A Conversation for Substitue Teachers

Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A18640154 - Substitue Teachers

Post 1


Entry: Substitue Teachers - A18640154
Author: Jackbuu3 - U6719965

Comments wanted but please read the entry first.

A18640154 - Substitue Teachers

Post 2


smiley - ok I never saw that movie, but I do know what a stereotypical subbed classroom looks like, and I'm afraid I've been in a few too (as a studentsmiley - tongueout). What type of school do you go to and where, if it isn't too personal? Kids in private schools and in small towns tend to be better behaved.

Also, you forgot to mention the factor of how long the teacher will be subbing. Substittues that are there long term are more concerned with classroom control.

A18640154 - Substitue Teachers

Post 3


good point thanks for that tip.
and no i do not go to a private school, i go to a public school in a big county. And it is not a great school either.

A18640154 - Substitue Teachers

Post 4


I think the atmosphere depends allot on the pupils - possibly more than the teacher.

Also 'I have to things to say' should be twosmiley - smiley

A18640154 - Substitue Teachers

Post 5



A18640154 - Substitue Teachers

Post 6


In my experience all my substitute teachers have had a hard time of it.

A18640154 - Substitue Teachers

Post 7


you could say something about permanent substitute teachers in a school.

In our school we have alcs or Assistant Learning Coordinators. We’re not really sure what they do, or if there qualified as teachers, but they cover lessons regularly. They often seam to do more to disrupt the lesson than keep a calm working environment.

Also we have one permanent supply teacher who is insured to take lessons like PE and drama

A18640154 - Substitue Teachers

Post 8


I had a sub that had no dicipline problems, probably bec she never tried to keep any. She distributed sheets of optical illusions and crayons, and we spent the whole period having fun with them. The principal wasn't happy, though. Said we should be learning. She disappeared soon, and we got a series of subs to torment.

A18640154 - Substitue Teachers

Post 9


i was thinking of adding that. mainly because i am right now dealing with one in one of my classes.

A18640154 - Substitue Teachers

Post 10


A few observations:

1) I am trying to think of a sub I have seen who has been in control of a lesson and, off the top of my head, I can't. As a teaching assistant I used to dread going into to lessons where the usual teacher is away. Incidentally, learning coordinators are probably just teaching assitants covering lessons so they probably aren't qualified and aren't very well paid either.

2) If the regular teacher is good, subs have a decent chance because the class is more likely to be well drilled. A sub who is in any way foriegn is likely doomed because the kids will not get past their funny name or amusing accent, or worse, they will not understand what they are saying. Subs who are in school all the time work better because they know the rules and more likely to kids.

3) Teachers, in my experience, hat subs because they dread the mess that will need clearing up when they get back and work they have left that will not have been done.

4) You probably need to take out the first person references (me, myself, I) because that's not the format they like in the EG.

This is is very good, it's a shame the workshop seems to be moving a little slowly right now.

A18640154 - Substitue Teachers

Post 11


Over a year since the author has posted, propose a move to the Flea Market for this Entry smiley - smiley


A18640154 - Substitue Teachers

Post 12



smiley - panda

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