A Conversation for Straw Poll Anyone??

Yipeeeee...I'm wining!!!

Post 21


Not such a good idea then!!smiley - bigeyes
shazz smiley - winkeye

Yipeeeee...I'm wining!!!

Post 22


C'Mon people. 2 votes. 2 more votes and I'm in! Have I mentioned that I'm friendly, handsome and punctual? (Well 2 out of 3 anyway)

Yipeeeee...I'm wining!!!

Post 23

marvthegrate LtG KEA

But you see folks, I am a right bastard. I should win by default. Just wait though. I am working on my master plan for world alcohol domination.

Yipeeeee...I'm wining!!!

Post 24


Hmmmmmm!! It's only London we are talking about here! smiley - bigeyes
shazz smiley - winkeye

Yipeeeee...I'm wining!!!

Post 25

marvthegrate LtG KEA

First London, tomorrow the WORLD. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

Yipeeeee...I'm wining!!!

Post 26


That's what the Baron thought and look what happened to him!!
shazz smiley - winkeye

Yipeeeee...I'm wining!!!

Post 27


I almost feel sorry for him.

Yipeeeee...I'm wining!!!

Post 28

marvthegrate LtG KEA

I'd better stop while I am behind, then.

Yipeeeee...I'm wining!!!

Post 29


Good call. smiley - smiley
I, howver, shall fight to the death!

Hey Shazz, if there is a tie by the end of voting, can the two (or more) in front fight it out in an arena style match to the death? smiley - bigeyes

Yipeeeee...I'm wining!!!

Post 30


I'll reserve the Arena(Amsterdam)...LOL

Yipeeeee...I'm wining!!!

Post 31


Most definately!! I will award the concessions to Da Baron....he does seem to have a way with him!....and Garibaldi's*We seat your butt not butt your seat* can erect the extra stands for us!Will it be the trident and net,or the gladius? smiley - bigeyes
shazz smiley - winkeye

Yipeeeee...I'm wining!!!

Post 32

Fenchurch M. Mercury

Can I hire someone to fight *for* me? Pleeeassseee? Or if not, can Nameless the running mate help me?

Yipeeeee...I'm wining!!!

Post 33


Falling back on your evil twin, eh Fenny?

Yipeeeee...I'm wining!!!

Post 34


I will have to look that up in the rules Fenny!Will get back to you smiley - bigeyes
shazz smiley - winkeye

Yipeeeee...I'm wining!!!

Post 35

marvthegrate LtG KEA

Hah! The arena beckons, I must heed this call.

Yipeeeee...I'm wining!!!

Post 36


Marv, you're not tied.

Yipeeeee...I'm wining!!!

Post 37


NO,NO,NO!! No armour!This will be run along the lines of the time honoured Roman Gladiatorial Games!*We who are about to die salute you!*.......just toga's please lady and gentlemen smiley - bigeyes
shazz smiley - winkeye

Yipeeeee...I'm wining!!!

Post 38


The Gladiators got armor. It's just the people they were supposed to kill that didn't get any.

Yipeeeee...I'm wining!!!

Post 39


Picky,picky!!...not the kind that Marv is thinking about LOL
shazz smiley - winkeye

Yipeeeee...I'm wining!!!

Post 40


At least try to be historically accurate.

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