeeeee...I'm wining!!!

Post 142

Sporkulious Eglon

Yes, nobody here was making fun of the Great Gatsby... great book, great movie (Robert Redford, Mia Farrow... filmed on location).

Returns from Paris

Post 143


If anyone goes away on holiday, on no account try to catch up with what your friends have been up to on the net, it just takes too long smiley - winkeye

Returns from Paris

Post 144

marvthegrate LtG KEA

I just took a night off to read a book and I have been amazed at the prolific postings in my slight absence.

Returns from Paris

Post 145


Yeah, and you were snickering that I wanted to check in a few times a day... smiley - winkeye

Returns from Paris

Post 146

what you know as km

Yeah, I have to check in five times daily just to keep myself feeling sufficiently unpopular. If I have too much to read all at once, I get frightened off, happens every time. smiley - winkeye

Returns from Paris

Post 147

Sporkulious Eglon

I never sign off... constantly checking forums, stealing people's ideas, erm, strike that one...
Oh, and checking up on my frontpage (which changes about every week)... I completely forgot what people were saying before me... hmm... Oh, Shazz/f... it should be heating up, not hooting up , smiley - smiley

*fresh off from fun-run...

Returns from Paris

Post 148

Fenchurch M. Mercury

Welcome back from Paris!

Now on to the misguided rambling to catch up on my two days of absence:

Great Gatsby was good! I liked it! What I didn't like was Anything every written by Faulkner ever. Except for maybe Barn Burning, just because it was a short story and thus ended while it was still less than the length of many of the sentences found in The Sound and the Fury. smiley - smiley
I was up there somewhere...spokesperson for making fish and being brunette and whatnot.... And It's the 30th. I see no straw poll. Shazz...? smiley - winkeye

Returns from Paris

Post 149


Yeah I was wondering too smiley - winkeye Hi again by the way, oh and you seem to have an article on the front page smiley - smiley

Returns from Paris

Post 150

Fenchurch M. Mercury

Funny how that keeps happening smiley - smiley. Thanks for organising it, Ant, good job! I never was able to shuffle tings around just right like that.

Have you noticed the BRUTAL COMMENTS on my BRUTAL COMMENT about the BRUTAL TAXI-DRIVERS? Some people actually LIKE them. LIKE THEM! Isn't that outrageous? It's outrageous!!!

I'm thinking of an entry on turkish coffee. Everyone dig? hehe

Returns from Paris

Post 151

Sporkulious Eglon

I vaguely remember something about Turkish coffee... I'd much rather hear something about Turkish Delight

Returns from Paris

Post 152


Returns from Paris

Post 153

Sporkulious Eglon

What is tha- What- What? Did you change your name AGAIN???

Returns from Paris

Post 154

Post Team

Maybe smiley - smiley It just so happens that I have gone up in the world! smiley - smiley
shazz smiley - winkeye

Returns from Paris

Post 155

Fenchurch M. Mercury

What the hell Shazz... will you stop your insane inside jokes? huh? It's not fun trying to find out what's going on!! It's NOT!!

smiley - bigeyes Fenny's going insane...

Returns from Paris

Post 156

marvthegrate LtG KEA

Marv was allready insane, but WTF is going on?

Returns from Paris

Post 157

Sporkulious Eglon

I hope that stood for what the frugle

Returns from Paris

Post 158

marvthegrate LtG KEA

Something like that, at any rate.

Returns from Paris

Post 159

Swiv (decrepit postgrad)

If you're confused after going on holiday Ant, on no account try catching up after 6 weeks working in the sticks.

Returns from Paris

Post 160


Is this better then guys?!hehehehe!
shazz smiley - winkeye

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